(this is possibly the last time I'll have something to advertise related to APFAS).
A Plumber For All Seasons has an amazing original soundtrack that I can't thank people enough for making.
There are a few videos of the OST on Youtube, but I kind of wanted to make my own - so a few weeks ago, I did!
The gimmick here is that all the songs are visualized by an image from APFAS, and also by an animated piano roll where the notes fall onto the keys (like Synthesia, if you've heard of that). That's something I find surprisingly engaging to watch.
It's made possible by nununoisy's spc-presenter tool, which can generate videos like that from SPC files. I actually modified the source code and re-built the tool myself to get the output to look the way I want: piano keys at the bottom, wider keys, different default note colors. (I still had to use a video editor to get the notes to sync up with the keys in their new position.)
Because this video was made quite a bit later than the other OST videos out there, it's also the first one to include the song "Mansion of Mrs. Gloom" by Torchkas, which work started on during the development of the hack but which was only inserted into the hack in version 2021-11-06 (four months after the hack's initial release).

A Plumber For All Seasons has an amazing original soundtrack that I can't thank people enough for making.

The gimmick here is that all the songs are visualized by an image from APFAS, and also by an animated piano roll where the notes fall onto the keys (like Synthesia, if you've heard of that). That's something I find surprisingly engaging to watch.
It's made possible by nununoisy's spc-presenter tool, which can generate videos like that from SPC files. I actually modified the source code and re-built the tool myself to get the output to look the way I want: piano keys at the bottom, wider keys, different default note colors. (I still had to use a video editor to get the notes to sync up with the keys in their new position.)
Because this video was made quite a bit later than the other OST videos out there, it's also the first one to include the song "Mansion of Mrs. Gloom" by Torchkas, which work started on during the development of the hack but which was only inserted into the hack in version 2021-11-06 (four months after the hack's initial release).