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Super Mario's Wacky Worlds sprite rips and tilesets


Hey folks, long time lurker on here. I have wanted to recreate Super Mario's Wacky Worlds, the unreleased sequel to Super Mario World on the Philips CD-i, for a number of years, but I have been hindered by a lack of available sprites. I finally decided to just rip all the sprites myself, starting with this tileset here.

Over the next few days I'll be posting more tilesets as they're completed. I know nothing of Lunar Magic, so I would appreciate if someone could convert these tilesets into something Lunar Magic can use, and let me know if there are any problems so that I can modify the tilesets as necessary.

You could try SnesGFX to convert the tiles into an usable format for SMW. That tool will attempt to convert a PNG you give it into ExGFX files, a palette, and a Map16 page of actual tiles.

First though, you'll probably want to do some pre-editing on that image to make it convert a little better. I recommend separating the image into a few smalller ones based on how you want to group the graphics (e.g. putting the two backgrounds there into their own files). Then, align the graphics to a grid of 8x8 tiles. Finally, open the PNG file with that tool, set the format to 4BPP SNES, and check the "split" box for 4KiB files. When you save, it'll attempt to generate all the necessary files as best it can. It may not be perfect though, and you may have to do some adjustments manually (you can check the FAQ if you want to learn how to insert and modify graphics files).

Professional frame-by-frame time wizard. YouTube - Bluesky - SMW Glitch List - SMW Randomizer
Ciao trovo il tuo progetto interessante. Vorrei sapere se sei andato avanti col tuo jack. Buona giornata.
