Well, after considerable delays on my end, it's time to see these results! Make sure to say thank you to the judges ( TheJavabrew, cardboardcell, Amethyst and Shoujo) for their time, regardless of the low turnout. As well as a thanks (and apologies) from me to the kaizo judges who dropped out due to there being no kaizo entries!
Before we actually get on with the results I would like to make a statement regarding one of the entries: Revenge of Switches Pressed broke the infinite lives rule, however after lengthy discussion between host, judges and after asking how other participating teams felt about the rule break, I've come to the decision to not take action against it. In most contexts a rule break would not warrant this sort of discussion, however the inclusion of the rule in this contest was a mistake on my part that wasn't originally intended as part of the contest, and I felt that removing the rule during judging would have been more unfair to the participants than a polling and discussion. I will be creating a thread in the Events Discussion & Feedback forum regarding the event after this post goes up, if you have any thoughts about this decision I ask you to leave them there instead of in this thread. Regardless, the outcome of this decision will not be changed.
Now that we're past that... Let's get to the main event, to start with here's all of the judge comments:
Once you're done reading all of those, take a look at...
REVENGE OF SWITCHES PRESSED by Lazy, GbreezeSunset, lolyoshi and MiracleWater
THE BRUTAL DREAM (夢鬼畜王マリオ) by Daizo Dee Von, EvilGuy0613, NopeContest, Big Brawler and Wakana
Viewer's Choice
1st: THE BRUTAL DREAM (夢鬼畜王マリオ) by Daizo Dee Von, EvilGuy0613, NopeContest, Big Brawler and Wakana
2nd: REVENGE OF SWITCHES PRESSED by Lazy, GbreezeSunset, lolyoshi and MiracleWater
Most Shaped World (Best use of Theme)
1st: REVENGE OF SWITCHES PRESSED by Lazy, GbreezeSunset, lolyoshi and MiracleWater
2nd: Binary World by RussianMan, TheXander and Guido_Keller
2nd: Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic! by sio_kedelic, CircleFriendo and HamOfJustice
The Future of Level Design
1st: REVENGE OF SWITCHES PRESSED by Lazy, GbreezeSunset, lolyoshi and MiracleWater
2nd: THE BRUTAL DREAM (夢鬼畜王マリオ) by Daizo Dee Von, EvilGuy0613, NopeContest, Big Brawler and Wakana
Dreamiest Destination
1st: THE BRUTAL DREAM (夢鬼畜王マリオ) by Daizo Dee Von, EvilGuy0613, NopeContest, Big Brawler and Wakana
2nd: Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic! by sio_kedelic, CircleFriendo and HamOfJustice
Grandest Finale
1st: THE BRUTAL DREAM (夢鬼畜王マリオ) by Daizo Dee Von, EvilGuy0613, NopeContest, Big Brawler and Wakana
2nd: Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic! by sio_kedelic, CircleFriendo and HamOfJustice
The Total Package
1st: REVENGE OF SWITCHES PRESSED by Lazy, GbreezeSunset, lolyoshi and MiracleWater
2nd: THE BRUTAL DREAM (夢鬼畜王マリオ) by Daizo Dee Von, EvilGuy0613, NopeContest, Big Brawler and Wakana