Deletion: Super Mario Advanced
Author: Blueredmario64
[16:02:01] <MatthewPZC> OH GOSH
[16:02:03] <MatthewPZC> AAAHHH
[16:02:26] * MatthewPZC dies of lack of brain cells because he looked at the most recently submitted hack at SMWC.
[16:02:52] <KilloZapit> XD
[16:02:58] <KilloZapit> this I gotta see
[16:03:13] <Brett> christ, 6 hacks waiting
[16:03:21] <Brett> I might actually have to look at them
[16:03:47] <BrutalC> *drools due to seeing newest submitted hack, and it's underlying stupidity/
[16:03:59] <Brett> Christian's hack?
[16:04:12] <MatthewPZC> I won't say that normal, outdoors ground + Castle Background = Fail, since it isn't (it's perfectly normal, because the area could like, be outdoors or something)...BUT BLUE GRASS?! BLUE GRASS = FAIL x100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
[16:04:25] <MatthewPZC>
[16:04:48] <Brett> lul
[16:04:53] <Brett> I have ot try this
[16:05:12] <MatthewPZC> LOL
[16:05:14] <MatthewPZC> IT'S A ROM AGAIN
[16:05:16] <Brett> oh boy
[16:05:21] <Brett> I was just about to say that
[16:05:29] <MatthewPZC> That is why I opened it first instead of downloaded. XD
[16:05:45] <MatthewPZC> I don't get why people are that stupid
[16:06:07] <MatthewPZC> Oh well. There's only one good thing about the fact that it's a ROM- I get to be lazy. XD
[16:06:14] <MatthewPZC> (No, that's NOT a good thing. XD)
[16:06:35] <Brett> overworld splits my eyes apart
[16:07:13] <Brett> a pipe in yoshi's island 1 takes you to a test level
[16:07:44] <MatthewPZC> Fire Flower at the start = Fail? What do you think, Brett?
[16:08:02] <Brett> duh
[16:08:15] <MatthewPZC> Heh. I agree.
[16:08:17] <Brett> I did that in the ancient version of NMV that was never seen on the internet though
[16:08:20] <Brett>
[16:08:43] <Brett> ok
[16:08:48] <Brett> it's also an obvious 105 edit
[16:08:56] <Brett> because there are pieces of that level left in
[16:09:45] <MatthewPZC> The person even left in the "Invisible Warp" sprite.
[16:09:47] <MatthewPZC> O_o
[16:09:47] <Brett> playing through the yellow switch palace for the billionth time
[16:10:04] <Brett> seriously, is editing this level a crime in the noob population
[16:10:07] <poe7> even my first hack that never made the intertubes was better
[16:10:27] <MatthewPZC> And apparently, the person used the Perfect Breakable Bricks patch, since the Turn Blocks don't turn
[16:10:44] <Brett> yoshi's island 2 uses castle music for no apparent reason
[16:11:16] <MatthewPZC> Yoshi's Island 2 starts you with a ! Block near you, turn blocks at the top of the screen, and turn blocks on the left, right?
[16:11:24] <Brett> yes
[16:11:32] <MatthewPZC> A pipe in YI1 leads you there. XD
[16:13:08] <Brett> the latter half of YI2 is exactly the same as in SMW
[16:13:19] <Brett> I gues he gets bored halfway though editing levels
[16:13:27] <Brett> and stamps them OK anyway
[16:13:59] <Brett> YI3 is impossible to clear without a cape
[16:14:00] <MatthewPZC> Apparently, you need either a Cape or Yoshi in order to get past the start of YI3.
[16:14:04] <Brett> beaten
[16:15:02] <Brett> the latter 4/5ths is exactly the same again
[16:15:04] -->| papermario766 ([email protected]) has joined #smwcentral
[16:15:21] <papermario766> ... Hai?
[16:15:28] <Brett> hi
[16:15:34] <Brett> we're discussing another shitty hack
[16:15:41] <papermario766> Ah
[16:15:47] <Brett>
[16:16:03] <MatthewPZC> And YI4 was not edited
[16:16:09] <MatthewPZC> Except maybe the colors
[16:16:15] <MatthewPZC> Castle 1 = Not far
[16:16:33] <papermario766> OH MY GOD, ANOTHER 1337 HACK
[16:16:41] <papermario766> EVERONE, RATE IT A 10!
[16:16:48] <papermario766> lol
[16:16:53] <Brett> no
[16:16:57] <Brett> none of that
[16:17:07] <MatthewPZC> Yyyyeaahh... Not edited AT ALL
[16:17:18] <BZM> omg, it r next victim on my Hacks That Suck vid series D:
[16:17:25] <papermario766> lol
[16:17:28] =-= BZM is now known as poe7
[16:17:37] <papermario766> you can make a sucky hack in less then 10 minuites
[16:17:45] <papermario766> I made one with no GFX
[16:17:49] <papermario766> at all
[16:18:13] <poe7> 0_o
[16:18:28] <poe7> my bad hacks were tolerable
[16:18:51] <Brett> why am I even playing through unedited donut plains 1
[16:18:57] <papermario766> Wow
[16:19:07] <papermario766> A SMC file
[16:19:09] <Brett> I'm posting this IRC log in the deletion log thread
[16:19:12] <Brett> k guys
Author: Blueredmario64
[16:02:01] <MatthewPZC> OH GOSH
[16:02:03] <MatthewPZC> AAAHHH
[16:02:26] * MatthewPZC dies of lack of brain cells because he looked at the most recently submitted hack at SMWC.
[16:02:52] <KilloZapit> XD
[16:02:58] <KilloZapit> this I gotta see
[16:03:13] <Brett> christ, 6 hacks waiting
[16:03:21] <Brett> I might actually have to look at them
[16:03:47] <BrutalC> *drools due to seeing newest submitted hack, and it's underlying stupidity/
[16:03:59] <Brett> Christian's hack?
[16:04:12] <MatthewPZC> I won't say that normal, outdoors ground + Castle Background = Fail, since it isn't (it's perfectly normal, because the area could like, be outdoors or something)...BUT BLUE GRASS?! BLUE GRASS = FAIL x100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
[16:04:25] <MatthewPZC>
[16:04:48] <Brett> lul
[16:04:53] <Brett> I have ot try this
[16:05:12] <MatthewPZC> LOL
[16:05:14] <MatthewPZC> IT'S A ROM AGAIN
[16:05:16] <Brett> oh boy
[16:05:21] <Brett> I was just about to say that
[16:05:29] <MatthewPZC> That is why I opened it first instead of downloaded. XD
[16:05:45] <MatthewPZC> I don't get why people are that stupid
[16:06:07] <MatthewPZC> Oh well. There's only one good thing about the fact that it's a ROM- I get to be lazy. XD
[16:06:14] <MatthewPZC> (No, that's NOT a good thing. XD)
[16:06:35] <Brett> overworld splits my eyes apart
[16:07:13] <Brett> a pipe in yoshi's island 1 takes you to a test level
[16:07:44] <MatthewPZC> Fire Flower at the start = Fail? What do you think, Brett?
[16:08:02] <Brett> duh
[16:08:15] <MatthewPZC> Heh. I agree.
[16:08:17] <Brett> I did that in the ancient version of NMV that was never seen on the internet though
[16:08:20] <Brett>
[16:08:43] <Brett> ok
[16:08:48] <Brett> it's also an obvious 105 edit
[16:08:56] <Brett> because there are pieces of that level left in
[16:09:45] <MatthewPZC> The person even left in the "Invisible Warp" sprite.
[16:09:47] <MatthewPZC> O_o
[16:09:47] <Brett> playing through the yellow switch palace for the billionth time
[16:10:04] <Brett> seriously, is editing this level a crime in the noob population
[16:10:07] <poe7> even my first hack that never made the intertubes was better
[16:10:27] <MatthewPZC> And apparently, the person used the Perfect Breakable Bricks patch, since the Turn Blocks don't turn
[16:10:44] <Brett> yoshi's island 2 uses castle music for no apparent reason
[16:11:16] <MatthewPZC> Yoshi's Island 2 starts you with a ! Block near you, turn blocks at the top of the screen, and turn blocks on the left, right?
[16:11:24] <Brett> yes
[16:11:32] <MatthewPZC> A pipe in YI1 leads you there. XD
[16:13:08] <Brett> the latter half of YI2 is exactly the same as in SMW
[16:13:19] <Brett> I gues he gets bored halfway though editing levels
[16:13:27] <Brett> and stamps them OK anyway
[16:13:59] <Brett> YI3 is impossible to clear without a cape
[16:14:00] <MatthewPZC> Apparently, you need either a Cape or Yoshi in order to get past the start of YI3.
[16:14:04] <Brett> beaten
[16:15:02] <Brett> the latter 4/5ths is exactly the same again
[16:15:04] -->| papermario766 ([email protected]) has joined #smwcentral
[16:15:21] <papermario766> ... Hai?
[16:15:28] <Brett> hi
[16:15:34] <Brett> we're discussing another shitty hack
[16:15:41] <papermario766> Ah
[16:15:47] <Brett>
[16:16:03] <MatthewPZC> And YI4 was not edited
[16:16:09] <MatthewPZC> Except maybe the colors
[16:16:15] <MatthewPZC> Castle 1 = Not far
[16:16:33] <papermario766> OH MY GOD, ANOTHER 1337 HACK
[16:16:41] <papermario766> EVERONE, RATE IT A 10!
[16:16:48] <papermario766> lol
[16:16:53] <Brett> no
[16:16:57] <Brett> none of that
[16:17:07] <MatthewPZC> Yyyyeaahh... Not edited AT ALL
[16:17:18] <BZM> omg, it r next victim on my Hacks That Suck vid series D:
[16:17:25] <papermario766> lol
[16:17:28] =-= BZM is now known as poe7
[16:17:37] <papermario766> you can make a sucky hack in less then 10 minuites
[16:17:45] <papermario766> I made one with no GFX
[16:17:49] <papermario766> at all
[16:18:13] <poe7> 0_o
[16:18:28] <poe7> my bad hacks were tolerable
[16:18:51] <Brett> why am I even playing through unedited donut plains 1
[16:18:57] <papermario766> Wow
[16:19:07] <papermario766> A SMC file
[16:19:09] <Brett> I'm posting this IRC log in the deletion log thread
[16:19:12] <Brett> k guys