Finally have some time to make a post -What an incredible hack, this was really fun to play through. I really like how well it gets the IWBTG feel across and I especially love the moving fruit.
The physics themselves took a while to get used to for me, especially low jumps felt quite different from IWBTG
which I found very noticeable at the first and last jumps of the needle screen
You also still have slowfall when holding a jump button which regular IWBTG does not have, making this a slightly strange mix of Fangame and SMW physics, I'd be curious to know how people that aren't familiar with SMW physics feel about that. Personally I kind of like having some SMW still in there.
I found
one secret on the very first screen,
, but I kind of wish
it had given me something more for beating it, maybe a secret item/collectible, only getting a portrait didn't really feel worth it in the end considering how difficult it was compared to the other platforming
(probably didn't help that it was the first thing I did before I got used to the physics though)
I haven't found any other but from what I understand there is more, so I'll probably try to find those when I have some time next weekend. (If you want to say, how many things are there to find?)
In a full hack I would love to see hidden items that maybe unlock an extra stage similar to how many Fangames do it and a Room Of Transportation to go around and find them similar to the original game.
Personally I'd also love to have a dedicated restart button and a Game Over screen instead of auto-retry on death, I found myself reaching for my usual reset button constantly while playing this.
There's some minor save placement complaints I have but nothing really major, one example I remember is the first screen in the castle that has a key where you just walk right at the start and nothing else is happening.
I do very much like how well the cycles work out everywhere though, going fast, especially at
was really fun.
at the end was absolutely incredible, quite difficult and took me almost as long as the rest of the main platforming up until that point but it simply hit all the right spots for me with it's design and presentation, it almost felt like the pattern avoidance I was (not so) secretly hoping for.
can you tell I play mainly avoidance, there should be more smw pattern avoidances, 2 isn't enough
And lastly, I think one funny thing to implement would be platform jumps, those are just a core experience of the fangame physics to me that I was almost missing in this.
So yeah, I think that's all I wanted to say, really solid hack and I appreciate the change at the boss. Would absolutely love to see a full hack like this at some point, I'd definitely be back playing it.
I will also have to agree with some of the other posts: :miku: