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Helpful Diagrams

	LDA #$01	; $01 turn player into eggs? $02 another player palette.
	STA $64

I noticed this changes the players graphics and pallete on a certain value used in sprite format:

01 - 16x32 yoshi egg graphics palette 8
02 - turns the player into palette 9
03 - 16x32 yoshi egg graphics palette 9
04 - turns the player into palette A

Does anyone think this is diagram worthy?

$64 is YXPPCCCT, but is only supposed to handle tile priority (the PP bits). however, sprites ORA $64 all the time without caring what values are actually in there.

you might as well make a diagram for the junk values of $19 and $13E0 (aka don't)
A more or less useless diagram for Sprite Status Bar (but there must be a use for it (or not) ):

A diagram which shows which SSB tiles (that in the GFX file) uses which layer 3 status bar tiles (the stripe data) will be coming soon.
Is it bad that I don't understand what this diagram is trying to tell me at all :/ ?
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If you know how SSB works, you know, not every tile there will be uploaded on the sprite GFX but only that tiles after the bonus star numbers (marked as pink). The numbers and player name tiles must be uploaded per DMA (you know, there isn't enough OAM slots for uploading every tile, even if some are 16x16 and it'll take too many GFX tiles). If you delete the code for the dynamic tiles (in this picture they are coloured), every coloured tiles will be replaced with black lines (exception: the zero at the points which I forgot to unmark it #w{x(} ). This diagram shows which dynamic tiles are uploaded from which source tiles (player names and numbers). (Explaining something is sometimes really hard for me and my English won't do it better. Yeah, sorry, if you can't understand it.)

Edit: New picture:

That shows, which SSB GFX tiles replaces the layer 3 stripe data of the status bar. I also spitted the boxes into 8x8 and 16x16 to show, which size the OAM tiles have got (exception: the green box, but it's about my silliness again. #smw{x_x} The tiles are just 8x8. And nope, I won't update it because I'm too lazy for it).
Horizontal screen scrolling position with the player:
Note: the L/R scroll is the approximate location (the maximum distance to move the screen on the furthest L/R scroll), if mario turns around during justification, the boundries that move the screen will be shifted.

If mario is going foward while hitting the lines, the screen will orientate to be left or right of the player rather than perfectly in the middle. When L/R scrolling, walking towards the middle will not revert the screen (reguardless of his facing direction), when walking to the edge of the screen facing foward twords it, will revert the screen.
Give thanks to RPG hacker for working on Asar.
Originally posted by GreenHammerBro
Horizontal screen scrolling position with the player:

there's already F3 in lunar magic, which is probably more handy than a diagram
But mine shows graphical and numberical on a ram address, the LM only shows it graphical.
Give thanks to RPG hacker for working on Asar.
Actually this one is pretty useful, because of the detailed information plus RAM and values. Thanks to your graphic I managed to create a code to safely re-enable scrolling on a auto-scroll level or on a boss that locks the horizontal scrolling.
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I agree. In removal sprite log about the "lock scroll" when sprites on screen, after mario killed all the sprite, the screen will unlock and jolts instantly to the left or right depending on the screen justification, causing the level to glitch without the loading.

you might want to use:
Originally posted by RAM map
$7E:142C |4 bytes |Camera |Two 16-bit addresses, $142C and $142E, are set to $142A - #$000C and $142A + #$000C respectively during the screen-scrolling routine, read from to determine whether or not to scroll the screen.


REP #$20
CMP $142C
BCC scroll_left


REP #$20
CMP $142E
BCS scroll_right

so you don't have to use add/subtract on $142A to compare.
Give thanks to RPG hacker for working on Asar.
Actually posting this one here. I'll let the higher ups decide wheather it's any better or not :3
I made this due to a recent discussion on #serioushax for the original by KilloZapit is highly confusing.
So yeah...

Image is just based off of the original, so credid should still go to KilloZapit
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JackTheSpades: That Diagram has a bit of an error, It says YCPPCCCT for the Sprites, It must be YXPPCCCT.
A.K.A. SmilyMZX,

Also on NESDEV, and on various other forums, Find me on other places if I'm there.

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Beware of false lookalikes!
While it's kinda frustrating that I didn't notice that myself, it's even more hillarious that Alcaro didn't.
(concidering he mangled about all the small details like the 'y' not looking good) and I'm gonna use EVERY chance I get to remind him of this ^^
fixed btw. thanks for pointing out.
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Originally posted by JackTheSpades
While it's kinda frustrating that I didn't notice that myself, it's even more hillarious that Alcaro didn't.
(concidering he mangled about all the small details like the 'y' not looking good) and I'm gonna use EVERY chance I get to remind him of this ^^
fixed btw. thanks for pointing out.

Anytime! ;)
A.K.A. SmilyMZX,

Also on NESDEV, and on various other forums, Find me on other places if I'm there.

Look for me also on YT...

Beware of false lookalikes!
LM's examination custom trigger flags:

I don't know about the manuel frame initalization, sorry
Give thanks to RPG hacker for working on Asar.
Uninitialized RAM has completely random values. You can't expect it to have a value of $55 on bsnes or real hardware.
Is a diagram for that really necessary? I mean, we're talking basic bit pattern here. If we start like that, you could make a diagram for every bit controlled RAM address out there (there are quite a few, just so you know).
On a more personal oppinion, whenever you make diagramms, they kinda end up being black and white and lots of text explaining things. Just a personal oppinion here but I think diagrams should try to visualize as much as possible (optionally in nice colors).
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Some may find this useful, as it was for me. A simple image showing the Yoshi tiles on SP3.

Jack-Edit: Relinked so it can actually be posted.
Originally posted by Maxx

By Carol. Speeds for sprites.
Why wasn't this added? Yes, it is minor, but it's somewhat helpful imo (especially for noobs like me that can't understand x andny speeds)
I guess it was deemed redundant to this one.

...not sure if I agree, though; it's just confusing how zero is at the edges... let's see what the rest of you guys say.
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