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A SMB3 Styled SMW Hack (and My B4VWF font)

Super Mario WorldStandardGraphicsWork in ProgressDemoScreenshotsVideos

World 1 and World 2 are completed, but World 3 is not completed. This was made quite slowly. Because I'm lazy and I'm not only interested in SMW Hack.

And I designed a B4VWF Font. It Support U+0000~02FF and Greek and Some Cyrillic characters. This is the font to be used in the above ROM. (The above video was recorded before that, so this font does not appear.)

And this ROM includes multiple languages. Other languages ​​may be added later.

A hack with multi-language support? That's pretty cool, there aren't a lot of those around!
The levels so far all look pretty solid. I recognize some remakes, but also some original levels.
Feel free to visit my website/blog - it's updated rarely, but it looks pretty cool!

Super Mario WorldStandardGraphicsWork in ProgressDemoScreenshotsVideos