Yes, finally, after two fucking years of working with this game, it is "done" and done is in quotes for a reason.
Until Keytastrophe, this hack has pretty much consumed 80% of my free time. It started as me being stupid and learning how to use the program, but after advice from Golden Yoshi (who I have to thank so damn much for all his help along the way, and beta testing absolutely everything) it turned into this.
Basically, this hack is done. Now, I use basically lightly. Extra 3 4 5 and 6 are incomplete, and that is it. Everything else is done, but I lost motivation for this hack. Big time. I call it complete though, because 1-1 to 6-8 is done.
There are probably still a plethora of minor glitches, but after playing through it six million times, there is nothing game breaking, except a part in 4-3 where you can't get 100 points. This happened because my Welcome level and 4-3 intertwined their data and corrupted each other - so I got to pick which one worked. >_>
I am proud of how this turned out - I am proud to call it the second completed Yoshi's Island hack ever. To be honest, I don't care if anyone else is proud, because this is a personal achievement for me, and I'm quite happy to say so. For those who have been waiting years for this .. here is the link you have wanted:
Kamek's Revenge.ips
Note: Bugfix version available, see this thread for details.
-50 brand spanking new levels, ranging from easy difficulty to pretty damn hard difficulty.
-Lengthly levels, ranging from 5 minutes to half an hour (there are plenty of mid-rings, but you can use save states I guess if you get stuck badly)
-The first Yoshi's Island hack to ever have ExGFX, so to speak. All the level icons are edited, and most sprites have slight GFX edits.
-Some slightly tweaked music, but again, that's another thing I lost motivation on.
-And more stuff which I don't remember.
So yeah .. enjoy what's here anyway. Please don't post glitches here, since this is the last time I'll be working with this hack. However, if there is something absolutely devastating that you absolutely CANNOT continue on, then I will fix it I guess.
Instead of screenshots, I'll link the three movies I posted earlier to give a sample of what to expect:
So that's all. Thank you to everyone who has supported me for the last two years, and I hope you all enjoy this. Kudos to those who beat it!
Until Keytastrophe, this hack has pretty much consumed 80% of my free time. It started as me being stupid and learning how to use the program, but after advice from Golden Yoshi (who I have to thank so damn much for all his help along the way, and beta testing absolutely everything) it turned into this.
Basically, this hack is done. Now, I use basically lightly. Extra 3 4 5 and 6 are incomplete, and that is it. Everything else is done, but I lost motivation for this hack. Big time. I call it complete though, because 1-1 to 6-8 is done.
There are probably still a plethora of minor glitches, but after playing through it six million times, there is nothing game breaking, except a part in 4-3 where you can't get 100 points. This happened because my Welcome level and 4-3 intertwined their data and corrupted each other - so I got to pick which one worked. >_>
I am proud of how this turned out - I am proud to call it the second completed Yoshi's Island hack ever. To be honest, I don't care if anyone else is proud, because this is a personal achievement for me, and I'm quite happy to say so. For those who have been waiting years for this .. here is the link you have wanted:
Kamek's Revenge.ips
Note: Bugfix version available, see this thread for details.
-50 brand spanking new levels, ranging from easy difficulty to pretty damn hard difficulty.
-Lengthly levels, ranging from 5 minutes to half an hour (there are plenty of mid-rings, but you can use save states I guess if you get stuck badly)
-The first Yoshi's Island hack to ever have ExGFX, so to speak. All the level icons are edited, and most sprites have slight GFX edits.
-Some slightly tweaked music, but again, that's another thing I lost motivation on.
-And more stuff which I don't remember.
So yeah .. enjoy what's here anyway. Please don't post glitches here, since this is the last time I'll be working with this hack. However, if there is something absolutely devastating that you absolutely CANNOT continue on, then I will fix it I guess.
Instead of screenshots, I'll link the three movies I posted earlier to give a sample of what to expect:
So that's all. Thank you to everyone who has supported me for the last two years, and I hope you all enjoy this. Kudos to those who beat it!