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Hack Name: Demo a437 Super Mario World
Length: 7 levels
Author: shiloa437 - Submitted by: shiloa437
Description: This is my second demo this time with ExGFX in it.The only reson i call it a437 super mario world is beacuse its my penguins name in clubpenguin and its all i could think of.......

NOTE!!!:This hack contains smb3 music so you might get sick of the music


ROM. I believe you're a repeat offender and seriously, all you get for uploading these is a 72 hour ban. Either make a working IPS patch or don't submit a hack altogether.

Name: Fatal Mario World
Author: Fatal Gear
Description: Fatal Mario World is an epic adventure of epic proportions! Okay, fine, not really. Basically, this is my experimental game. I was learning all the features of Lunar Magic as I went along, and I learned to play SMW a LOT better as I got further. The levels show a progression of what I thought was difficult at the time I made them, so it starts out simple, and gets a bit deadlier as time goes on. The graphics aren't much, but I tried to make a few small improvements (I'm still learning the tech side of it), so I hope you enjoy what little I've edited. The levels are unique and every one tries something new, so hopefully you'll have as much fun playing it as I did creating it.

Your IPS contains the entirety of Super Mario All-Stars + World. Since you edited that game, you should make your patch based off the SMAS+W rom.

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My Hacks:

Hack Name: SMW: Panic in Eglet Islands
Length: 6 exits
Author: Elecman - Submitted by: Elecman
Description: Eglet Islands was the best place to relax until Bowser struck and kidnapped the princess. It's up to Mario to face various fun levels and defeat Bowser in the last demo.

This demo's boss is Morton


It's a fun little hack actually, and I really liked it, but there are a couple of things you ought to fix.

This was the main reason for removal: Glitched overworld events. They're probably caused by not uninstalling the title screen recording ASM or messing around with overworld palettes. Suggestion: Port everything over to a new ROM, don't make those mistakes again, and make a backup every time before editing the overworld.

If you hit both blue switches before going through there, you're pretty much stuck once they run out. Some way to reset would be great - a pipe, a door, a side exit, whatever.

Wrong swallowing tiles. I don't think you're supposed to have Yoshi in a switch palace.


That's all that kept me from accepting it - fix these, and you're in (assuming I didn't overlook any major flaw, which I'm pretty sure I didn't).


Name: Fatal Mario World [v1.1]
Author: Fatal Gear
Description: Fatal Mario World is an epic adventure of epic proportions! ...Or something like that. The game is my first Lunar Magic experiment, so every level tries something new. I started out as a fairly new SMW player, so the game gets harder as it goes along, with what I thought was challenging at the time. The graphics have some minor edits here and there that make it a little less bland, but I'm still learning all that fancy tech stuff to do animation. I learned to play a LOT better as I kept working, and I hope that you enjoy playing it as much as I did creating it.

This version has been updated so you can no longer die in the intro level, and the patch is now for Super Mario All-Stars + World as it should be.

Your titlescreen looks a little odd?

It's really unclear that you have to spinjump through this wall - nothing else works.

Hurting or killing someone as soon as they enter the level before they know what's going on is widely considered by many to be "a dick move". Don't do it!

Unedited level segments abound.

Cutoff ahoy!

Muncher stacking looks plain ugly - create some new graphics with that block effect, like spikes stuck to the wall or something.

Placing tiles on the bottom-most layer renders them all but invisible.

Requiring the player to use glitches (in this case, pulling a used P-Switch through a pipe to get a second use) to succeed is a just plain bad idea.

Lots of long stretches of boring nothingness to dash through.

So, in short, you've got quite a long way to go. Play some of the featured hacks, and see how varied their level design is. Learn and evolve!

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My Hacks:

Name: One level demo
Author: ownerthugz
Description: My first attempt at a good hack with nice palette changes but i'm not too sure about the cement blocks and the bullet bills. Input please?

WAY too short. Please make your demo longer before submitting.

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My Hacks:

Hack Name: Super Mario World The 7 Golden Mushrooms
Length: 71 exits
Author: mario90 - Submitted by: mario90
Description: This is my very first hack. Been working on and off on it for 2 years. I didn't want to submit it until I thought I was fresh out of things to do completely.

The Story takes place after Super Mario Galaxy. There is a new original use I thought up for the Bonus Star counter. Some music I ported or made on my own and some from others. I recommend you play with both bros in this game but you can go solo with Mario if you like.

If you find any bugs or glitches PM me about it and I'll get to work on it.


It is well-made overall, but there are a tad too many issues for me to accept this.

Missing "corner" tiles for tree tops.

Some perspective issues (especially in the lower right corner) and some missing corner tiles.

What's up with the message box's bounce sprite?

What if you aren't fast enough and the P-switch runs out before you're able to go on? A way to reset would be great.

This was a quite common issue throughout the hack: Cutoffness caused by pipes. Especially the sort of cutoffness in the second screenshot has to be fixed. Not only this particular instance, of course - look out for all other spots where this issue appears.

Glitched overworld events everywhere. Forgetting to uninstall the title screen recording ASM hack or editing wrong palettes can be the cause.

Please apply the Fade Fix patch.

The palettes don't look so good, and the whole submap looks pretty boring in general.

Although it's not absolutely necessary, it would be great if you made custom edge tiles for the pipes.

Some flying question / used blocks disappear. Use a different sprite memory setting or apply the "No more sprite tile limits" patch.

Something's wrong with the background assembly (below the pyramid, to be exact).

It took me long to figure out I had to go thorugh the quicksand to go on... It would be nice of you gave some kind of hint.

A floating Bullet Bill shooter?

The ground tiles have dirt behind them when they aren't supposed to.

Not that much of a big deal, but the top part of the platform being partially green looks odd.

Also a common issue: Yoshi coins placed on a sub-screen boundary, allowing you to get infinite lives. Just move them up or down one tile, and there you go.

This is why you should block the part below the pipe with cement block or something.

How did I die here? I can't remember if this was the fast-running part, but if it was, you should look into it, or remove that running sprite if it doesn't work.

In many places, you had passable pipes or ground. It's not a removal reason, I just think it can confuse the player a lot. Just wanted to point that out - maybe you can find a replacement for them.
(Oh, and you should give all pipe tiles layer priority, or you can still see Mario.)

Hardly visible BG garbage, but still garbage. See if you can find a fix for it.

A message box...

...turns into a used block?

Some perspective issues.

Aren't there corner tiles with water behind them?

The top part of the ground seems a little cutoff... might just be me though.

This, however, IS cutoffness. ;aybe you should just use different tiles that are only 16x16.

Another floating shooter.

Cutoff pillars.

More diagonal pipe fail.

The slopes seem cut-off too.

I got stuck in that pipe...

Missing corner tiles.

Wrong FG Initial Position.

Floating munchers? Lucikly they were the only ones in the hack.

Cutoff wall.

Misplaced piranha plant.

I was unable to beat that level... I can only hope that it's one of the last ones, and that there aren't any other errors after that.

As I said, this was a rather nice hack, and it would have been a great one if id had not been for these flaws. When fixing them, be sure to look out for other places that have the same issues too!

Hack Name: Super World (0.1) Demo
Length: 1 level
Author: LLawliet37 - Submitted by: LLawliet37
Description: My first ROM hack.
Hope you enjoy!
There is only 1 level in the hack, I will make more if you like it.
The level to the left of the over world is modified.


The text color for this could look a bit better. I'd suggest changing the palettes a bit.

Minor issue, but the way the rock's set up, it looks like Mario's standing on nothing.

Making blocks act like music notes so they're bouncy doesn't work so well, since it causes this to happen. You may want to use a custom block instead.

The "shop" is busted. Mario swims through the numbers here, and if he tries to buy an item, it just takes the coins and gives him nothing. You really need to thoroughly test this out and be sure it works.

Major cutoff here.

What's up with the white on the munchers here?

You should either use the fade fix patch or disable fading entirely here.

Now, you said this was the only complete level, but I went ahead and checked the other two out.

One on the right is unedited Yoshi's Island 2.

The one on the left has some issues with the red piranha plant vine and ugly black color on Shy Guy's mask.

what is this

The level in progress ends here, so you're forced to die if you want out.

For a first hack, it's good to see you implementing custom music along with ExGFX and custom sprites/blocks, but you need to be sure everything works correctly. There were some issues with how well things functioned in this hack, as well as some aesthetic aspects mentioned above. Additionally, a single level really isn't enough. I would suggest finishing the first world before you resubmit.
Hack Name: Mega Man's Trip to An Unknown World [1.6]
Length: 6 levels
Author: pokemonguys - Submitted by: rusher243
Description: This hack was made to be kinda like Mega Man, but he had fun making this ROM. I hope you guys will like this ROM, like I did.
This hack was made to be kinda like Mega Man, but he had fun making this ROM. I hope you guys will like this ROM, like I did.

Things he used:
-Noobie's Boss maker
-Sprite tool
-Block tool
-Hex editor
-Rusher243's help

(uploaded by Rusher243 because pokemonguys was banned.)


If this is Mega Man, then why does it still say Mario for the slots, as well as Mario Start! for levels? You can easily eliminate the second one with a hex edit, and use Smallhacker's misc text editor for the first.

Several status bar palette issues.

Good to see a warning, but it'd be better if the water looked slightly different or had a different palette or something. It just seems odd as it is now.

A lot of Mega Man's frames, such as running, are extremely choppy.

Something appears wrong with the corner tiles, there's random A's in the message box, and why is the switch yellow when it was supposed to be green?

That's it, I'm getting to the botton of this. :(

Strange palette for the coins here.

After beating the castle, I wound up back here. I'm guessing this is the end of the demo, but it'd be nice to have an "end of demo" message or something.

This hack wasn't bad overall, and the levels were fairly fun despite being on the short and linear side. There are some issues though, such as problems with the switch palace, status bar palettes, and other things as mentioned above. I hope you'll fix them before resubmitting.
Hack Name: super noob World
Length: 7 levels
Author: popboygiz123 - Submitted by: popboygiz123
Description: here is my first hack that i made


This looks familiar...
Oh here it is!
And it's still a ROM, so you're still getting a 72 hour ban. If you don't submit an IPS patch next time, you may never be able to submit a hack to SMWC again.
Hack Name: Mario's infinite hill. - 132.5 KB - 30 downloads.
Length: 1 level
Author: razenoku - Submitted by: razenoku
Description: This is my first hack, is very easy but is good, you sure like it.
Is fully made with lunar magic.

That's lava, actually.

Why am I still being bombarded with fish after I got out of the water portion of this level?

This level starts out with Mario just standing, instead of exiting a pipe. You can die if you're not careful.

Top Secret Area + Ghost House background.

Top Secret Area is looped three times.

I'm given Yoshi, but I can't take him through the door.

Coming through the door, I'm met with a broken palette.

Name: Kaizo mario 2
Author: unknown - Submitted by: shiloa437
Description: I did not make this hack i know lots of people like kaizo mario so i posted it this hack is very hard for advanced players only!!!!!!!!! red the red me first

Submitted ROMs. Bannings occur. Can't say we didn't warn you!

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My Hacks:

Hack Name: The Saga - Kame [Demo Update]
Length: 7 levels
Author: Rauy Style - Submitted by: Rauy Style
Description: HISTORY: The new son of Bowser, tired to follow orders of its father, decides to become new King Koopa…



Credits: In the final version… Next version: Only the complete version…

Obs:FadeFix it was placed, but it does not function with all BGs.

Obs 2:Not new phase, only one Update in the stages with Some new Bg´s and Musics, and bug of stage 2 fixed.

The main reason for removal was that the level design wasn't fun.

...............yeah basically, repetetive and bad level design that wasn't fun to play at all.

If you don't choose to just remake the levels I guess here's some other stuff that should be fixed.

Screwed up gfx32.bin

Some stuff left behind on OW

Why is the player character in smw style but enemies are redrawn?

This section was overly long and difficult/unfair.

Graphics pasted incorrectly.

The grinders were never coded to have a death frame so killing by sliding gives garbled graphics.

The frame used for picking stuff up looks different from the holding frame...

Also I stopped playing around here because a 20 room door maze is no fun at all.

That's basically it. To have this hack accepted, just make some fun levels! The music and fg/bg graphics were alright, it's just the level design and some errors that need to be fixed.
Hack Name: The Legacy of Toad (level pack 1)
Length: 6 levels
Author: Kogasa Tatara - Submitted by: Kogasa Tatara
Description: An amazing hack, custom sprite,
music, and graphics.Good level
design, I'm very proud of this.


Apart from the glitched graphics and bad block palettes, the main issue here is that you get a star right at the beginning of the title screen, which screws up the music, and you beat the level after that, not only forcing you to react fast or get stuck in the title level, but also causing the "Course clear message" to cut off the title screen text, which shouldn't read "Super Mario World", by the way, since the protagonist is Toad.
(That was all one sentence? Wow.)

Why do the corner tiles have a black background?
Also, this Boo flies by at high speed, which looks really odd.

You call this a house? Glitched graphics, floating ground, and not even a side exit?

More glitched graphics, and no way to go on...

I'm starting to think you're using a bad ROM for creating the IPS patch, since everything looks different in the screenshots you provided. Make sure you're using a clean ROM, and test the patch before submitting your hack next time.
Hack Name: Mario's Homeland (Demo1) Fixed
Length: 6 levels
Author: Tommy15551 - Submitted by: Tommy15551
Description: Sorry for the other one. The ips file should work now.
Reason for not working: Lunar ips needed a unmodified rom, a modified rom, and a place to put the ips file. I didn't use an unmodified rom lunar ips needed to make an ips file, so this one works now.

Mario and Luigi was at their homeland after Bowser's defeat. Then, they went to look for Yoshi that has gone missing. When they returned to their homeland, it suddenly disappeared.

Mario's thinking, "Bowser has done this. Lets-a-go!"

Luigi's thinking, "I hope this horrible dream goes away quickly...!"


This appears to be a really well-made hack, and I'm really sorry for having to remove it. The main reason for removal was this:

After beating the first level, the paths on the overworld screw up. If you go to the left, you're stuck on the level tile, and entering it leads to level 0. You can only go on if you take the path over Yoshi's house, but Mario's position looks odd there as well. You're also stuck after beating the castle.
Make sure Mario's starting position is right (you should move him a bit down in this case), and check if all paths work right.

Additionally, I've found these minor issues:

There's no wall here. Add one or set the level length to 1 screen.

There's a small pit here, but you can't see it. You shouldn't use the bottom row of tiles in LM for placing ground.

The camera starts too high here. To fix this, click on the door button with the "1" on it and change the settings in the "BG Initial Pos." menu.

Just a little typo - "give" instead of "givee". ;)


As I said, it's a nice and enjoyable hack overall, but the overworld problem made me have to reject it. Don't give up though - Fix the errors I mentioned, and I'm almost 100% sure your hack will egt accepted next time. ;)

Name: SB : Ninja Attack GFX Demo
Author: Rmn96
Description:Okay, this is just a demo of the game. I still need to edit A LOT of GFX. None of the levels are edited yet either.

Originally posted by Rmn96
None of the levels are edited yet either.
Case closed.

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My Hacks:

Hack Name: Bowser's Homeland Demo - 23.6 KB - 35 downloads.
Length: 7 exits
Author: DarkMark, BlackMark10 (Youtube) - Submitted by: DarkMark
Description: Second try! There is no custom music, sprites, or blocks.

Bowser's has retreted to his homeland. Mario is following in hopes of defeating him for the last time. It is also unknown if he has the Princess.

This hack does not meet the following Hack Submission Guidelines:
Originally posted by Hack Submission Guidelines

7a) Keep it fair, and keep the hack at a legitimate difficulty!
i.e. Avoid things like death after the goal, blind jumps, forced damage, excessive enemies, places where you can get permanently stuck, excessive 3-UP moons, etc.

This is where I gave up. I could not see how the player could progress farther. However, this was not the first of some overly difficult difficulty.

This Bullet Bill Blaster on the right is the first in a series of one-block-wide jumps in an icy level. Not overly difficult for later in a game, but kinda difficult for the second or third level. Also, I'm not a huge fan of that slope action here - the problem is if you are near where they might, you bump your head and can get hit by enemies you are trying to jump over. Just use normal slope connections instead of "multi-level" hills like this.

^ Same with this.

I'm really not a big fan of needing to move immediately at the beginning of a level to avoid being hit.

This one's not that bad, but slippery + Munchers + small jumping spaces this early in the game just seems a bit hard.

Some areas are too hard, and then there is just a 3-Up Moon ready for the picking. The difficulty in this hack needs some evening out.

At the end of this level, I found a place near the end that lets me walk all around the top... also lets you fall into an area where you can be trapped forever. :(

Not a reason for removal, but why not just use the original vines?

I have to say that I liked the intro message. Kind of different and fun and cool.

Apart from all the things I've mentioned, the level design here is pretty decent. I think if you just fixed up these things and worked on evening out difficulty, you should probably be close to being accepted. Keep up the good work!

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.
Hack Name: Dinosaur Land Tranformed Demo - 143.3 KB - 31 downloads.
Length: 2 levels
Author: drayn - Submitted by: drayn
Description: Just my first rom hack im workin on NOTE: The only levels changed were yoshi's Island 1 and the switch palace

This hack does not meet the following Hack Submission Guidelines:
Originally posted by Hack Submission Guidelines

2. Blatant level edits will not be accepted.
Use CTRL+DEL to remove old SMW levels. (104, C5, C7, and 3 are exempt from this.)

3. No graphical glitches!
Errors such as garbled sprites/FGs/BGs, message box text screwing up layer 3 items, cutoff tiles, and general graphical ugliness are frowned upon. Also, don't forget about glitches such as sprite memory issues - the graphics of the sprite will 'disappear', but the sprite will still be there, and can unfairly hurt Mario.

4. Unless you intend to make your hack contain very long and very high quality levels, demos which are too short to provide any feedback on or be enjoyable will be subject to removal.

7a) Keep it fair, and keep the hack at a legitimate difficulty!
i.e. Avoid things like death after the goal, blind jumps, forced damage, excessive enemies, places where you can get permanently stuck, excessive 3-UP moons, etc.

9. Quality level design
Your hack has a much higher chance of being accepted if the level design is fun. Conversely, if the level design is found to be lacking then a little cutoffness may be enough to push the hack into deletion.

Hi there. This hack isn't bad for a first try, but it's not quite at a high enough quality level for the site. Keep working on things for a few more weeks, play some old Mario games or some of the featured hacks here - that will make things better.

Also, we really want something longer than just two levels - plus you shouldn't be able to access any old levels (see below).

So much wrong in one screen - floating Munchers, Kaizo jumps and enemy placement, bad palettes, incorrect GFX sets.

I hate being attacked as soon as I enter a level.

Change your GFX to make the correct Bullet Bills/fireballs show up.

Semi-hard jumps for the first level.

Plant this in the ground so it isn't hideous on the bottom.

Round off this edge to avoid Cutoffness.

This looks like Blargg puked on the OW - please work with the palettes a little bit more.

Not a reason for removal, but Yoshi's chimney doesn't need a flashing palette.

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.
Hack Name: Super Mario World 128 Demo - 334.7 KB - 17 downloads.
Length: Unknown
Author: Mew3Mew37979 - Submitted by: Mew3Mew37979
Description: This is a DEMO! Super Mario World 128 Beta is coming soon so just play the demo game.

Originally posted by "Submit A Hack" Page

The screenshots must be 256x224 or less and must be PNG images. Screenshots may not be any larger than 512 KB. You must submit at least 1 screenshot.

How to make a good screenshot:
Play your hack in Zsnes. When you want a screenshot hit F1. This should bring up a menu. The bottom option should say IMAGE FORMAT:. By selecting that option and pressing enter, you can switch between BMP and PNG. In this case, we want PNG. Now select SAVE SNAPSHOT and press enter. The image will be called <rom name> xxxx.png (where xxxx is a number) and will be saved in your Zsnes folder.

^ This is not a screenshot.

It's a scene from Level 15 of the original game. :(

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.
Hack Name: besthack in world Demo - 131.6 KB - 13 downloads.
Length: 255 exits
Author: Ulquiorra Schiffer - Submitted by: Ulquiorra Schiffer
Description: this is the besthack in the world, trust me, best levels best music has nearly infinite levels, just have to love it <3

i reallllly hope this will be accepted cuz this my first hack and i really wanna show it off so dont reject liek the most things i post :(

PS: Please, don't take it serious ;)

Originally posted by "Submit A Hack" Page

The screenshots must be 256x224 or less and must be PNG images. Screenshots may not be any larger than 512 KB. You must submit at least 1 screenshot.

How to make a good screenshot:
Play your hack in Zsnes. When you want a screenshot hit F1. This should bring up a menu. The bottom option should say IMAGE FORMAT:. By selecting that option and pressing enter, you can switch between BMP and PNG. In this case, we want PNG. Now select SAVE SNAPSHOT and press enter. The image will be called <rom name> xxxx.png (where xxxx is a number) and will be saved in your Zsnes folder.

^ This is not a screenshot.

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.
-> Removed:
Hack Name: Mario and the Purple Switch Block.
Lenght: 4 Levels
Author: Rico Koopa - Submittted by: Rico Koopa
Description at:

-> Removal Reason(s):
This isn't really a bad hack, however, I personally think it is a tad too short - four levels, one of them being just a boss battle, and the rest being extremely short levels isn't enough for your hack to be accepted, I say; please extend the lenght of your hack if you plan on re-submitting it to the site, by either including more levels to it, or extending the already-included levels a little. By both doing that, and get around to fixing the small "issues" I found upon moderating it, there's no doubt it will be accepted.

Speaking of issues, here are the most serious ones (they aren't THAT serious, but eh) I managed to find:

If the player actually hits one of these flying question blocks in one of the previous sections of this grotto, he wouldn't be able to get past of this pool of lava. I would suggest placing something like reset doors/reset pipes/reset blocks/whatever in the section shown by the above screenshot, so that the player would have a chance of returning to the beginning of the grotto and re-start his/her way until the end of it, this time without making the mistakes he/she had made previously.

Personally, I reckon that the scene shown by this screenshot is a little unfair - I had to actually waste some savestates in order to succesfully get past of those infamous munchers. I would suggest placing Lakitu's cloud one tile up - it would be much less frustating for the player to get past of that part this way. Alternatively, I'm starting to think that those munchers are supposed to make Mario lose one powerup if he is Fire Mario/Big Mario/Cape Mario by the time he attempts to move on to Lakitu's cloud - if that's the case, I would recommend removing the munchers, as I personally am not a big fan of these "player being obligated to lose a power-up in order to proceed" thingies, and I'm sure other people aren't either.

Aside from these "issues", here are some grammar mistakes that could have been fixed with ease:

"Finally! I'm at the Purple Switch Block World. Better find the deep forest."

"A part of the wall is fake. The Shy Guy Tribe made that so they could get the P-Switch to access the Power Star.". Also, it would be great if you specified what wall is the one mentioned by such message.

-> Suggestion(s):
  • As already mentioned, try to extend the lenght of your levels - that would make them way more enjoyable to play through, and it would consequently make your hack closer of being accepted;

  • Some of your palette choices aren't so good, in my opinion. Try tweaking some of them a tad little, such as the palette used by the ground in the title screen/the palette used by the Giant Goombas in them respective phase/etc.

  • yeah. Just make this hack a tad little longer, and fix the really small thingies I pointed out and this should be accepted, considering that I didn't overlook any major flaws upon moderating it.
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