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A Plumber For All Seasons - Original Soundtrack (Piano Roll Visualizer) 🌷☀️🍂❄️ 🎵🎹🎼

Super Mario WorldSoundtrackVideos

(this is possibly the last time I'll have something to advertise related to APFAS).

A Plumber For All Seasons has an amazing original soundtrack that I can't thank people enough for making. #w{<3} There are a few videos of the OST on Youtube, but I kind of wanted to make my own - so a few weeks ago, I did!

The gimmick here is that all the songs are visualized by an image from APFAS, and also by an animated piano roll where the notes fall onto the keys (like Synthesia, if you've heard of that). That's something I find surprisingly engaging to watch.

It's made possible by nununoisy's spc-presenter tool, which can generate videos like that from SPC files. I actually modified the source code and re-built the tool myself to get the output to look the way I want: piano keys at the bottom, wider keys, different default note colors. (I still had to use a video editor to get the notes to sync up with the keys in their new position.)

Because this video was made quite a bit later than the other OST videos out there, it's also the first one to include the song "Mansion of Mrs. Gloom" by Torchkas, which work started on during the development of the hack but which was only inserted into the hack in version 2021-11-06 (four months after the hack's initial release).



"So how many threads do you plan to create for C3?"
WYE: "Yes."

Joke aside, it's incredible how much effort can go even into a seemingly simple thing like "releasing a soundtrack". If you hadn't mentioned it, I would've never thought you even had to recompile an application just to get the output you want.

Well, what should I say. The APFAS (always reminds me of "Apfel") soundtrack has always been a banger, and this definitely isn't the worst way to listen to it. So I'd say your extra effort was well worth it!
Feel free to visit my website/blog - it's updated rarely, but it looks pretty cool!
Listening to the soundtrack, it's quite a pity that not the whole soundtrack (Seasonal Swimming, Blind Smuir, Breakbeat Darkness, The End Of, Seasons Passed) has been released on SMWC (incidentally, two of them are by inactive users).

Either way, it's definitively interesting to see how an SPC player looks like as a piano roll even if some stuff are abstracted out a bit (considering the way how vibrato and pitch slides are visualised).
Originally posted by RPG Hacker
"So how many threads do you plan to create for C3?"
WYE: "Yes."

Compensating for last time where I had nothing to show but a photo of a sunset. #ab{^^;;;} (sunsets are very cool though)

Originally posted by RPG Hacker
Joke aside, it's incredible how much effort can go even into a seemingly simple thing like "releasing a soundtrack". If you hadn't mentioned it, I would've never thought you even had to recompile an application just to get the output you want.

I thought it was going to be a pretty easy thing (and code-wise, it kind of was), but man, you don't want to know how many libs and dlls and build tools and error messages I've had to mess with. #tb{''}

Originally posted by RPG Hacker
APFAS (always reminds me of "Apfel")

same honestly


Super Mario WorldSoundtrackVideos