I'm denying approval to hackerboo's "Super Mario Bros Reloaded." What he's done here is taken Pac's SMBDX and just changed the text and shifted the overworld around. The overworld has all paths revealed already, so you can just walk to any level you want, and they don't seem to be arranged in any particular order. There's absolutely no reward for beating any level. What's worse, the levels are still exactly the same as the ones in SMBDX. The hack looks and plays fine, but that's only because it's Pac's game. So um, yeah, taking someone else's hack and leaving it exactly as it is except for wrecking the overworld isn't exactly what we're looking for.
Denying approval to mariounite2's "?" on the basis that the patch doesn't work. You get a glitched up Nintendo Presents logo, then the game freezes on a black screen.
Deleting Mario41001's "LUIGIS ADVENTURE" because this patch doesn't work, either. Same story, glitched up logo followed by a crash.
Mario41001's "Luigi's Adventure Updated!" has the same problem as his previous patch, so that one gets deleted, too.
Deleting zuper mario's "Mario & Mt. Everest." Mario dies in the intro, stupidly running into a pit of Munchers right off the bat. If you hit start before this happens, there's no message in the intro level, so you're stuck there forever.