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The Second Reality Project 3 [status, screens]

Super Mario WorldStandardWork in ProgressScreenshots

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Good to know that TSRP3 is finally becoming a thing... Though we still have to wait for a while to see it being real... get it?

Back in 2021-22, I played the original games in my channel, and maybe in 2025, I will replay them again, and make better videos for them.
Originally posted by FPI

Originally posted by FireSeraphim
Sorry to heard about your health issues man, and I'm glad you're doing better. TSRPR and TSRP2R are my favourite smw hacks of all time and they have inspired and influenced my level design as deeply as the DKC series has. I wouldn't be the level designer I am today without your hacks to influence and inspire me, so thank you.

Thank you!
Btw, some (many) years ago you did send me a beautiful composition featuring the TSRP-theme supposed to be for a waterfall castle. You don't remember by any chance who did compose it?
I was wondering putting it up on my site under the bonus tracks-section, but I didn't wanted to do it without credits.

That would be Daizo Dee Von's work.

Bit of a quick foresight with the extra switch palaces I programmed; basically how they work is they essentially use all the bits in the switch palace memory to fit in the extra 56 switch palaces (the leftover 7 bits from $1F27-$1F2A, and the three extra SRAM bytes between $1F2B-$1F2D). With this you're able to read the corresponding bit in any of those ram addresses to activate a manual trigger; tho, if you have someone helping you with assembly, programming a custom object instead might be more ideal so you don't have to use exanimation.

If you do go for the exanimation method, you don't need to have all of the switch palace blocks in every single level; just whatever activated switch you need given the level you're using them in. For demoing purposes I did fit every switch block combination using an intricate series of exanimation that acts like a bitwise counter.


Anyway like so many of the others, I'm fashionably late to replying here. I'm not going to lie, I haven't really played the other two games from start to finish (I played up to World 3 of TSRPR and only just got to World 2 of TSRP2R) To say this hack being back after so long is a welcome surprise to this year's C3 is an understatement and a half. Just looking at the dialogue boxes and how the font is slightly different in the VWF cutscenes really shows how much care was put into this game, even after so many years.

I think like most people, there's quite a lot to live up to for this hack's release. I am confident you can pull it off, but I can say that it's not going to be easy. I think a few people here at least know the struggle of working on a hack to perfection just from the sheer will to create art. I've grown up fighting a lot of battles in terms of health, so I can relate to your situation and I pray your health stays good.
Want progress on 100 Rooms of Enemies: The Nightmare Edition? Go here to see.

(rip my other userbars momentarily)

You should call this TSRP3R and pretend that it's a remake of the 2009 version of the hack.
Anyway, I eagerly await this hack's release. I remember TSRPR and 2R as being some of the first hacks I had downloaded years ago.
Check out Team Hack Fix/Translations' thread full of fixed and translated SMW hacks!

Wanted Permabanned or Dead by new staff team
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Super Mario WorldStandardWork in ProgressScreenshots