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Kaizo Hack Submissions - Edit: Most recent list of May 1st

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It's a Trap! Oh, thank an00bis.How do you take a muncher?

My insane and vanilla hacks is released in days.

Originally posted by Miguel32
Oh, thank an00bis.

<-- this is the dope on dope
It's a Trap! lol - i creating a hack with item abuse.... ^^ How do you take a muncher?

My insane and vanilla hacks is released in days.

It's a Trap! Download World of Insane,

If you want to play and make a TAS.How do you take a muncher?

My insane and vanilla hacks is released in days.

Originally posted by Miguel32
Download World of Insane,

If you want to play and make a TAS.

the hack is impossible...

My youtube channel:
It's a Trap! Ow, sorry, i make a atualization of the hack.How do you take a muncher?

My insane and vanilla hacks is released in days.

My kaizo hacks
Just visiting...
It's a Trap! I put 11 levels in my hack (atualization) and what part is impossible XkingBulletBillX?How do you take a muncher?

My insane and vanilla hacks is released in days.

here is my kaizo: departed mario.
this hack is 12 levels long. i don't need slowdown to beat this, just a lot of rewinds.
layout by pirahnaplant.
the variety of chance is upon us, are you scared?

the castle
the first room...
My youtube channel:
Originally posted by superwiidude
here is my kaizo: departed mario.
this hack is 12 levels long. i don't need slowdown to beat this, just a lot of rewinds.

And how to beat you boss in "Infernal Lair"? Tried everything...
Originally posted by don117

And how to beat you boss in "Infernal Lair"? Tried everything...

you can only hurt him with explosions.
layout by pirahnaplant.
the variety of chance is upon us, are you scared?

Originally posted by superwiidude
Originally posted by don117

And how to beat you boss in "Infernal Lair"? Tried everything...

you can only hurt him with explosions.

Do you know what perfect timing it needs? I think you should change that idea in the final release
... It is a Kaizo Hack after all.
Here comes slippy!

Actually, after finding out how to do it I've done it in no time :) Sorry for that :) Maybe I'll LP it after I finish it
Originally posted by An00bis
Could someone recommend me one of these? I'm looking for something that...
-Requires lots of item abuse (ESPECIALLY shell kicking)
-Not TOO hard (about as hard as the original kaizo. Nothing as hard as pangaea's item abuse >_>)
I play without slowdown, just savestates. Obviously, if something is difficult to the point of slowdown, I'm not going to play it :3

Basically, something about on par with enigmatic's level 106 or something.

Is my Springboard and Shells hack too hard?
And what about my World of Pain hack I am currently in progress of?

Originally posted by xKingBulletBillx
the castle
the first room...

Shall I play it too, to see if it is impossible, since I can abuse any item with pleasure, and can do any glitch/trick with ease?
The Distant Shore "what a strange name for a kaizo hack, anyway..."

Me and my classmate called Creativt (hes Youtube name) made a kaizo hack together when both of us started with SMW hacking. It took a half year to get 14 exits done and I have to say I'm really satisfied with our work. I know that most of the people here on SMWC don't like to play Kaizo hacks and that the hacks are not allowed in the hack section (something I think is really fair actually), therefor I thank this thread for existing.

I don't know if I'm wrong about this, but I think nearly every SMW hacker starts of with a sort of kaizo hack, It is just very tyical to explore the limitations of SMW. I've actually learned alot about Lunar Magic and SMW itself after making my Kaizo hack. The main purpose of the hack was not to see a user on Youtube suffer from my puzzles and obstacles in a LP, no, We made it because it was fun making the levels in lunar magic. Ofc it is fun to see a youtuber LP kaizo hacks, but that was not the main purpose as I said.

I think that many kaizo hacks should get a little more attention than some others. There are too many that make kaizo hacks in one day just to see a youtuber play it for the sake of it. People like me and Creativt that actually lies a little effort in to our hack just get ignored among all the other crappy kaizo hacks.

If you really want to suffer from me and Creativt's creations, your welcome, but don't expect having a fun time. You are more welcome to go into Lunar Magic and see how the stages are build up. Its up to you.

Click HERE to download the "The Distant Shore" ZIP-file with the IPS patch and Read me.txt.

Also, there is a kinda "beta-walktrough" on my youtube channel
Click HERE to watch it.

Here is a crappy gif image of the hack.

We will be grateful for any feedbacks:)

I made a hack a few months ago called Super Mario World Glitch Training, but it got rejected from the list. It teaches you how to use glitches in SMW to your advantage. This hack really isn't very hard at all, but anyone looking for an interesting hack should try this.

Here is the adress:

Tag (span) was not closed.
Originally posted by An00bis
Could someone recommend me one of these? I'm looking for something that...
-Requires lots of item abuse (ESPECIALLY shell kicking)
-Not TOO hard (about as hard as the original kaizo. Nothing as hard as pangaea's item abuse >_>)

IF its shell jumping, play my hack!

Just visiting...
World Of Terror Demo download:
My youtube channel:
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