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killer mario by Gustavo2011

File Name: killer mario
Submitted: by Gustavo2011
Authors: Gustavo2011
Type: Ripped
Purpose: Foreground
Slots Used: BG3
Palette Row(s) Used: 3
Description: killer the mario!
Tags: graficos
Unfortunately, I have to reject this submission due to it not being up to the current standards.

First, it's missing the map 16 file and sample level, which are mandatory for foreground submissions.

Second, the purpose of the block doesn't look clear enough by its visual, I'm not sure what symbol in the blocks represent. When making graphics, it's important that they communicate well their purpose. Not only that, it lacks shading and looks far too simple.

Lastly, you have unrelated graphics along with the block, such as minor edits of the game signs.

Unless you make heavy changes and take your time, I suggest to not resubmit this graphic. You can get more feedback in SMWCentral's discord, by going in the #graphics channel or please look at some pixel art tutorials and references in the internet.

And it's better that you familiarize yourself with the Graphics Guidelines.
File Name: killer mario
Submitted: by Gustavo2011
Authors: Gustavo2011
Type: Original
Purpose: Foreground
Slots Used: BG3
Palette Row(s) Used: 3
Description: killer the mario
Tags: graficos

Please don't ignore rejection logs. You have to fix the stuff mentioned above before resubmitting this graphic. Your submission is identical to the previous one and no issues were fixed at all.

Failing to do so again will risk you to be section banned.