We also want to apology for the big wait for this next update, and all the delays. For us it has been a pretty busy year with studies and our jobs, and we weren't fully happy with how some things turned out, so we are reworking them.
About the public testing, we will be announcing a new date, but this time it will happen when we have everything truly completed, so expect no more delays.
By the way, if you have played the current available version, we would like to hear your feedback about improvements and advice for things that we still have to address, as we want to make this new version a complete overhaul of the hack.
Hey guys it's been awhile since there's been a progression update, me and Batata Douce have been gradually reworking things like cutscenes and boss fights, along with some quality of life updates, such as level icon indicators that tell you the type and length of levels, more more be revealed soon, we also have been working on new levels for the upcoming world 3, down below are some screenshots
You are challenged by Champion Daisy!
You are challenged by Champion Daisy!