Hack Name: Super Mario World-Quest On Quiet Island - 540.8 KB - 17 downloads.
Length: Unknown
Author: Nintendude - Submitted by: mariomaster4000
Description: An interesting hack made by Nintendude, in which mario sets off on a quest to bowser's new hideout named the quiet islands. And, obviously, he has Princess Peach.
This hack features good yet easy level design and SMB 3 style sprites.
1. So many spots where you can get stuck forever.
A) Magikoopas can destroy these blocks with their magic, meaning if it hits a vine block, you are stuck.
Solution: Reset door/pipe.
B) This P-switch race isn't well-planned. You can drop the P-switch down that hole and it won't respawn because it came out of the block, for one.
Secondly, if you can't beat the clock, then you can end up stuck in this small area and the only place to go is down the hole to die.
Solution for both: make this a higher path, with an alternate path below this section with different challenges.
C) If you kick the shell from before and it kills the blue shell, and you don't have a leaf, you are forced to die.
Solution: Alternate path.
2. Okay, this was the most ANNOYING aspect of the game by far: having to get the switch palaces or being forced to die.
A) Yellow switch palace: This place warns you AFTER you enter the level. You can not go down the pipe, and side exits are not enabled, meaning you're forced to die if you didn't get the yellow switch. No flying space, no blue shells.
B) Green switch palace: You can fly over this if you have the Raccoon leaf... but if not, consider yourself a dead player.
C) Blue switch palace: Yeah... :/
Solution: Redesign the levels so that the switch palaces are not mandatory, or enable side exits/another way out of the level before you're forced to die because of this horrible level design concept.
3. Numerous cutoff spots:
A) That whole castle wall is cutoff. You can use a nonsolid wall to fix it.
B) Bottom of the hills are cutoff, and the top of the tall island in the middle has brown where it shouldn't.
C) The transition from the mountain to the ground is awful. There were more tiles in that background, I think trees, to make the transition smooth and believable.
D) Too many places to list where there are missing jointed tiles, so I'm just going to show one of the more obvious ones. There are at least 20 other levels with this problem.
4. "Lightning fast reaction time or generic hurf durf waffle deathcake"
A) When shot out of this cannon, if you don't hold B+Y right away then you'll likely fall to your death, so you should have another row of clouds for the lower landing point. MORE IMPORTANTLY though, because you use the generator in the first screen, there's a 1/3 chance you get shot into a fish and are forced to take damage and probably fall to your death before you can even do anything. It's not fair. Never use the fish generator or any other enemy generator in the entry screen.
B) You basically get dumped over this fireball when you enter the boss room. You have to move within one second or it hits you. (The fireball is also cutoff because of sprite tile memory problems)
C) In this lake, if you are big and don't move within two seconds, congratulations,
boot Bullet Bill to the head. D:
5. Some palette errors:
A) This ghost's shading has far too high contrast; it should have more pale shades.
B) Yellow switch palace blocks on the overworld are brown. :x
C) This palette is not player-friendly. Too bright. There's a much better ice cave BG palette, if you want to use built-in palettes, as seen in Donut Secret 2 - since you're using custom palettes, you should definitely tone down the brightness and have better contrast, and perhaps pick out better colors for the ground and the lava stuff. *shrug*
D) Fade fix is needed. Since you're using the status bar colors for the background (though you shouldn't) you should use the hex fix in the ROM map for fading - it doesn't work on bosses, but from what I've seen so far of bosses, you don't need it to. Just levels.
E) Boss Bass has a bad palette:
F) The black lines in the foreground seem... wrong. Try periwinkle.
6. Blind jump before the part with the wall springs - I have no idea where I'm going. Use coins or enemies as a guide to safe land.
7. Map16 error. You fall through this corner tile, yet can stand on the all-around-solid wall. Make this corner act like 130.
8. Can't exactly show bad physics through a screenshot, but the Raccoon Mario form has a horrible effect which causes you to stall too long in the air after you jump even if you're not holding B to float. This contradicts what you expect and are used to, making it more difficult to control for a bad reason - it's not intended to mess up like this. Apply the fix patch.
9. Sprite tile memory problems. All of these can be fixed with "No More Sprite Tile Limits" if you insert it correctly and set the memory in these levels to 10.
A) The Pokey just disappeared. Nothing else to it.
B) A piece of this short, fat carrot is always missing, and I know for a fact Yoshi didn't eat it...
C) ...yet the Queen ordered Yoshi's head be removed for it anyways. Also, the platforms are cutoff too as a result of sprite tile memory legato fail.
(Also a side note: The patch is bad but everything seems to work as intended on SNESGT. In case it screws up on other stuff, you might want to move your work to a clean ROM.)
P.S. Nintendude88 is the maker of this hack, so let him fix and resubmit it. It will be rejected otherwise unless you show that he gave you permission to upload it, and/or permission to fix it yourself.
Just look above you...
If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!