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I Wanna Be The ROM Hack: Prototype (v1.01)

Super Mario WorldStandardKaizo/PitFull ReleaseScreenshotsVideos

Have you ever wanted to play I Wanna Be The Guy in a Mario World hack?
No? Well too bad!!!

This hack recreates the gameplay of I Wanna Be The Guy.
I tried making the physics as faithful as possible. And of course, placed many spikes and cherries.
It doesn't really focus on traps, but rather pure platforming and precision.
This is a prototype, and I'm hoping to turn this into a full fledged hack one day.

Now... are you tough enough to BE THE ROM HACK?!?!

I already watched I Wanna be the Guy and its other games with this concept alone. I know all levels are really hard to near kaizo. Your videos showcases some of that. I am keen on trying it, but I fear I might get owned by level design. Still, why not.

Even as someone who dislikes the influx of kaizo these days, I still have a soft spot for IWBtG and its fangames and clones - at least from watching others play them. Nice job!
Kinda in hibernation for a while. I hope to be back in full swing soon.
I remember when the geometry dash 2.2 update came out, which incluided the platformer mode, mano lvls inspired by that game came out. The truth is, its good to finally see a smw hack that pays tribute to it, its not my type of game but im glad it exists
+10 points for Hatsune Miku being immortal
Kirbo was here
I knew you said you were working on a SMW hack, but I didn't think you making something like this! I actually had a similar idea years ago, except I was going to focus more on the trolls rather than the gameplay feel of IWBTG.

Regardless, this looks really good! :)
My Hacks:
Mario's Strange Quest V1.6
Yoshi's Strange Quest V1.3 / V1.3.1 Beta 4.6
Mario & Yoshi's Strange Quests (2/10/2023 Build)

Other stuff:
My SMW/SMAS/SMAS+W disassembly
Yoshifanatic's Discord Server: A place for fans of my stuff and/or Yoshi to chat with others.
I hope I'm worthy of being a rom hack someday. Cool stuff #ab{:)}
I became the ROM Hack, and it was such an enjoyable experience! Very true to the ways of I Wanna Be The Guy in how it looks and feels.

The level design itself was really engaging as well, nothing felt too difficult or unfair. And of course, the inclusion of a big Hatsune Miku sprite is both impressive and appreciated by all the Hatsune Miku fans out there (myself included).

Great stuff as always Stivi, I hope this prototype gets the chance to become a full-fledged hack someday!
What is a Lunar Magic, and can I eat it?
This is the kind of Kaizo design that I'm into.
I have submitted an update to the hack after watching DGR Dave's stream and also TheBiob's feedback on his stream. The death reloading time has been shortened, and you respawn in the boss arena, instead of in the room before it.
One of the biggest things that really pulled me to IWBTG were the sudden traps that sprung from out of nowhere. I can see why you wouldn't focus on doing them, but I also feel that in some degree, it loses some of the feel that IWBTG carries. Still though, I'll give it a shot. I remember playing IWBTG and IWBTBoshi a while back and I'll tell you what, it sure brings back memories seeing this stuff. So question, boss characters, will they be showing up? Given that
Hatsune Miku
shows up in that area, I would bet that she would be the boss at the end of the area?

Only real caveats I have is that the respawn could be faster, I would think the save disks should save the player's X/Y positions to freeRAM and then have the spikes/pits/enemies all run code that load the freeRAM and send the player to those coordinates so that in a sense death is avoided but also simulates death. But at the same time that is a lot harder to do than what it sounds. Shrugs. Either way, project is super impressive and charming given how I feel about the IWBTGuy as a whole. Kudos to you, glad to see this project has made progress.

I may be misremembering, but last I saw of this project, didn't the death have blood particle clusters go everywhere or did I just fabricate that memory because it's a thing in the actual IWBTG?
This actually looks super cool! A recreation of all the IWBTG mechanics, but without the troll-y bits. I'm serious here, this actually looks really fun to play! You know, I'm not generally into super hard hacks and Kaizo stuff, but the checkpoint pacing here looks super generous, and I just like the mechanics of IWBTG, so I'd absolutely give this one a try!
Feel free to visit my website/blog - it's updated rarely, but it looks pretty cool!
Cannot believe Stivi finally did kaizo..................

Jokes aside, this is an awesome idea for the hack, and your execution of it is top-notch; I didn't even realize this was a hack at first when seeing screenshots! The gameplay has the same feel as what those YouTube videos I'd watch like 10 years ago do, but with the added bonus of being able to play with slowdown and rewinds for those of us who aren't as skilled! :)

And of course, Miku making an appearance is great too.
Originally posted by edgar
+10 points for Hatsune Miku being immortal


Finally have some time to make a post -What an incredible hack, this was really fun to play through. I really like how well it gets the IWBTG feel across and I especially love the moving fruit.

The physics themselves took a while to get used to for me, especially low jumps felt quite different from IWBTG
which I found very noticeable at the first and last jumps of the needle screen

You also still have slowfall when holding a jump button which regular IWBTG does not have, making this a slightly strange mix of Fangame and SMW physics, I'd be curious to know how people that aren't familiar with SMW physics feel about that. Personally I kind of like having some SMW still in there.

I found
one secret on the very first screen,
, but I kind of wish
it had given me something more for beating it, maybe a secret item/collectible, only getting a portrait didn't really feel worth it in the end considering how difficult it was compared to the other platforming
(probably didn't help that it was the first thing I did before I got used to the physics though)

I haven't found any other but from what I understand there is more, so I'll probably try to find those when I have some time next weekend. (If you want to say, how many things are there to find?)

In a full hack I would love to see hidden items that maybe unlock an extra stage similar to how many Fangames do it and a Room Of Transportation to go around and find them similar to the original game.

Personally I'd also love to have a dedicated restart button and a Game Over screen instead of auto-retry on death, I found myself reaching for my usual reset button constantly while playing this.

There's some minor save placement complaints I have but nothing really major, one example I remember is the first screen in the castle that has a key where you just walk right at the start and nothing else is happening.
I do very much like how well the cycles work out everywhere though, going fast, especially at
the tower/climb
was really fun.

fruit/miku boss
at the end was absolutely incredible, quite difficult and took me almost as long as the rest of the main platforming up until that point but it simply hit all the right spots for me with it's design and presentation, it almost felt like the pattern avoidance I was (not so) secretly hoping for. can you tell I play mainly avoidance, there should be more smw pattern avoidances, 2 isn't enough

And lastly, I think one funny thing to implement would be platform jumps, those are just a core experience of the fangame physics to me that I was almost missing in this.

So yeah, I think that's all I wanted to say, really solid hack and I appreciate the change at the boss. Would absolutely love to see a full hack like this at some point, I'd definitely be back playing it.

I will also have to agree with some of the other posts: :miku:
Originally posted by Skewer
I may be misremembering, but last I saw of this project, didn't the death have blood particle clusters go everywhere or did I just fabricate that memory because it's a thing in the actual IWBTG?

Yes you remember correctly. I used the lava particles for that. But sometimes they just wouldn't spawn, and I couldn't remap their graphics for some reason. I made a snappier bloodsplosion for The Kid instead.

Originally posted by TheBiob
(If you want to say, how many things are there to find?)

There are 3 secret rooms, that includes the needle room. The funny dog portrait was the intended "reward" because I saw the room as more of a gag. I made that room when I experimented with making levels with these physics. I didn't even think people would find it so easily. The other 2 secrets are just portrait rooms.

Thanks for all the feedback! I don't know when I'll begin working on a full hack, but I sure do have ideas that have been swimming around in my brain for a while.
I just gotta balance it with my main hack, which has higher priority... And also making music outside of rom hacking.

Also I've grown to like Miku a bit more now, maybe I should include vocaloids in my music haha #tb{:]}
It's pretty cool that you put I Wanna Be The Guy in Super Mario Wo[decapitates]

GAME OVER. Press 'R' to try again.

Originally posted by edgar
+10 points for Hatsune Miku being immortal

I second this!
Currently working on a new website. Don't expect any hopes soon. 『いけいけ団長、頑張れ頑張れ団長!』
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“Even if you personally are so dissatisfied with life that you want the world to end, surely the cruel reality is that it will continue on, unchanging. All the better for someone perfectly content, like me.”
Aya Shameimaru, Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery
I played I wanna be the guy many years ago and had a miserable but fun experience. Can't wait to play this one (does this hack suddenly close itself as the original game does?).
Jokes aside, I'm excited to play this hack, because IWBTG is probably one of the most difficult things I've played and particularly enjoyed.
It's been years since i played anything from IWBTG. Never could get too much into it, as a teenager i always believed it was too hard for me.
With that said however, i was pleasantly surprised by this hack. The recreation of IWBTG mechanics and physics is really well made (whether it's perfect or not, i wouldn't be the one who can tell), and the level design is very engaging in a way that feels similar to the source material, yet also different enough that makes me like it more. The bigger focus on level design rather than endless trolling is definitely welcome for me.
There are some trolls, but they're sparse enough to actually be funny

The hack has a good progression of difficulty, although i personally thought a few rooms were a bit of a difficulty spike. I had a lot of fun with most rooms, and found a few to be quite frustrating (maybe it was just me having a hard time). The
Lava rising climbing section
was probably my favorite regular level of the hack, it's really cool how
you can take a speedrun approach as everything falls into place if you go fast

And then of course, there's the
Hell Fruit / Hatsune Miku
boss. It was a really cool boss, and very impressive that you coded it by yourself! I really like the pattern avoidance approach to this even if some patterns were hard to learn and got me frustrated a bit lol. There's a lot of chances to hit the boss so the fight length is dictated by the player's performance. It's not the kind of fight you see often in SMW hacks, and it's a nice change of pace.

All in all, the whole hack took me about 2 hours, with the boss taking a little longer than the entire rest of the levels lol. It's a great hack, for sure, and i look forward to see what more can come from this in the future!
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Super Mario WorldStandardKaizo/PitFull ReleaseScreenshotsVideos