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Details for Falling
Hack Name: Falling Demo - 414.2 KB - 16 downloads.
Length: 12 levels
Author: PTMarc33 - Submitted by: PTMarc33
Description: Let's fall!
My first hack!
Feel free to make a "Let's play" on Youtube ;)
Here's Why

Title screen needs work.

Mario is Missing!

FG starting position set too low. Also, just to save space, EVERY level had the same problem.

Cuttoff where the horizontal grass meets the vertical edge.

Why does Mario just walk over all terrain and return to Yoshi's House?

The player shouldn't be presented with an easy 3-up moon. And the player should definitely not be presented with so many at one time...that's usually more moons that a single hack uses.

Don't make the player walk on the lowest row in Lunar Magic, as only the top pixel is visible. Also, the little "goal" area to the right looks odd.



Blocks create cutoff once broken.

To put is plainly, this overworld isn't good at all. It's pretty flat with hardly any decorations. The corners are miscolored as well.

This level is the exact same as the last, except you have to retrieve the key from the BOTTOM and work your way back UP.


Since the player is required to be big to beat each level, why did you make a part that is difficult to pass while Super Mario?



Please explain to me how I was supposed to know that these seemingly normal SLOPES hurt me. I mean, come on...you definitely should have put in an explanation for this. Also, those climbing net edges hurt. Go figure.

Recycled section...again.

Top and bottom of vine creates cutoff.

What is with the red switch block outlines?

? blocks for the fire of lit candles. Nice.

Going down these sections is no problem. But going up is a whole different story.

Vine abuse.

Glitched bouncing frame. And from this point on, I got frustrated beyond words. You are frequently being glitched all the way back down due to one tile passageways, and Super Mario just gets pushed down. After this, you have another vertical section of turn blocks, only this time, you have to pick the right shaft, or else you have to climb back down and start over. Not to mention I only had 30 seconds to do this, and died on my way back down.
This hack had a nice idea I suppose...a hack full of vertical levels. But in my eyes, vertical levels are very hard to perfect, and most end up being sloppy, as the case here. What I hated the most was that you had no idea where an enemy was, as they all just fall down at once. You can be climbing with no problem, and then get assaulted by 4 Koopas at once. Not fun, especially when you need a feather to beat the level. I can't really suggest anything besides reworking every level, or just starting fresh. You had a nice concept, but executed very poorly.