I never realized this hack was still out in the open. I can't wait to play this new sequel after so long... keep it up as soon as you can!
Thanks so much to all of you!
Originally posted by Burning Loaf
..., the only thing that bothers me is that the happy goombas are missing eyebrows they look so weird and punchable lol
Interesting point, and first time I hear about that.
While it's way too late to change that now considering they did already appear like that in TSRP2, I am going for a more "diverse" look of the NPCs this time around instead of all of them looking the same.
So it might be interesting to try that out. Thanks for the suggestion!
Originally posted by Klug
Erik showing off new Overworld sprites, Blind Devil making a new ROM hack, FPI confirms The Second Reality Project 3 isn't dead... WHAT YEAR IS IT?!
1999 I thought? ...
Originally posted by RudeGuy
Although, I gotta say... I find hedgehog hills to be kinda busy. Maybe tone down the background's colors a little?
Thanks for bringing this up! I was actually wondering about that too, but I wasn't sure if it was just me.
I figured "hey it worked in Sonic CD, so why shouldn't it work here?"
I'll try to play around with the palette a bit to set the BG a bit apart from the FG.
Originally posted by FireSeraphim
Sorry to heard about your health issues man, and I'm glad you're doing better. TSRPR and TSRP2R are my favourite smw hacks of all time and they have inspired and influenced my level design as deeply as the DKC series has. I wouldn't be the level designer I am today without your hacks to influence and inspire me, so thank you.
Thank you!
Btw, some (many) years ago you did send me a beautiful composition featuring the TSRP-theme supposed to be for a waterfall castle. You don't remember by any chance who did compose it?
I was wondering putting it up on my site under the bonus tracks-section, but I didn't wanted to do it without credits.
Originally posted by FPzero
I do feel like your older hacks are a little harder to go back to these days, ...
Yeah, they were a product of their times, and times change, no doubt about that.
It will be interesting for me as well - my previous hacks mostly featured stuff from 2002-2006, so TSRP3 will be the first hack since then featuring "new" stuff.
Originally posted by Fostelif
Extremely glad to see progress on TSRP3 is still a thing. Apparently the theme of this C3 is "old people coming back into the spotlight"; the layout must have been a sign!
Yes indeed! Funny how that worked out!
Originally posted by Anorakun
While my own hacks, the ones with my original character Aeron, have a different approach and tone; some worldbuilding, NPCs and lore ideas are inspired by your works.
Thanks for the kind works! I'd say from what I've seen your stuff looks usually pretty great as well. I'm afraid I never really got too much into it because Kaizo isn't exactly my kind of thing.
Originally posted by TheJavabrew
Originally posted by SF - The Dark Warrior
I am curious though; do you have the old 2009 screenshots of TSRP3 from that C3 because I really want to see how much the hack has changed since then.
Some of them, yeah.
So yeah, why not.
Does fit the C3-theme, I guess.
Mario's Time Machine=enable
Mostly very subtle changes here. The biggest change is the change from Cate to Catterina.
Cate was originally a character from TSRP2, in which all Happy Goombas and all Powercats looked the same. And well, that worked there because their presence in the hack wasn't big.
That is very different this time around, and I figured having two characters around who look (and act/talk) pretty much the same - didn't made sense.
This is part of the old intro level, back when TSRP2R didn't existed yet. As such it has the extra honor to start with a proper ending to TSRP2, because TSRP2 didn't had that.
Ultimately this was one of the many reasons I decided to do the remake because using TSRP3 to provide a proper ending to TSRP2 did felt a bit arkward.
This one changed quite a bit, for some reason.
Several minor changes; different BG, the "W" on the box later became a "M", the "houses" were decreased in size, because the original size didn't made much sense for the Catgoom Kingdom-folks.
Most of the BGs in the old version were quite simplistic, thanks to the limited amount of GFX-slots.
All the cutscenes changed too. This one recalls the graphics from the original TSRP2, because again, the remake didn't existed yet.
Again, only a minor change on the BG, as that one on the first screen was quite overused and it didn't even made much sense considering the castle was supposed to be on top of a mountain.
Arguably the old cutscenes look better because of their size...
But they came with their own fair amount of problems thanks to an obscure camera glitch which has since long been fixed by LM itself, if I'm not mistaken.
Either way, that glitch was yet another reason back in the days that let me put TSRP3 on hold in favor of TSRP2R.
This one went through quite a bit several changes over the years. The very first version from 2007 used an entirely different tileset before it later became a level for the Hedgehog Hills. Don't have a screen of that, though.
The very first level created in 2007 vs 2024
Actually, leveldesign-wise, nothing really changed.
For me, this one's interesting because it's the only level build "pre-icegoom".
One notable change (while playing at least) is the different height of the level.
In the original version, there were instances were Mario was covered by the status bar or could jump outside of the screen, which didn't exactly felt quite professional - I'm glad the new level modes became a thing.
Powercat's Castle 2009 vs Powercat's Castle 2024
This one's quite a different beast... as this level was also one of the reasons I decided to put TSRP3 on hold.
It sucked big time because of so many reasons.
I dare to say most of them are quite obvious, some others not so much.
Again, this was done at a time when you could only select one tile from the map16.
This level originally had ridicoulous loading times, and the fact that have to go forth and back between different sections didn't helped there much either (everytime you went through a pipe it took forever).
Interestingly, this always seemed like a level made for the new level modes, so I was super happy that I could combine previously seperate sections into one.
Mario's Time Machine=disable
Alright! That's it!
Thanks again, everyone for the kind words and support!