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Other music downloads???


i've been inserting custom music for a few days now, however there have been a few tunes that i was unable to find here, however i'm sure i can find the tune elsewhere. My question is is it possible to get music from another site that has snes tunes and insert it into the Rom or is it best to grab it from here??? The site in question is called, it has plenty of snes game tunes and it has the option to either download it via MP3 format or the original format file. Now i assume the OG format would be best but again would it work at all or should i stick to SMWC tunes? Just randomly thinking about that.
The songs on Music section that can be inserted in SMW are ported by users on this website. Or you have to grind songs from Japanese SMW Hacking Websites by yourself.
zophar provides the files only for listening-purpose. Those cannot be inserted in your SMW rom.
You can take your chances with SPC to MML. You can take any SPC from Zophar and run it through this program to generate a SMW compatible version of that song. That being said the tool can be very faulty and you're not guaranteed a good sounding result (it's also not formatted in a way where you can submit it to the music section without a lot of modifications).
Japanese Custom Music Archive 2.0 (Incomplete)