Removed: Super Mario Hot World Demo 1 by Azentiger
Nearly every puzzle in this game is one-shot. That is, you only get one chance to get it right. If you fail, you must die. C'mon, add some reset doors/pipes! No one likes forced deaths on Puzzle Failure.
Bad ground palettes. It looks like the darkest colors were made to be the LIGHTEST, and that doesn't look good on ground at ALL.
More palette errors- This time, mostly in the berries. You didn't make the outer green part red like you did to the bushes... Red Berry is on palette 2, Pink on 3, Green on 4. Last 8 colors of each. ;)
That can't be good...
There's no way to escape this. Okay, sure, this is a semi-easy puzzle., but you can still fail it by not remembering where the land is. Leave more room for error- move the starting point of the land you must get to over to the right some, and remove the cement block wall. This way, you have more room for error. Don't offer a reset pipe or door, because if you do so, you STILL have to die, since the Directional Coins won't appear again. (You can check the ROM map for a hex edit that prevents that, though.)
Oh, not again...
Oh no... Don't tell me...
..It did. PLEASE don't abuse glitches to further your level design. Also, why are most of your one-tile-high holes blocked with invisible used block sprites? If you don't want people going through them, JUST EXTEND THE CEMENT BLOCKS DOWN SO THERE'S NO HOLE. Generally, when you see a hole, you expect it TO BE A HOLE YOU CAN WALK THROUGH. ._. Honestly, if it's only there so the creating/eating blocks would "look right", who cares? It's Mario, nothing has to make sense. XD
And now the other message box came true. Once again, you have set me up in an inescapable position. It's very hard to get to this point without getting hit. Worst of all, even if you DO have a Mushroom, if the creating block beats you to this point, you are DEAD. Here's what you need to do:
1: Above the first Turn Block, give a Mushroom.
2: Near EVERY Turn block, add a Door that takes you back to the start so you can try again if you don't outrun the creating block.
You continue on like this to the end, where you must spin jump on multiple turn blocks to get to the end. Here, add another door to the start in case you don't outrun it HERE.
Level loads too low. Since you start at the top, set FG and BG initial positions to 00, 00. (Or, if you do slow or variable vertical scrolling, 00, 60. Or 00, 00, if you want. Up to you.)
Generally, here's how it goes:
Location on level at entry - FG Position, BG Position
Top - 00, 00
Middle - 60, 60 (Unlike everyone else, I don't do 60, 90, because that implies usage of variable vertical scrolling, which I don't always use)
Bottom - C0, C0
This point is nearly impossible to pass due to how close these things are to the cement blocks and the fact that you need a PIXEL-PERFECT JUMP to reach them, IF they don't dip below the lava! Second is easier since it'll be closer, but the first one is near-impossible to reach.
NEVER require the player to react IMMEDIATELY upon entering a level. You gave a warning about this seconds earlier, but that is NO excuse.
I killed the Amazin' Flyin' Hammer Bro. in the cave, and when it fell into the lava, it kept throwing out hammers. This is very amusing and leaves behind a nice surprise for players who rush, but it is still a glitch of sorts.
Bad palettes again, but this time, they're...really ugly. Sorry, but it's true... You should make that lime-green be a dull brown instead, like the original. Honestly, it'd look better that way.
Level loads too HIGH now. You start at the bottom, so Initial Position C0, C0.
Look! A pipe! Thank you for adding a reset pipe here, it makes the puzzles in this level a LOT more enjoyable.
However, you're suffering palette issues again. I think you're using the exact same palette you do on the grasslands... That won't work, that palette was designed for that graphics set ONLY. Why not use a different Custom Palette?
Sprite memory issues here, even though THERE ARE NO ENEMIES WHATSOEVER IN THIS LEVEL. It's actually WAY too easy. Anyways, try another Sprite Memory setting value, or patch the No Sprite Tile Limits patch to your hack and set the sprite memory setting to 10.
You have a cutoff corner tile there, and the location of that invisible coin block isn't exactly obvious. Heck, when I first got to that spot, I thought that the corner meant that there was supposed to be a ledge corner there, but since there wasn't, then the hack couldn't be completed. Instead of putting the coin block there, why not just make it a cement block you can ALWAYS see?
Level loads too high again when you come out of the reset pipe. You know the drill by now, right? ;)
You have a long way to go. Keep working on your hack, make it the best you can, and remember to pay attention to the constructive criticism you get! ;)
<Adam> I feel like smwc is a prostitute now, because we put up a porn ad for money