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Super Famicompo 6 - RESULTS


We're back once again folks, for the 6th iteration of everyone's favorite SNES music competition! Super Famicompo is an open competition for SNES music of all kinds. The Challenge category makes its return again, for a total of 3 categories once more (and as usual, you can submit as many entries as you would like to each)!


This category is for anything in the realm of covers. Covers of game music, non-game music, whatever you want, as long as it is a cover of something.

This category is for original songs of any kind. Anything goes as long as it's original work.

Entries to this category must follow a specific rule set by myself. The challenge this time is:
  • Port or compose a song using ONLY samples from Earthbound! You must use the sample pack available HERE. You may use as many or as few as you like, but nothing outside of this pack, which also means NO vanilla SMW samples. You may NOT alter the samples in any way.

  • All content must be made for this competition. You're free to finish up an unreleased old song or whatever, but if material has been previously released in any form, it may not be submitted. It follows, of course, that you may not upload somebody else's work (excluding collabs - see below).
  • Your submissions must be kept anonymous and must not be revealed until results are posted. You should avoid putting identifying information in SPC tags, but I will strip tags before voting begins anyway.
  • [Updated this year] You may collaborate with any number of partners on any given submission. If you choose to do so, tell me as such when you submit.
  • You may use any tool that generates SPC/SFC output, as long as it is not a tool that converts directly from source to MML (in the case of covers). This means no SPC2MML, nintspc, etc. Examples of tools that are allowed are AddmusicK, AddmusicKFF, AddmusicFR, C700, SNESGSS, IT2AMK, PetiteMM, SNESMOD, XMSNES, and so on.
  • For the cover category, please refrain from submitting 1-to-1 ports of existing SNES songs. While it may be technically impressive if you transcribe a complex Tim Follin song to MML, the SPC output is all that matters here, and a 1-to-1 port is not distinguishable as a "cover". You are of course still allowed to cover SNES songs in your own way.
  • Joke and/or low-effort entries are allowed, but please be reasonable. Any entry that contains slurs or is otherwise offensive or breaks site rules in any way will result in total disqualification and an immediate site ban.


All entries should be sent to me directly via PM on SMWCentral (this account), or by DM on Discord (username "sincx"), or by email to superfamicompo (at) gmail (dot) com. All you should submit is either an SPC file or SFC file (either an audio file or a ROM file). In addition, for the challenge category, please also include a list of the samples you used from the pack. If you choose to submit SFC, there is a size limit of 2MB, and it MUST be your own content, that is, it must not contain any copyrighted material - no Super Mario World ROMs or anything like that. All ROM submissions will (attempt to) be made into BPS patches for Super Mario World before voting begins, regardless of content; I will handle this part, so you are free to submit as you normally would. Please do not upload these files to your file bin - either use an external service or send them via Discord. You must also tell me which category you are submitting to, and if it's a cover, you must include the name of the original song and game/source media (if applicable). If you go by multiple names/aliases, or wish to submit under a pseudonym, please let me know which name you want to be displayed for that entry in the results. You can submit as many times as you want and whenever you want for as long as the submission period is open. There is no cap whatsoever on the number of entries.


There will be SMWCentral trophies available to the top 3 in each category, as well as participation trophies to the rest, for those who have an account at the time of results. If you don't have an account at the time of results, you will not receive a trophy. Note that if your account is brown-banned on SMWCentral, you will not be eligible for SMWCentral-related prizes (but you can still enter).

The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, August 13th Thursday, August 22nd at 21:59:59 ET / 00:59:59 UTC. Feel free to discuss things in this thread, or join the Discord server at Have fun!

PS: i'll be back soon as possible

Very excited for this iteration, both regarding my own plans and looking forward to everyone elses. I hope people take advantage of the collab rule as much as possible, for better or worse.
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#thp{O_O1}i hope i get second-to-last place this time

Keep your spirits high, and your noodle sweaty!
The deadline has been officially extended until Thursday, August 22nd.
soundcloud / bandcamp / twitter / youtube / vgm album
the deadline has now passed; look forward to voting, coming soon-ish!

As usual, voting will be done through a Google Form. Instructions below:

For each entry, please give a score from 0 to 100, and you can optionally write comments and/or provide a guess for who you think made each cover/song. You can leave fields blank, and may edit your votes at any time before the voting period ends. Keep comments friendly; if you have criticism, ensure it is constructive and not simply rude and/or mean. And of course, please avoid the use of slurs or otherwise offensive/hateful speech (there will be ZERO tolerance for this - your votes will simply be deleted and ignored).

You do not have to fill out every field for every entry. You may leave comments on your own entry, but any score will be ignored.

Each category is grouped into pages of songs, to avoid having one giant page to scroll through. You can move back and forth between pages at will.

NOTE: You must submit the form to save your votes. You can come back at anytime to edit them, as long as you are using the same Google account.

The voting form is HERE, and the entries are HERE (mirror).

Tags have been cleaned up, reorganized, and/or removed for consistency.

  • A small handful of entries - those submitted as ROM files - are available as both BPS patches and MP3 files, to comply with SMWCentral's ROM policies. The BPS files can be applied to a clean Super Mario World ROM to return the original file; the MP3 files are simply recordings of the ROM output for ease of listening. You only need patch the BPS if you are interested in the original file.

There will also be exclusive trophies for any user that votes on every single entry, as well as a distinct one for any user who leaves thorough and thoughtful comments [within reason; joke comments/shitposts/etc will obviously not count, but you don't need to write paragraphs for everything either] on every single entry! You need a SMW Central account by the time of results to qualify for a trophy. Note that your own entries are excluded from this.

The voting deadline is Sunday, October 6th, 23:59 UTC. There are 69 total entries (nice) so make sure you give yourself plenty of time to vote!

With that all out of the way - have fun listening to all the entries, best of luck to all the entrants, and let the voting begin!
It may have been a smaller competition this year, but that doesn't make the results any less exciting! Here we go!



In 3rd place:
Argonfunk, with Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan DS - over the starbow (Cover22), and a score of 86.21/100!

In 2nd place:
 icrawfish, with Octopath Traveler - Therion, the Thief (Cover19), and a score of 86.71/100!

And in 1st place:
Argonfunk, with Bean Dreams - Fun Factory (Cover13), and a score of 87.79/100!


In 3rd place:
 Archbishop Weeble-Wobble &  bebn legg, with Neptune Illuminates the Sea (Original05), and a score of 84.20/100!

In 2nd place:
 icrawfish &  Archbishop Weeble-Wobble, with Factorial Subterfugue (Original17), and a score of 84.71/100!

And in 1st place:
 bebn legg &  icrawfish, with The Red Thread of Fate Leads to Revolutionary Souvenirs ~ Rainbow Ornament (Original10), and a score of 86.14/100!


In 3rd place:
Jimmy, with Laufey - From the Start (Challenge06), and a score of 83.15/100!

In 2nd place:
 Ahrion, with Breath of Fire III - Turning Point (Challenge15), and a score of 84.15/100!

And in 1st place:
Pinci, with the untitled song that was Challenge07, and a score of 85.21/100!


Thanks once again to all entrants and voters! Trophies should be handed out shortly. I look forward to seeing you again next year!
Originally posted by SweatyNoodle
i hope i get second-to-last place this time


Keep your spirits high, and your noodle sweaty!
What a great contest this was this year. I always enjoy listenning to the incredible capacities this community as to offer in terms of music. I think i've never put so much perfect score before. Great job to everybody who participated!
Yup! Here I am again, and this time I managed to cram four channels into one voice for non-interpolated playback! Yeah... the results weren't too good given that the sample rate took quite a nosedive, but still, I managed to pull it off.

See you next time for more crazy experiments from me!
thank you for the comments & criticism! my intention was to be bold with the vanilla samples with mixed results, but overall i'm happy to have something out for the contest. plus, if more folks have gone searching for the original song, then my work here is done 🫡

cheers to everyone who participated 🎉
Top 3?? Yippee! Congratulations everyone! #tb{^V^}
SFC6 was crazy! So many wonderful pieces were entered in. I found the challenge category particularly incredible this year.

It was a joy to have the chance to work with both  icrawfish and  bebn legg in the originals category - I am beyond pleased with the music we cooked up. I happened to start off both of the original pieces, and then with the help of Bebn's music skills + unsampled sorcery and Crawfish's out-of-this-worldly (get it cuz space? bwahah) ability to make a groove, both of the pieces were brought to life.
Couldn't have done it without these wizards, so big shoutouts to them.

I'm also happy I managed to fit in a solo challenge piece before the deadline! It was composed fairly quickly, and could use some improvements for sure, but hey that's part of song writing! It was great to get feedback from listeners.
Check this out:
i]italics baby</i>

Wow! So many plot twists I couldn't have predicted with these authors and their placements. I'll go in order of category:

I am really shocked that Therion's Theme made it all the way to 2nd place, since it was the very first song I made for the contest. I am extremely satisfied with how it turned out, though, much more so than the other Octopath tune even, and I think that shows in their placement. I have no choice but to give a shoutout to the 10-submission man, the ever-true  Segment1Zone2, for joining me for a collab, this time stepping out of our usual zone to try a remix together; I had a lot of fun playing my saxophone for this one. Shoutouts also to Argonfunk for enclosing me with your 1st and 3rd place entries; they were both worthy contenders.

Wow. Just wow. Podium collab triangle?! I was expecting one of the entries to get up there, but not both of mine and their collab as well! Needless to say I am very humored by the occasion, and humbled to be standing on the podium with my fellow compatriots here. Big ups to  bebn legg and  Archbishop Weeble-Wobble for entertaining my whimsy and making some amazing collaborations with me on both fronts, not to mention their own shared collab that I fell in love with.

This category mostly felt like a reminder of the greats who came before me, and the heights I need to push for to get better from here. (not to call all the podium users old, haha). The renowned Idol 9 winner Jimmy, the esteemed Super Famicompo 2 Originals winner Pinci, and the beloved and consistent SFC medalist  Ahrion, all showing up with amazing work that took the theme and made it their own. Having rushed my own entry and failed to port it in time, resorting instead to a .bps submission, I am forced to bow before their good work and take note.

At the same time, though, I want to give credence to all the others: there was an INSANE bar of quality in the challenge category, such that most of the lower-seated entries could've easily placed higher had they been in a more typical set of submissions. That goes to show how we're all growing, I suppose, and I can only hope that spells good things not just for me as I try to work on my weaknesses as a musician and improve, but for all of you as well. Hopefully we can find ourselves here again next year eager to take on the gauntlet once more!
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Heh, ngl, I'm pretty happy with 8th place honestly, especially with how stacked the originals category were this time and with this being my first foray into a original choon in one of these SFC events, and honestly my most complex and full-fledged composition so far; obviously though I doubt I could've done much without brickblock helping me out anyway, since he was pretty much the one who helped bring the second half of the compo to life, and in turn inspire both of us to take this further than it would've otherwise, cuz man was I kinda struggling to take that compo further than that intro section... Hell, I even ended up coming up with a pretty cool melody that blended well with brickblock's after thinking about it and then recording it on my phone so I don't end up forgetting (which happens a lot btw and I fuckin' hate it so much #smrpg{roar}), and in general it was very fun to try and riff off of each other and get this done, would definitely do this again for sure haha
Tbh even if I ended being last, it was still a lot of fun to participate
I had a little bit of last minute voting on this one, so did not have time to give any comments. I was overall very impressed with the quality of the entries. Especially the original category was very good. The technical wizardry entries from  KungFuFurby were also really cool.

I think my own entries did very well for what they were. It was fun to play around with the Earthbound samples. I think my idea of creating the idea of diving in and out of the water using the water sample and echo came out pretty well, but after that I ran out of ideas for the rest of the song, so yeah...
#thp{O_O1}im gonna win next year (:<

Keep your spirits high, and your noodle sweaty!