Currently working on a new website. Don't expect any hopes soon. 『いけいけ団長、頑張れ頑張れ団長!』Help us raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.#ДопомагаємоРазом / #HelpTogether “Even if you personally are so dissatisfied with life that you want the world to end, surely the cruel reality is that it will continue on, unchanging. All the better for someone perfectly content, like me.”
– Aya Shameimaru, Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery
So close to a perfect outcome to me! I love Otra Era so much, but Caramel Kidney also deserved to snatch a win.
Surprisingly, the top 2 of the tourney matches my personal top 2, just swapped. But as always (I've done this one other time), I'll collect some of the non-winning songs I enjoyed the most fondly, in order of appearance, each with a category just for fun.
Also, I said this a few times already in the Discord, but a little while after I nominated Luddites and Lambs, Everything Everything decided to release a whole lot of their lost songs officially... which means a non-choppy version of that song became avaliable not too long after it got eliminated.
I still stand by it being an extremely good song (I know its poor quality played at least a small role when it lost, although it was in a pretty stacked set). If you think it deserves your final listen, now in better quality, give it a shot!
My favorite songs from this tourney (excluding my own nominations):
I had a lot of fun with this tourney and was able to discover a lot of amazing new songs and artists through it so thank you to all of you!
i liked gazele and prism and move youre feet and xnor xnor xnor. can we begin another tourney already
Good tourney! I'm not sad that none of my nominations passed, but I ultimately enjoyed a lot of songs and artists that were presented, so thank you all!
Looking forward to another tourney!Você sempre alegre e eu sem razão
Estou dividido entre o amor e a paixão
Congrats to the winners and their nominated songs! This year's tourney was lots of fun, as always. And with it came lots of more great music to listen to! I'm glad that I was able to stick around for most of it.