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Kaizo Hack Submissions - Edit: Most recent list of May 1st

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Originally posted by .Henix.
Originally posted by Will_Da_Beast
There has never been a truly, truly difficult hack i have came upon that has gone so far as to make me quit. Not item abuse, not pit of death, none of em. So i wouldnt classify any thing as "able to make my life hell" (but maybe i'm just good at mario)

I can change that. >=D

then please, stop bluffing and do it. SJ and Will are itching for a challenge, and i can't say i remember seeing a kaizo contribution from you.
we are all 😎 but some are more 😎 than others
Challenge, you say?

Here's your challenge.

NOTE: It is note done. The first level is JUST the beginning. >=D

EDIT: Oh yeah, save states and slowdown are required. And ignore the fucked up blocks. I'm in process of fixing them.

EDIT2: Before I forget, it's quite, how should I put it? Puzzling. Key jumping and shell jumping, along with flying while holding an item are included.
Want to see some of my cool swords? Well, too bad, right now you only get to see one of them, and it's my avatar. Might set up some kind of gallery/portfolio at some point, though.
I guess my post will be ignored then .__.

I'll copy/pasta it when things start to liven up a bit
Originally posted by .Henix.
Challenge, you say?

Here's your challenge.

NOTE: It is note done. The first level is JUST the beginning. >=D

EDIT: Oh yeah, save states and slowdown are required. And ignore the fucked up blocks. I'm in process of fixing them.

EDIT2: Before I forget, it's quite, how should I put it? Puzzling. Key jumping and shell jumping, along with flying while holding an item are included.

arent challenges supposed to be umm... hard? i tased it, and im not gonna upload it cuz its kinda stupid. just me key jumping above the entire thing. i was originally gonna key jump under the whole thing but i wasnt in the mood. if you want the smv i can send it to you...
This -->Click!!<-- This
^ this.

@.Henix. the intended way in and of itself isn't that difficult. have you played pit hacks before?

if you give a TASer a key, they're not going to kindly drop it into the 'deposit key here' slot when that part of the puzzle is over. nor will they hesitate to use it against your puzzle at every possible moment. the same goes for capes, and just about every other thing in SMW.

@OGS93 no, i saw it, i'm just not interested. i could take a look at it every once in a while, but i'm not that great with commitments...

e: sorry SJ, i should've been more clear.
we are all 😎 but some are more 😎 than others
Originally posted by SoulJester726
Originally posted by .Henix.
Challenge, you say?

Here's your challenge.

NOTE: It is note done. The first level is JUST the beginning. >=D

EDIT: Oh yeah, save states and slowdown are required. And ignore the fucked up blocks. I'm in process of fixing them.

EDIT2: Before I forget, it's quite, how should I put it? Puzzling. Key jumping and shell jumping, along with flying while holding an item are included.

arent challenges supposed to be umm... hard? i tased it, and im not gonna upload it cuz its kinda stupid. just me key jumping above the entire thing. i was originally gonna key jump under the whole thing but i wasnt in the mood. if you want the smv i can send it to you...

I think you should upload it :P
Everyone loves seeing epic breaks!
@ shadowed - well it was a very crappy tas, i wasnt going for time, cuz i didnt have like any time to play it.

@ shark - are you talking to me about ever playing a pit hack? also, i dont think anyone should ever get rid of a key, not just tasers, cuz they are like the best items ever! :P
This -->Click!!<-- This
Originally posted by SoulJester726
arent challenges supposed to be umm... hard? i tased it, and im not gonna upload it cuz its kinda stupid. just me key jumping above the entire thing. i was originally gonna key jump under the whole thing but i wasnt in the mood. if you want the smv i can send it to you...

I'm with SJ on this one. Even if I wasn't going to keyjump, I can fly over the entire thing.

Really not worthy of the title "Pit". Cheap Kaizo, maybe, but not Pit.

Fakeedit: Again, agreeing with SJ. Keys are the most abusable (or at least one of the top 2) items you can give a player. They cannot be destroyed (unless you have Yoshi swallow it), and they can do so much. It's really not a good idea to give the player a key unless you KNOW FOR A FACT that they cannot keep it. I.e., send it to one of us to test it for bugs.

Also, try using ceilings and avoid floating/stacked munchers, as they degrade the already infamous Kaizo stereotypes.

Warning: Opinions expressed by Lexie or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Lexie himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.

Yoshi's Island Disassembly C3 Thread
SPASM - LevelASM for Yoshi's Island!
Yoshi's Island Disassembly Data Dump Wiki
Originally posted by SoulJester726
@ shadowed - well it was a very crappy tas, i wasnt going for time, cuz i didnt have like any time to play it.

@ shark - are you talking to me about ever playing a pit hack? also, i dont think anyone should ever get rid of a key, not just tasers, cuz they are like the best items ever! :P

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

i know that its very breakable but i dont know what to do :-/
i actually dont know wat item is better. the top items in my opinion are key, cape, and yoshi. key can allow you to jump over and even if your amazing at key jumping, under an entire level. you can make it through muncher mazes by low key jumping. you can duplicate blocks. it is a permanent sprite so you can preform the block factory glitch and go off screen and it will still be duplicating the blocks. and it can do a lot more that i dont feel like going into detail about. cape can allow you to glitch through corners easier than without one. you can fly over/under levels. you can keep it through doors, and fly after entering one. you can fall slowly. but the reason i find key better is cuz you cant make small muncher mazes with it. and yoshi isnt really good alone, but with anything it can destroy an entire game. first off it is used to preform pretty much every glitch in the game. it can be used to get to winged yoshi bonus area to break levels, and much more. so ya, those are the items i think are the best in the game :P

EDIT: ninja'd! also, dawn, can i beta test that? it looks fun! xD
This -->Click!!<-- This
Originally posted by SoulJester726

I don't think the feather nor the Yoshi qualify as items, but eh.

Warning: Opinions expressed by Lexie or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Lexie himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.

Yoshi's Island Disassembly C3 Thread
SPASM - LevelASM for Yoshi's Island!
Yoshi's Island Disassembly Data Dump Wiki
Of course you can :)
I think feather is the best item because you can reach speed 51
IMO, best SMW items: shell, springboard, and muncher. YOU CANNOT DENY.

@SJ: oops. fix'd.

@Dawn: aaaaaaaaaa triple shell jump
we are all 😎 but some are more 😎 than others
Originally posted by everybody

Pit is NOT Kaizo, but for convenience's sake they are discussed in the same thread (since both can be compared to 'regular' levels on every point other than difficulty).

Best SMW item when Yoshi is classified as an item:
Reason: there are currently over 50 game-breaking (note: not simply level-breaking, but entire hack-breaking) easy-to-pull-off Yoshi glitches, plus he can walk on munchers.

Best SMW item when Yoshi is not classified as an item, and a cape is:
Reason: flying under/over the level, ignoring that bloody gravity.

Best SMW item when Yoshi and Cape are not classified as items:
Blue Shell/Yellow Shell
Blue Shell can be used to create Blue koopa's, which can be useful in quite a few puzzles. Also shells are commonly glitched/used to skip/break puzzles, or get you a powerup at the end of the level.
Yellow Shell can be used to create Yellow Shellless Koopa's, which can be used to create Rainbow shells, which are awesome. Also shells are still being manipulated.
Note: Key is second best, but only because I hate keyjumping even more than I hate shelljumping. Maybe a key really is better than a shell.

Best SMW block:
Bottom tile of horizontal pipe (exit-enabled)
Reason: Possible reset pipe, also Layer Switch Glitch and quite often item breakage.

Also Dark Moon Rising: just sending a hack to SJ or you for playtesting does not mean the levels won't be breakable, I've broken plenty of SJ's levels to prove that ;P

Also I noticed that the previous four pages are a lot of one-lined posts containing a bit of advice, as well as ?2-3? hack releases. Maybe I'll get to these hacks soon (I hope I do).
Of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire.

Oooh look at my userbar!

Sadistic Designer - testing Pit without tools.
Originally posted by SHARKtober 31st
if you give a TASer a key...

Shit, forgot about that. I'll make sure to make it impossible to bring the key any further. (Custom blocks FTW!)

Also, about the capes, I think I know how I can fix that.

All in all, yeah, it needs some serious fixing to be considered a pit hack, let alone Kaizo. Shouldn't take too long.

FAKEEDIT: Capeproof'd it already. Working on keyjump-proofing the last part.

EDIT: Keyjump-proofed it completely. Should you bring the key to the wall where you have to shelljump, the key'll disappear. Too bad, so sad. >=D

(Face is link to updated patch.)
Want to see some of my cool swords? Well, too bad, right now you only get to see one of them, and it's my avatar. Might set up some kind of gallery/portfolio at some point, though.
I created a pretty hard romhack called "Shell Abuse".
It's will be very hard for a lot of people.

download demo:
Well I know there are parts that are pretty easy, (For me maybe)
but remember I'm pretty new about making SMW romhacks.
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
I finished all of the levels, Play and tell me what you think about it =D
I wasn't expecting CSS to be here?
You have alreadey heard my comments on your hack [thedefyer]
Yes! Wow, I didn't knew someone will notice that fast =D
So yeah, I actualy made the demo of the hack, You can play it now!

Level three: What is the landing spot at 0:07 doing there?

Level two has multiple major breaks:
Players can use the shell at 0:18 to block factory multiple Yoshi's. And Invisi-Yoshi is NOT what you want.
Also at 0:18 you can simply go back to grab an extra shell, and then bring a springboard to the Yoshi section. (You could from there on Yoshi-springboard over the level and use Invisi-Yoshi to get back from the ceiling.)
Also there is cutoff under the bullet bill towers at 0:16 and 0:18.
Also at 0:13 you can simply screenscroll the blue shellless koopa to fall in the hole, and jump on him rather than on the shell. This way you can keep the blue shell.

Level one:
*sigh* what's new here? It really looks like some old ideas were reskinned a little and that is all, none of these traps are too creative and things like triple P-jumps are NOT Kaizo but simply Pit, and boring too.

After downloading the actual hack and looking at it in LM:
Level one:
Boringly hard, and cutoff at the goal tape.

Level two:
Breakable as hell, I can keep a Yoshi and get a mushroom at the end.
Also cutoff, please fix this.

Level three:
The platform does no longer exist, nice!
The lava (screens 02-03) has a horrible palette, is this the case while playing or just a LM error?
Cutoff on the upside down water on screens 03-04.
Lame quadruple P-switch jump

Edit: I forgot to mention that I don't really like the name of the hack, there are loads and loads of hacks out there named 'Shell Puzzle', 'Shell Panic', 'Shell Glitch', 'Shell Abuse', 'Shell Pit', 'Pit of Shells' etc. etc.
Of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire.

Oooh look at my userbar!

Sadistic Designer - testing Pit without tools.
New version of "mario in pain world", with some broke fixed!
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