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MushROMs: A level editor for Super Mario All-Star's SMB1

Non-Super Mario WorldToolDemoFull Release

Okay, I'm rested now, so let me give a proper description. This is a preview release. For those not in the know, MushROMs was the name of my Super Mario All-Stars SMB1 editor. I later changed the name to Brutario (Brute-force mario editor) in an attempt to deliver a minimum viable product. It took a few decades of work since I was just a teenager when I started. Sorry for the wait.

Right now, you can just edit level data. But this was far-and-away the hardest thing to implement, so hopefully other features will be easier to add in the future now. You can insert new objects into levels, but don't go crazy as I haven't added ROM expansion features yet, and there's not much extra space in the level data to begin with.

I tested as best I could, and I am able to edit and save just fine. I worked hard to make the interface responsive and friendly, but it still needs a lot of work.

I'm most interested in feedback: What's good, what could be better, and what's broken.


Source Code if you want to contribute

Big thanks to all the support and patience I've received over the years. I love this community and I hope Brutario is a project that grows and gets its own community over time. I'll keep working on it so long as people care about it.
What? Full release?? For real???
It "works" but there's a lot missing. You can edit levels and that's about it. Most I could finish in two days.

Interested in MushROMs? View its progress, source code, and make contributions here.

Oh dang, I was not expecting this. I'll definitely have to try it out later.


I'm working on a hack! Check it out here. Progress: 64/95 levels.
Fanatical like a Demon
Hey this is nice!!! Time to play around a bit and mess with the game to see how I can destroy it.
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Good lord that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. This C3 really is the C3 of older users bringing new and old projects! Best of luck developing the next features; hopefully they don't take another two decades ;)
Very curious about this. Would love to see this one grow. #ab{O_O}

I remember creating two SMB1-levels for a collaboration project 2 decades ago, but that project never really became a thing and I even lost my own levels.
But the important thing is I remember I had a lot of fun doing these SMB1-levels... and going back to it at some point would be nice, and when it's on the SNES... even better! :)

Cool to see this still being worked on! Super Mario All-Stars feels like it has just been stuck in limbo for all eternity, and I feel like it's a game that'd actually be super popular for people to hack.
Feel free to visit my website/blog - it's updated rarely, but it looks pretty cool!
I'm getting a Virus detected error when trying to download this : (
Which browser are you using? Or is Windows calling it a virus? It may be getting flagged because I did not ant publishing or signature information to the exe, so it can't be verified that I am the author. I can assure you it is not a virus though.

If you want to be maximally safe, I provided the source code. You can just build the app yourself using Visual Studio.

Interested in MushROMs? View its progress, source code, and make contributions here.

Cool. also would love to see a generic editor to make snes homebrew games.
Never in my life did I expect to see this editor ever again. Even if just an initial release, to see this in a state where you can actually edit levels? This is amazing. Great job and I hope it keeps being developed because I'm positive the community will love this!
Please check out BOWSIE!
ea2 sucks hard but i already made the pfp oh well
I vaguely remember this level editor, though I don't recall trying it out. Are you planning on implementing sprite support? It would also be interesting if you were able to put stuff introduced in The Lost Levels into SMAS SMB1, like poison mushrooms, green springboards (the ones that allow Mario or Luigi to go offscreen for a few moments to make a huge jump), red Piranha Plants, or wind.

Non-Super Mario WorldToolDemoFull Release