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Hack Removal Log

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Name: Rocktober
Author: Garis208
Description: Rocktober hack of smw. Its just a test to see what i can really do with it later. 1st hack ive made.

Note: It's my friends hack

Yeeeah, uh, this is probably something that shouldn't have been submitted.

Blank text box, bizarre palletes.

Lots of cutoff, squareness, and a pallete glitch.

Wince-worthy palletes, blatant graphical glitches right from the get-go, and poor level design mostly involving jumping off Yoshis to make leaps of faith with no clue of where you're landing short of dying and redoing it.


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Don't know what the eff "awry" means? Never PM me.

My Hacks:

Name: Super Odd World
Author: ~2~
Description: And Again

You're improving, I'll say that much.

Title screen is a little odd, but much better than before.

This level, however, appears to have been really messed up graphically. What happened?

This issue still exists:
Originally posted by S.N.N.
After completing the level to the right of Yoshi's House (Level 1!), you cannot go anywhere. No events occur. This was the game breaker, so I'd suggest adding an event up, along with fixing all of the other bugs listed.

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Don't know what the eff "awry" means? Never PM me.

My Hacks:

THE CHAOS CONTINUES!!!!! or something.

Name: smw kingdom 2 demo
Author: fastandferious2
Description: my first actual few levels on mario world hacked all of the origanal yoshis island levels except the castle. and yellow switch

Originally posted by WinRAR
! D:\Emulation\Rom Hacks\rebuilt.super mario Unknown method in super mario kingdom 2.ips
None of the utilities I tried to extract the IPS file (WinRAR, 7zip, Windows Explorer) worked. Please repackage the file and try again. Thanks!

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Something awry? PM me!
Don't know what the eff "awry" means? Never PM me.

My Hacks:

I think this is my fifth hack in two days. WAKEY WAKEY GUYS

Name: Kilgo's Adventure (DEMO)
Author: RagingFury
Description: This is my hack I am working on. It is called Kilgo's (Pronounced kiljo's) Adventure.... I hope you enjoy!
Readme File:

Originally posted by readme.txt
The file name is Kilgo's Adventure2 because it is the second versison (No KA version 1 was not released because was too buggy and It was just a test for palletes...)

You should know what to do.

And if you can, can you make and overworld for me? Thanks.

Remember, this is just to see what people think about it, and to see if anyone would make an overworld for me... :)

Feel free to modify, if you modify the overworld.... :)

First readme ever!

The word wrap here seems kind of weird. You might want to rewrite this?

Unedited levels. You should remove all of the original level before working on it, to avoid this.

You should proooobably turn on Buoyancy when using water in a non-swimming level, to avoid this happening.

Cutoff, and the pipe leads to an Infinite Bonus Room. You should define an exit on the same screen as the pipe to avoid this happening.

Removal Log
Hack Submission Guidelines
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Something awry? PM me!
Don't know what the eff "awry" means? Never PM me.

My Hacks:

Hack Name: Mario Party demo one Demo - 392.4 KB
Length: 4 levels
Author: Yoshiro - Submitted by: Yoshiro
Description: That's right, the first Mario Party hack. In this demo, only three mini games are avialable. The castle on top of the mountain, the one right of Yoshi's house, and another one nearby. and then the Toad's invitation level on top of Yoshi's house.

THIS GAME HAS: minigames, custom music, ncps, custom stuff,

FUn. Fun, Fun. But this is demo one.


Originally posted by Yoshiro
HEY MEMBERS, HOW ABOUT WE MAKE A MARIO PARTY HACK INSTEAD. IF U HAVENT PLAYED A MARIO PARTY sorry caps, game yet then download project64 and a mario parrty 2 or 3 game. Anyway, this game is based on Mario party, except for the boards (yet). This game has custom music, sprites, rpg OW, minigames, fun, and other stuff. Also I ported my own song for Bowser's challenge. I hope u like it.

This quote is from a thread that Yoshiro made on January 19. Mario Party (Demo One) was submitted sometime on January 20.

Who can make a good demo in one day?

The answer is no one.

You hate demos? I bet I hate them more. The demos that I hate the most are when a person puts about a day's worth of effort into a project and then uploads it.

Frankly, this project was not worth uploading. This is something I've warned you about again and again in the past - no one wants to see every step of your progress in making your hack.

Right now, this hack is basically four rough, barely sketched out, barely playable levels. I can give you advice on how to fix some of the noticeable issues, but you really ought to get some beta testers (your team, perhaps?) to put some more thought and effort into the general layout and level design here. At this point, there's just not a lot to moderate because frankly you've not spent much/enough time on it.

This level was a P-Switch run. That's all. You just keep grabbing P-Switches and you keep making bridges. All in all, it was pretty bland and boring, because there was nothing other than blocks, pits, coins and P-Switches. Is this what Mario Party is like? I've not played any Mario Party games, but something tells me that it might not translate well to SMW's game mechanics. All that aside though, there are nasty palettes for the blocks, bridge rails, and status bar. Lastly, if you mess up here with a P-Switch, there is no way to reset - it is a forced death.


Where is Mario? He's dead.

For some reason, this NPC level with side exits enabled has a giant pit on one side that you can die in. Why not just remove that obstacle? It serves no purpose. Also - it wouldn't hurt to remove the time limit either.

The screen faded here. Why? Because I beat a boss level. By the way, when you beat this level, it kills the music on the OW. There's a ROM address to fix that. Anyway, to the original point - this level was just vines and platforms with Shyt Guys. Not a particularly hard battle, but even easier when all you have to do to defeat them is climb straight up and walk right (to trigger the "end level when all sprites are dead" sprite) - the Shy Guys go off-screen, so they aren't counted as enemies ene-more and the level ends.

Why are there so many level ties on the OW if you can only enter a few? This made it very irritating to try to find which levels were playable.

Where have I seen this guy before? Oh wait - in every hack you've ever made.

It's one thing to say something is being overdone just because lots of people are doing it (I wouldn't criticize that), but this is something you are overdoing from hack to hack (so I will criticize it).

Well, I know this moderation has been somewhat harsh, but I'm frankly fed up with getting half-finished material from you that was made in a day or two. Start putting more time into your projects before submitting them and for the love of God:

</font size></blink>

All that being said, there are lots of cool things you could do with this concept. You're off to a decent start, but this is way way way too early to submit.

Unexpected end tag (</blink>) at 5079, expected </font>
Tag (font) was not closed.

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.
Hack Name: SUPER MARIO GRAND ADVENTURE! Demo - 360.4 KB - 20 downloads.
Length: 6 levels
Author: cloudyboy - Submitted by: cloudyboy
Description: I hope this work now


Something is really weird about this hack, and I can't tell if it is intentional...

I am going to run through a lot of things, but the main reason for rejection here is the weird (and deadly) use of the water level flag - something tells me that it isn't intentional, so it should be fixed. If it is intentional, then it is being used badly and should also be fixed.

The water level flag is set to ON for the demo level...okay...


Oh - you also die in this intro level if you don't start swimming - once again, the water level flag is ON for some reason...

You enter the screen with the first exit off-screen and (once again) in "water"... Also, the Special World flag seems to be ON in this entire game... Lastly, that goal gate is set way to low - the tape is popping out the top.

This entire level uses incorrect ledge edges throughout (not a reason for removal). This pipe should be all one color. Also, turn on sprite buoyancy so your Ersanio Cheep-Cheep doesn't flop all over at the bottom of the water.

Another pipe with chlamydia.

Another goal tape that runs too high.

Rexy may be sexy, but this many of them might also summon:

Not exactly a Yellow Switch Palace, but meh - anyway, more evidence that the Special World flag is on. Some of the cliffs could look better. OW paths on such a complicated OW would be nice. That castle is broken and teetering on the edge of a cliff.

Since this ghost house Green Wooden Switch House Yellow Switch Palace has the water level flag set ON, you can swim over the level and get to an empty "death" area. Unfinished areas like this should be avoided even in non-water levels, since the player could get a Feather and find it.

For some reason, there are two Boo Rings placed on top of each other here. For some reason, the Boo Rings are moving doubly-quick. Because there are so many sprites on the screen, my P-Switch disappeared. Change the sprite memory settings or remove some sprites.

More proof leading me to conclude the water level ON flag is unintentionally set ON. Anyway, another level where I have to swim up at the start. Speaking of which - in all of these "water" levels, why does the player start off-screen?

The power of the switch has turned "nothing" into "nothing." Where are your Switch Block graphics.

Anyway, level design here is generally not bad at all. The killer for this hack is the weird flags set on. Something about it just doesn't seem intentional.

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.
Hack Name: Super Odd World Demo - 155 KB - 10 downloads.
Length: 11 levels
Author: ~2~ - Submitted by: ~2~
Description: Finally!Its almost not a demo anymore!
(now i just hope people play it...)

1. This level is impossible without foresight of everything because you did not enable vertical scroll at will and can not see most of the level. It's entirely guesswork.

Just after here is a blind jump. Those coins just lead you to death... there is nothing at all down there that is safe for jumping to.

2. Tons of graphical glitches.
Background garbage is especially prevalent. If it doesn't appear like this in Lunar Magic, there's something wrong with your ROM. However, it returns a clean checksum so... perhaps you should check the background editor and make fixes. When patched to a clean ROM, these glitches appear in Lunar Magic. If these were intentional, then... you have to undo them. Why make glitches in the first place? They aren't cool. :/

Also, the "ODD" looks very bad. Redraw some tiles in YY-CHR to make the font appropriate, or use the small font that already looks okay for your title screen.

Bad palette on the mushrooms, and the surface tile creates a ton of unnecessary ugly cutoff - surface tiles belong at the top of the water, and the dark blue tile should be placed below it. You can also fall through the log, and never in water should you be able to just fall through something like it's air. Make the part of the log below the surface act like water.

At the end of the level, there's this. It's also very easy to see all the bad tiles in the background here, moreso than the image above.

(BTW, to beat this level, all you need to do is hold the springboard to help you quickly swim all the way to the right then jump up and get the goal... no chance of getting hurt this way, really.)

3. Lots of cutoff, esp. where the hills are connected to the brown cliff, the waterfall's placement near the castle, a ton of bad corner tiles, cliff cutting off where it meets the grass, and the ladder.

Stars cutting into the ground, horrible color transition, more cutoff tiles.

Spikes cut into the ground. Bowser also have a bad palette, and if you are hit after getting the fire flower, you are forced to die because there is no other way to beat the level.

Old SMW events are still present, messing up the overworld even more.

4. Blatant 15 edit. Use CTRL+DEL to remove all traces of the pre-existing level; do not try to build over it because it makes the level completely unoriginal and boring.

5. The wall jump blocks have a very bad palette - flashing gold. Please do not make them use that palette. Instead, it is recommended you draw graphics for the wall jump block that look appropriate, or at the very least, pick appropriate colors for it.

This content is in violation of rule 4d as well, since your hack has appeared many times in the removal log without proper fixes made to your hack - several errors S.N.N. pointed out are still there, unchanged, such as the random falling thing in the level with the three bullets. Also, if you fail the P-switch puzzle in the Yellow Switch Palace, you are permanently stuck there - you need a reset door/pipe or alternate path; an obscure hint at getting stuck without the P-switch will not suffice. Please do not resubmit this until your errors are fixed, or disciplinary action may be taken.

Just look above you...
If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!
Hack Name: Mario's Adventure
Author: Buzz - Submitted by Buzz

Bad patch. Applying this to a clean ROM makes garbage everywhere. Be sure to test your patches and use an original SMW ROM for the "original unmodified" when creating a patch.
Hack Name: Super Mario Kingdom 2 (Demo) Demo - 322.2 KB - 9 downloads.
Length: 6 levels
Author: fastandferious2 - Submitted by: fastandferious2
Description: my first actual few levels on mario world hacked all of the origanal yoshis island levels except the castle. and yellow switch

Originally posted by The Kins
Originally posted by WinRAR
! D:\Emulation\Rom Hacks\rebuilt.super mario Unknown method in super mario kingdom 2.ips
None of the utilities I tried to extract the IPS file (WinRAR, 7zip, Windows Explorer) worked. Please repackage the file and try again. Thanks!

I had the exact same problem. What program are you trying to use to package your file? You might want to try out 7-zip - I've never had a problem with it, it's easy to use, and it's uninvasive.

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.
Hack Name: Super Mario Thousand Islands Demo 2 Demo - 332.1 KB - 10 downloads.
Length: 13 levels
Author: blueyosh - Submitted by: blueyosh
Description: Ok. I fixed it up a lot and here it is! SMTI has custom Blocks, Sprites, GFX, and Music. It also has raccoon mario, power down, and more!
Delete Other one

This hack was rejected because of one game-breaking flaw.

For some reason, the water surface in some levels will turn into Used Blocks when hit from below. Most of the time, this traps you below water and makes it unable to complete the level. I'm not really sure what causes this, because it wasn't like this in the Wario Beach level. For some reason, it also puts a graphics-glitched Changing Item in my box.

Not quite as bad was the beginning of this level. For some reason, there are two goal flags here, making it impossible for the player to progress without activating the exit.

Luckily, I fixed that so I could play the rest of the game. None of the following things are reasons to reject, but rather suggestions to make this better.

These Star Blocks turn into Throw Blocks when picked up. Their graphics also change, which is weird. I would just advise being consistent with your block graphics (or change the sprite versions to match).

If you mess up and need more than four Throw Blocks to beat this boss, you're stuck. I would suggest adding more Throw Blocks.

Needs better FG/BG start settings.

This Sparky is free-floating - he should be attached to something.

Blargg + lava slope = cutoffness

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.
Hack Name: Super Mario Thousand Islands Demo 2 Demo - 332.5 KB - 6 downloads.
Length: 13 levels
Author: blueyosh - Submitted by: blueyosh
Description: Ok. I fixed it . . . again and here it is! SMTI has custom Blocks, Sprites, GFX, and Music. It also has raccoon Mario, power down, and more!

Originally posted by andy_k_250
This hack was rejected because of one game-breaking flaw.

For some reason, the water surface in some levels will turn into Used Blocks when hit from below. Most of the time, this traps you below water and makes it unable to complete the level. I'm not really sure what causes this, because it wasn't like this in the Wario Beach level. For some reason, it also puts a graphics-glitched Changing Item in my box.

^ This shot is from the newly uploaded version. You didn't really fix the issue from before. It seems like your "top of water" blocks in those levels are block #888. Are you trying to use some sort of custom block here? If you aren't, just replace it with the default top o' water tiles, or use the water object itself from the Add Object Menu.

I forgot to mention this one earlier - I want to see this fixed in the next version. This picture is of me trying to jump across a big lava pit near the end of the first castle. The giant lava pit exists because you have Layer 2 Drops enabled in this level. That's all well and good, but you also (as you can see) have sprites sitting on Layer 2. This means that if I make Layer 2 drop earlier in the level, Layer 2 drops in the entire level, making these sprites fall down and leaving me with no easy way to cross this lava pit.

I would say replace the Layer 2 Drops generator with a Layer 2 Up-And-Down generator and put all the sprites on Layer 1 only - that way, you get the same difficulty factor you were looking for.

As a side note, that Layer 2 Drops generator is really only good for a level where you are running across a giant expanse of land sinking into lava, or to open secret passageways.

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.
Hack Name: Super Kevin World Demo
Length: 5 exits
Author: BloodyBanana - Submitted by: BloodyBanana
Description: My First Hack


It appears the patch doesn't work. It freezes past the "Kevin Presents" screen. Be sure to test your IPS and make sure it works on a clean SMW ROM.

Also, I'd like to point out that you screenshots contained glitched/garbled graphics, floating and stacked munchers, as well as very odd palettes. With this issues, it is likely the hack wouldn't be accepted even if the patch worked. So please consider my suggestions and be sure the patch works before you resubmit.
Hack Name: Super Noob World
Length: 88 exits
Author: Noobish Noobsicle - Submitted by: Noobish Noobsicle
Description: A really hard hack designed to bring out the inner noob in everyone. Note that the screenshots may indicate some cuttoffness, but don't worry, they have been fixed. Also I have included a hack rejection log, so that you can see exactly what I went through to do this.


You've certainly improved some things since last time, but there are still several major issues.

At the end of Yoshi's House, you come to this area. Mario can't break the turn blocks, so you're permanently stuck.

Strange glitch: the spike gets stuck here for whatever reason.

There's some BG garbage up here. you might want to try changing the BG scroll rate in order to fix this.

If you don't bring the shell, you're permanently stuck here too.

The waterfall up here seems rather cut off.

6 extra lives for an easy area to get to? Plus, the FG cuts off once you go through the pipe.

3 of these pits lead to your death, and you can't tell which. It's an annoying death trap.

Due to sprite memory settings, Boos will suddenly pop up and disappear. You might want to try applying smwedit's "No Sprite Tile Limits" patch.



This area is very difficult to get through, and there's a lot of lag.

Having the "shell" come down like this isn't a bad idea, but it tends to get stuck. This can force you to reset if it's too high: otherwise, you need to get it out yourself.

I tried several times, but was unable to get past this point. Mario died right before reaching this pipe.

So, it appears there are some more issues to resolve. The hack has come a long way, but still needs some work before being accepted.
Length: 1 levels
Author: bbhacker - Submitted by: bbhacker


Hack Name: Super Mario all-stars dx demo 1 Demo - 548.4 KB - 4 downloads.
Length: 4 levels
Author: smbfan3145 - Submitted by: smbfan3145
Description: a hack of smw gfx change with all new gfx for the laktiu and yoshi is the goomba shoe aslo and etc.

1. Major glitch in your level:
First of all, sprite tile memory here is beyond broken. You need to set it so that these items do not disappear, both in part or in whole, and also the Kuribo's shoe is completely missing, and its tongue is garbled.

Because it is provided in this level, the shoe should be removed. That will solve the bigger issue. For sprite tile memory, if nothing you try seems to work, then you must apply edit1754's ASM and set the memory to 10 or remove a lot of sprites so that none vanish.

Similarly, sprite tile memory problems occur here too:

2. The overworld is blinding. The mass of green is extremely bright and there are many cutoff tiles. Work on making your transitions seamless, have outlines around land to separate it from lower/higher elevations, cliffs, and water, etc.

In addition, many of the levels accessible are copies of your first level or another level.. you should really, really, really, really block entry to these with an end of demo level with side exits enabled so as not to activate another event, and no other direction but back to the first level, to prevent access to other places. on and so forth. Also accessible are levels from the original SMW... which isn't good either, especially if they were somewhere between your actual finished levels, another reason you should really fix up your overworld.

Floor here on the lower part is also cutoff. More on other cutoffs later:

The map16 data of these hill decorations also use the wrong tiles. The sides of the hills should use 25 to be walkthrough, and the top either 25 or 106 so you either don't interact at all, or can stand on them but they aren't totally solid.

3. Cutoffness, not allowed. Walls should be defined as walls, and not be "filler" tiles that are supposed to be on the inside stretching all the way across.

Goal bar should be connected to a post on both ends.

This is the big culprit since it's even more noticable than the castle floor and more annoying than the goal post:

4. Some messy palettes.
Changing the sprite palettes causes your Kuribo's shoe to turn blue when it was just green a second ago, messes up Mario's palette, messes up the goombas, makes it hard to tell which Koopa really is which (since everything is blue), and also causes the piranha plant stems to be discolored with a mix of orange and blue. Changes to the powerup colors aren't exactly pleasing either.

Mario's face is yellow:

what is this i dont even

5. The midway point here already appears to be gone, but when you walk into it, you'll hear the sound like you get the midway point... so it's a graphical issue. Check and see if the tile for the midway bar is there, and if it is, check your Map16 to set the tile that acts like the midway bar to use the midway bar graphics like it's supposed to.

Personal nitpick about Kuribo's shoe; not a removal reason: You should disable it sticking its tongue out and making a sound effect when X or Y is pressed, and consider redoing Mario's sitting pose for when he's supposed to be in the shoe because it looks rather... well... :D

All in all, so far it's a very buggy "remake" collection, and not one we can accept as it is. If you want to remake SMB levels, you're going to have to try for better accuracy and make it clean-cut so that there aren't so many displeasing cutoffs, palette errors, and random graphic and tile data glitches. Also, look for beta testers. Make sure you squash as many bugs as you possibly can before uploading a hack to SMWC - always.

Just look above you...
If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!
Hack Name: Peach's Moonbase - 145.8 KB - 21 downloads.
Length: 1 levels
Author: Superyoshi - Submitted by: Superyoshi
Description: This hack (errr... level) was made for the Level Contest in the german SMW Hacking forum of WhiteYoshiEgg.

It was a beautiful day when Mario decided to fly to Peach's new Moonbase. Sadly, he chose the wrong landing place...

Difficulty: normal
Kind: Puzzle

Blocks: NO
Sprites: YES (only in the intro :P)

Idea: X-King
Level: Superyoshi
Marine/Sky Pop: smkdan/Vanilla Lake 2
GFX: Aquamentus

1. This is a pretty large room... and you have a P-switch, which spawns a door up here. If you fail that, you have only two throw blocks which you can bring to the left side of the level to try to get through. The point is though, you can easily fail both puzzles and get stuck and have to wait the timer out. Add in a reset door/pipe or another path that can not be blocked off by failing a puzzle.

If you make sure you can not get stuck anywhere, then the hack will likely be acceptable.

2. The vine is the really big palette error here that should be fixed. The munchers and blocks are a bit weird, but passable because they aren't as rough on the eyes as the vines are.

There are also a bit of sprite tile memory problems here with the Koopas - when they stand, sometimes one will have the whole bottom half of it cut off.

(Not removal reason) Really strange error here, but I could only trigger it the second time I was in this room. There's a huge random graphical hole in the level, and I have no idea what causes it.

I also want to throw out there that it would be of great help to add in a couple of enemies, if not some brand new obstacles, to help spice up the level a bit... enemies alone should suffice. You don't really need to add them though.

Just look above you...
If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!
Hack Name: Call of Mario Demo - 356.9 KB - 13 downloads.
Length: 7 levels
Author: ShadowSpark15 - Submitted by: ShadowSpark15
Description: Bowser's army has finally taken over Mario land!!! It's up to Mario (ofcourse) to stop their evil plans.

IT'S A ROM FILE! Commerical ROMs are illegal - we will not accept them. Be a good boy and make an IPS patch which we will allow on the site. Lunar IPS is easy to use. Select create, choose the original SMW ROM, then your hack, name your patch, patch it back to a clean ROM to make sure it's working correctly, then ZIP it and upload it.

(Plus the screens are filled with cutoff, stacked munchers, and bad palettes too...)


Hack Name: normal mario hack Demo - 0.3 KB - 19 downloads.
Length: Unknown
Author: bombahacker95 - Submitted by: bombahacker95
Description: this is a normal hack...

more not xD

Broken patch. It doesn't change the ROM. Remember, clean ROM first, then your hack.

Just look above you...
If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!
Hack Name: Super Kevin World Demo v.1.1
Length: 6 exits
Author: BloodyBanana - Submitted by: BloodyBanana
Description: Second release of this demo.

Enjoy and PM me if you find and bugs.


The IPS patch still does not work! It still freezes the ROM past "Kevin presents." Please be sure the IPS patch works correctly. If you upload the hack again and it does not work, you will receive a temporary ban. :/
Hack Name: Super Learn World - 23 KB - 15 downloads.
Length: 7 levels
Author: ET20 - Submitted by: ET20
Description: This is a 6(7 if u include yoshi's house) level hack intended to show and help people. Sorta a tricks of the trade game.

levels moded - 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 compete.

if i missed anything anyone wants me to add i will.

This hack is designed to help players learn how to exploit some of the tricks and glitches within Super Mario World. In doing so, it unfortunately places itself within the same category of hacks that are routinely rejected here - hacks that rely on exploiting pixel-perfect tricks and glitches for the player to advance.

In this level, the player is supposed to learn how to do the double-item carrying grab glitch (which can be fixed with a hex edit, by the way).

Unless you can do the "jump on a key to jump over a tall wall" trick, you are forced to eat your death from a stack of Munchers (which can be considered a graphical error).

Here, the player has to bounce on a Crazy-Spinny-Invincibley-Shell (it's the official name in the manual) in order to get past those hungry Munchers. If the player has no skills or is lazy (like me), this is where they lose interest in the hack.

So, in short, this isn't a bad idea for a hack, but I think you need to do more to teach how to do these tricks.

This is Super Learn World, but how am I supposed to learn if you don't teach?

Now, watch 2:04-2:45 of this clip -
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.

Name: Super Sanity World
The Accused: ekb1
Description: This is the World 1 Demo.

Not everything is final.

I uploaded this so that I could get someone to LP it on YouTube.


No, no I won't enjoy, because this is a Kaizo Mario style hack, designed to frustrate rather than be played. I won't accept, either, and honestly you should count yourself lucky you're getting screenshots.

GFX glitches are commonplace.

Bullet bills launchers without, well, something to launch from - they just kill you as you run by. Sweet.

Cheap post-goal death if you don't take a set of stairs so you go over the goal on an offscreen ledge.

No overworld events, you can visit any level at any time. Are you sure this is what you want?

Mario scrolls with the (wrong pallete'd) lava layer instead of the pipe layer, causing him to constantly slide to the left for no reason.

The entirety of this level is sitting on a wire platform dodging fish for a minute or two until you reach a pipe that's too high up to normally jump to. Nice.

And all the usual dumb tricks that require psychic powers to play properly.

In brief, this hack isn't fun (or for that matter big or clever), so we can't accept it.

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