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Hack Name: Mario Party demo one Demo - 392.4 KB
Length: 4 levels
Author: Yoshiro - Submitted by: Yoshiro
Description: That's right, the first Mario Party hack. In this demo, only three mini games are avialable. The castle on top of the mountain, the one right of Yoshi's house, and another one nearby. and then the Toad's invitation level on top of Yoshi's house.
THIS GAME HAS: minigames, custom music, ncps, custom stuff,
FUn. Fun, Fun. But this is demo one.
This quote is from a thread that Yoshiro made on January 19. Mario Party (Demo One) was submitted sometime on January 20.
Who can make a good demo in one day?
The answer is no one.

You hate demos? I bet I hate them more. The demos that I hate the most are when a person puts about a day's worth of effort into a project and then uploads it.
Frankly, this project was not worth uploading. This is something I've warned you about again and again in the past - no one wants to see every step of your progress in making your hack.
Right now, this hack is basically four rough, barely sketched out, barely playable levels. I can give you advice on how to fix some of the noticeable issues, but you really ought to get some beta testers (your team, perhaps?) to put some more thought and effort into the general layout and level design here. At this point, there's just not a lot to moderate because frankly you've not spent much/enough time on it.

This level was a P-Switch run. That's all. You just keep grabbing P-Switches and you keep making bridges. All in all, it was pretty bland and boring, because there was nothing other than blocks, pits, coins and P-Switches. Is this what Mario Party is like? I've not played any Mario Party games, but something tells me that it might not translate well to SMW's game mechanics. All that aside though, there are nasty palettes for the blocks, bridge rails, and status bar. Lastly, if you mess up here with a P-Switch, there is no way to reset - it is a forced death.


Where is Mario? He's dead.
For some reason, this NPC level with side exits enabled has a giant pit on one side that you can die in. Why not just remove that obstacle? It serves no purpose. Also - it wouldn't hurt to remove the time limit either.

The screen faded here. Why? Because I beat a boss level. By the way, when you beat this level, it kills the music on the OW. There's a ROM address to fix that. Anyway, to the original point - this level was just vines and platforms with Shyt Guys. Not a particularly hard battle, but even easier when all you have to do to defeat them is climb straight up and walk right (to trigger the "end level when all sprites are dead" sprite) - the Shy Guys go off-screen, so they aren't counted as enemies ene-more and the level ends.

Why are there so many level ties on the OW if you can only enter a few? This made it very irritating to try to find which levels were playable.

Where have I seen this guy before? Oh wait - in every hack you've ever made.
It's one thing to say something is being overdone just because lots of people are doing it (I wouldn't criticize that), but this is something you are overdoing from hack to hack (so I will criticize it).
Well, I know this moderation has been somewhat harsh, but I'm frankly fed up with getting half-finished material from you that was made in a day or two. Start putting more time into your projects before submitting them and for the love of God:
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All that being said, there are lots of cool things you could do with this concept. You're off to a decent start, but this is way way way too early to submit.
Unexpected end tag (</blink>) at 5079, expected </font>
Tag (font) was not closed.

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.