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Super Mario World - The Quiz

Super Mario WorldMiscellaneous

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If you want to participate yet you just have got a new chance for that! Go check the newcomers announce here!

The logo looks better now, don't it?

Hey everyone! It's time to announce my entry for the C3! It's not a hack, it's not asm, it's not GFX, it's not .spc. It's a fantastic quiz with 30 questions to test your Super Mario World knowledge at all, with varied questions about the easiest or hardest things about the game we all love!

How It Works?

It's a very simple way the quiz gets: you see the questions, get one alternative you think is the correct one, set a list with your alternatives for all questions and send me a PM with them!

Why Should I Try This Quiz?

If you want to test you Super Mario World knowledge as I said! But don't try the quiz if you don't aim having fun!

What Is My Prize?

It's about how good you will get! So if you get a good position, as 1st, 2st or 3st, you will get a special humble trophy made by me, that is just a very smart and brainiac Mario head!

Trophy Previews

Below there's the preview with each trophy, being 1st placed trophy, 2st placed, 3st placed and other participant trophies, respectively.

Goldened Trophy ; Silver Trophy ; Bronze Trophy ; Participant Trophy

So weird, huh?

These previews include a P watermark to avoid someone download a trophy file and claims he got some high position!

So when the results turn up, I'll PM each trophy image file for each placed participant but without the P watermark!

But How The Trophies Work?

They're just small image files that will be given to each participant by PM after the results! So it's just a simple honor image you can get. So, for example, you can set the trophy image file on your User Bio or Layout to show you have participated or even won SMWTQ!

But Wait, 30 QUESTIONS?

If you're not able to answer all 30 questions, you can send the amount of questions you could answer under time! No problem but it will decrease your winning potential!

Is There A Time Limit?

Of course! When the C3 time gets gone!

And The Berries?

Oh, I have missed that!

Beyond the trophies, I also will provide 1 berrie for the 1st placed! The 2st placed also will get 1 berrie and the 3st placed will get a chance of winning one berrie by answering a special question correctly!

Can I Cheat?

Of course, because I can't control if the participants go cheat or not! But if you're going to cheat just know you're a big loser, 'cause winners don't cheat!

Final Considerations

The questions of the quiz will just appear here below soon, so please wait a bit! You just need to look the questions and alternatives, then PM me your answers!

After all entries I'll publish here a list with all participants and winners!

And there's a difficult line for the questions, where the 10 first questions are the easiest ones, the middle 10 questions are normal to hard and the last 10 questions are the hardest ones!

Click here to see the questions post!

Mario ManiaPub Quest For RR (PQFRR)Hammereview
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
The logo looks fine although the mario brain looks weird
Originally posted by PepsiLover22
The logo looks fine although the mario brain looks weird
Ok so, I can improve it soon!
Mario ManiaPub Quest For RR (PQFRR)Hammereview
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
Hey guys! Time for the...

10 First Quiz Questions!

Difficult: Easy to Normal

So let's start!

1) When Super Mario World was firstly released?

a. 1990
b. 1993
c. 1989
d. 1991
e. 1992

2) Who is Super Mario World main characters?

a. Yoshi and Mario
b. Luigi and Mario
c. Toad and Mario
d. Peach and Daisy
e. Bowser and Mario

3) Who is Super Mario World main villain?

a. Yoshi
b. Mario
c. Toad
d. Peach
e. Bowser

4) How many worlds Super Mario World has?

a. 8
b. 9
c. 7
d. 5
e. 4

5) Which feature Super Mario World doesn't introduce?

a. Item box
b. Koopalings
c. Yoshi
d. Cape feather
e. Urchins

6) How many exits Super Mario World has?

a. 52
b. 75
c. 69
d. 96
e. 100

7) What is the name of this enemie?

a. Fuzzball
b. Rip Van Fish
c. Lil Sparky
d. Diggin’ Chuck
e. Hothead

8) Which is Super Mario World introduction message?

a. “Welcome! This is Mushroom Kingdom. In this magic realm we find that Bowser kidnapped Princess Toadstool again! Now Mario needs to rescue her!”
b. “Welcome! This is Yoshi’s Island. In this strange land we find that Princess Peach is missing again! Looks like Bowser is at it again!"
c. “Welcome! This is Dinosaur Land. In this strange land we find that Princess Toadstool is missing again! Looks like Bowser is at it again!”
d. “Welcome! This is Dinosaur Land. In this strange kingdom ruled by Yoshis we find that Bowser kidnapped Princess Peach once more! Mario now needs to rescue her!”
e. “Welcome! This is Dinosaur Realm. In this weird place we realized Peach is gone! Looks like Bowser is at it again!"

9) Which theme fits better the Dinosaur Land?

a. Prehistoric
b. Futuristic
c. Utopian
d. Post-Apocalyptic
e. Underwater

10) How Mario beats Wendy O. Koopa’s castle in the cutscene after defeat her?

a. He explodes the castle.
b. He smashes the castle by jumping on it.
c. He wipes the castle.
d. He crushes the castle with a hammer.
e. He tries to explode the castle, but instead the castle turns into a rocket and hurts the background hill.

That's easy, huh? So let's improve it a bit with...

10 Middle Quiz Questions!

Difficult: Normal to Hard

Let's start again!

11) What is the song featured in level 'Forest of Illusion 3' and what is the background (BG) shade?

a. Song: Here We Go ; BG Shade: Black
b. Song: Piano ; BG Shade: Light Green
c. Song: Here We Go ; BG Shade: Dark Green
d. Song: Here We Go ; BG Shade: Yellow
e. Song: Piano ; BG Shade: Black

12) It's possible to pass by a normal galoomba (or goomba if you prefer this way) without getting hurt?

a. Yes
b. No

13) Which is the level played on title screen?

a. Tubular
b. Yoshi's Island 1
c. Groovy
d. Chocolate Island 5
e. Outrageous

14) Which enemie is unbeatable?

a. Grinder
b. Fire Snake
c. Disappearing Boo Buddy
d. Porcupuffer
e. Monty Mole

15) What level fits the message below?

-POINT OF ADVICE- This gate marks the middle of this area. By cutting the tape here, you can continue from close to this point.

a. Yoshi's Island 2
b. Yoshi's Island 1
c. #1 Iggy's Castle
d. Chocolate Island 2
e. Donut Secret 2

16) How to get a 1up by the green bonus block?

a. By beating 30 enemies.
b. By collecting 30 coins.
c. By hitting the block before time reaches 150 seconds.
d. By hitting the block with a koopa shell.
e. By hitting the block on top of a Yoshi.

17) How is called the beta overworld sprite that fits a blue bird?

a. Lakitu
b. Blue Jay
c. Blue Cager
d. Flyin' Finch
e. Free Bird

18) Super Mario World has 7 koopaling battles, where there's a truly similarity between 2 koopalings each, except by Ludwig Von Koopa. But which are the similar koopaling battles?

a. Iggy = Morton ; Wendy = Roy ; Larry = Lemmy
b. Larry = Roy ; Iggy = Wendy ; Morton = Lemmy
c. Roy = Iggy ; Larry = Morton ; Wendy = Lemmy
d. Iggy = Larry ; Morton = Wendy ; Lemmy = Roy
e. Iggy = Larry ; Morton = Roy ; Wendy = Lemmy

19) What screenshot below contains a custom stuff different from original Super Mario World?

*Also, if you explain me what's the custom stuff here correctly you can get 2 points instead of 1 point*


20) What cheat makes Mario starts with 99 lives?

a. 07ED-AFDF
c. 5332-6DAD
d. 31B7-6F07
e. 14B4-6F07

If you still think it's so goofy and easy, so let's try...

The 10 Last Quiz Questions!

Difficult: Hard to IMPOSSIBLE

Let's go dinner in hell!

21) What name is not featuring the credits of Super Mario World?

a. Eiji Noto
b. Takashi Tesuka
c. Tatsunaty Nomoto
d. Shigeru Miyamoto
e. Yoichi Kotabe

22) What is the color sequence of the birds in Yoshi's House tree, respectively?

a. Yellow, Blue, Red, Green
b. Blue, Green, Yellow, Red
c. Yellow, Red, Green, Blue
d. Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
e. Green, Yellow, Red, Blue

23) What level is this screenshot from?

a. Soda Lake
b. Donut Plains 2
c. Butter Bridge 1
d. Cookie Mountain
e. Chocolate Island 5

24) How the game refers to Peach after Mario defeats Bowser?

a. Princess Peach
b. Princess Toadstool
c. The Princess
d. Princess of Mushroom Kindgom
e. The Sweet Princess

25) Does Super Mario World use a sprite in Switch Palace rooms?

a. Yes
b. No

26) What enemie appears on top of a gray pipe in the first screen of enemie names presentation cutscenes?

a. A Rex
b. A Spiny
c. A Goomba
d. A Chargin' Chuck
e. A Sumo Brother

27) What is the color of the overworld Bowser cave entry eyes?

a. Red
b. White
c. Blue
d. Yellow
e. Green

28) What are the changing colors used in the 'Bowser' plate in Valley of Bowser overworld?

a. Dark blue, light blue, green, red, dark yellow and light yellow.
b. Dark blue, light blue, pink, gray, dark yellow and light yellow.
c. Dark pink, light pink, gray, red, yellow and blue.
d. Dark yellow, light yellow, red, green, blue and pink.
e. Dark red, light red, pink, blue and gray.

29) How many coins there's in the Yellow Switch Palace bonus room?

a. 470 coins
b. 506 coins
c. 190 coins
d. 278 coins
e. 1000 coins

Oh! You really reached here? Ok, so it's time of answering the LAST QUESTION!

30) This probably is the easiest question of the entire quiz.

+ = ?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

That is guys! Thanks for everyone who is going to participate and those who already sent me PM's with answers! If you have some doubt about the quiz you can tell me!
Mario ManiaPub Quest For RR (PQFRR)Hammereview
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
But it's too easy. C'mon, many of us are SMWfreaks!
I sent my answers via PM.

Added the 10 middle questions guys!
Mario ManiaPub Quest For RR (PQFRR)Hammereview
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
For question 12, don't you mean galoomba? Most people don't know those are the goomba replacements.
Also, question 12 is weird. You mean it's possible if you pass through like normal or if it's stomped.

Ok, I'll add the galoomba name!

About the possibility, I mean if the player pass by it like normal.
Mario ManiaPub Quest For RR (PQFRR)Hammereview
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
I send your answers via PM.

I'll send my answers via PM soon, but I need to get my doubts out of the way first:

Originally posted by Hammerer
What screenshot below contains a custom stuff different from original Super Mario World?

I don't get it (language barrier maybe). Do you mean which image contains something that showed up in one level only?
Originally posted by Katerpie
I'll send my answers via PM soon, but I need to get my doubts out of the way first:

Originally posted by Hammerer
What screenshot below contains a custom stuff different from original Super Mario World?

I don't get it (language barrier maybe). Do you mean which image contains something that showed up in one level only?
No, I mean what screenshot has a modifing about the original game, that means a custom stuff that is not featuring in the unmodified and original game!
Mario ManiaPub Quest For RR (PQFRR)Hammereview
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
I sent all the answers in your PM. It took me a while to remember questions 11-20 #smw{...}

Last 10 questions now available guys!
Mario ManiaPub Quest For RR (PQFRR)Hammereview
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
In question 21, some names are written a bit wrong. Was that intentional?

Originally posted by Rykon-V73
In question 21, some names are written a bit wrong. Was that intentional?
These names are not wrong, it's just the names of the japanese creators of SMW!
Mario ManiaPub Quest For RR (PQFRR)Hammereview
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
The last question is math... I never liked math but I have no choice #smw{x_x}

Originally posted by Hammerer
Originally posted by Rykon-V73
In question 21, some names are written a bit wrong. Was that intentional?
These names are not wrong, it's just the names of the japanese creators of SMW!

Did you check this? Click
Edit: Nevermind. I sent you final answers via PM.

I sent it to you by email, I answered them all without cheating, although I don't have the slightest idea of ​​the answer to the thirty
Guys, the logo has been reworked and looks better now! I also will rework on the brainiac Mario and its trophies! I'll include previews of the trophies but with watermark to avoid someone download it and claims that he got the trophie!

Oh, and if someone wants to see the old logo it's here:

Mario ManiaPub Quest For RR (PQFRR)Hammereview
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
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Super Mario WorldMiscellaneous