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Vanilla Level Design 2009: Discussion

Link Thread Closed


Now that the submissions period is over, you may now discuss the entries in this thread. So who do you think is going to win?

Judges, I expect your scorings to be in one week from today. Please get them into me sometime on or before Saturday, March 7th. I will then compile the scores together and should have them posted around Monday, March 9th.

Authors, if we discover that your level has a major flaw in it like a bad patch or something, please be ready to resupply us with a working patch. If you do not by the end of the judging period you will be disqualified simply because we were unable to play your level.

To make things easier on me so I can update submissions, here is the submissions list once more:

Originally posted by FirePhoenix
List of all submissions:

Number of submissions: 63

Castle Fan: Reznor's Passfort
Lucas: New Dinosaur Island
metalgearhunter: Variatic Madness
Brontoman: Seasonal Expedition
Noobish Noobsicle: The LEVEL
Dokuro-Chan: Unnamed Level
DarkHacker: Swampy Forest
pipefreak: Mountain Grounds
Daytonthegreat: Path of Beginnings
WhiteYoshiEgg: Red Wood Ruins
Springtime Yoshi: The Cavey Mushrooms
Delmaru: Split Paths
CSM300: Strawberry
yoshifan4: Fortress of the 5 Golden Exits
dottedboy: Heaven and Hell
yoshicookiezeus: Déjà Vu Tower
X-King: Prison Break
omega lakitu: Fire Mountain
Sock: Stormy Cavern
Lucasmario: Mega Air Stage
anonimato: Bowser's Nightmare Factory 2
SpaceFan645: Mirage Mansion
The riddle: Black Hole
RedBoner: Traveller's World
Geno_4_Ever: Lagoon of Sorrow
Lespna1: Mystical P-Switches
Darkrai: Triple Terror
Cerebro: Rocky Hollow
army128: Subterranean Ship
pikaguy900: The Runabout Castle
kh2playa: Cave of Mystery
Supertails: Click Clock Wood
PercentN: One Island
Kc: Violet Valley
Caracc: Rotten to the Core
Dinomar: SMW: Mario in Miscland
uNkNowNeRRoR5642: Hilltop House
Flopping Luigi: You vs. Boo
Iceguy: Greenland Grove
GVirusG: Caramel Cave
Liru: Mt. Vesuvi Goldmine
Wizard the Wizzisential: Big Boo's Haunt
SNN: Difficulty Extreme!
I8Strudel: 3 Trials
hej100: Trip to Yoshi's House
grishnax: grishnax's untitled level
imamelia: Failure of an Epic
Snifit: Shaded Region
Hailstorm: Tumblerock Mountain
TheDutchLuigi: Shroomy Island
GammaProject: UNEXPECTED!!!!!
Dylan Yoshi: A Castle
spigmike: Lemmy's Fantasy Fortress
x1372: Curse of the Golden Mushroom
pieguy1372: Where's the Castle?
Raibys: Underground Lake
Ultimaximus: The Pit
fabio: The Chocolate Factory
dragonphoenix29: Chronus Caverns
Foursword4: Luigi is Missing!
TLMB: SMWorldbound
Reading: Northernmost Point

If your submission is not listed here, please let me know so I can add it.

This way I can edit it since I can't edit in a closed thread.
I have yet to try any of the other entries, (except Kc's, which I think was done very well.) I'll be sure to try some out in the following week.

Also, I heard discussion about this before, but I wasn't sure if it will be put into action...will there be some sort of collab after all of this is done?
TLMB really got lucky, posted right before the thread closed.

EDIT: I really know when I level up. /me is psychic
Level 11 Marker
I think I'll either do really good or get a moderate score. Praying for the former.
I have doubts about there being a collab hack. Last year saw none, I don't think we'll be seeing one this year. If someone really wants to do one, I'll send them all the ips files but I won't be doing it.
Me and Reading just bit the bullet there and then...

Good luck to all and may this be one hell of a contest

Check out my Vanilla level here: Link
I wonder what a HFD opcode would do in ASM...

I thought I was pushing it, but then six more entries came in after mine. With 61 entries, I don't expect to be in the top three, but I hope I do well.

Good luck, everyone!

Also, I wonder if anyone remembered I was participating. ._.
Your layout has been removed.
Heh. I forgot about this all Winter Break, leaving me from Monday until today to do the entire thing. Stress is weird sometimes...

I'll most likely be using this level in Reading and the Spy Invasion, but even so, I don't really see the point of a collab hack. You can just download all the levels.
I hope I do well, but judging from some of the entries I've seen, I doubt it. Some of those levels were mind-blowing...still, I'm sure some people have enjoyed my entry, like I've enjoyed theirs.
We had a lot of entries this time, yes, but it appears the quality of them has improved as well since last year. There are a lot of really impressive entries this time around. x1372, spigmike, and Lucas had some great levels from what I've played so far. Looking forward to the results.
I'm digging the Greenland Grove level. The mid-way point doesn't seem to work though so I had to use a save state.
Well I really enjoyed this contest. It's going to be great to look through and play what everyone else has submitted. I'm definitely liking what I've seen thus far.

Myself, I'm glad its over. I went way overboard on this level, and seven exits and approximately 35 sections was way too much to design, test, and re-palette. Without the extensions I probably would have had to leave a few sections using just basic SMW palettes, and I think my level came out better for the extra time. I certainly have no intention of making a level quite this expansive ever again.

Incidentally, someone asked about something I did in the other thread briefly. I took the graphics page and copied a duplicate of the mushroom graphic over the key. This allowed me to change the way the key looks and still adhere to the rules of this contest. It was just a happy accident that a mushroom with the key's palette looks unique enough to not be confused with something else, especially since originally I was going to use a springboard graphic. The key, being the only sprite native to SMW that Mario can both carry and stand on, got some unconventional use in my level.

Also, regardless of what my final score is, I wanted to thank the people here who were kind enough to help me test my level. With their feedback I was able to help fix some issues with graphics, difficulty, and some problems with it not being obvious what the player is supposed to do. So I want to specifically thank

Toasty One

Without your help the level would not have turned out as well as it did.

Here's hoping that, even without a collab hack, something can be done with these levels. It would be nice to have a 10 minute or so youtube collection with some of the best parts of each level spaced out as sort of a teaser with links to where each can be downloaded.
I just played GammaProject's level, and I have to say, that first ghost house part is completely amazing...

EDIT: Pieguy, your level is absolutely brilliant. I have used that concept as well in my hack, but your execution of it is just so much better... I especially liked the part where you had to guide the moving coins to get the key.
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I have played few level so far, but they are all really good. I hope I get a good score, seeing as how there are such great levels!

This contest was awesome. I really had fun doing my level, and it was also a training for me. I had never done that type of level, and I think it improved my level and palette designing skills.

I have to thank the entire SMWCentral for this contest...

Good luck, everyone!
I found it quite useful to plan out my level on paper first. Anyone else do so?

By the way, I beta tested Aquamentus' level entry. ^_^

Here's my level, since it's not on the list: The Pit. I'll contact FP to add it.

Also, shouldn't a compilation be easier considering it was vanilla? Look at what the Hard Level Compilation had to put up with. If that can be done, this can be done.

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Sorry for missing your submission. I guess I accidentally flew past it in last night's craziness. It's added to the submissions list, bringing the total to 62 submissions. Wow.
I think that the biggest problem with a compilation would be the vast amount of switch palaces found in the entries.
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That is also an issue. Also, multiple exits?

Frankly I think I'm going to only allow a normal and secret exit at most next year because it's getting pretty ridiculous in judging. It gets hard to recall judgment details when you're playing through the level for the Xth time. But oh well, what can you do.
yeah, I kinda fit about...

1 goal post
4 switch palaces
1 Keyhole
1 regular SMW boss

I actually wanted to add 3 more exits

I kinda made a mistake in my message box about the number of things (there are less than the given number)

How many exits are there in Supertails level? I only found two...
I wonder what a HFD opcode would do in ASM...
Can I post errors I found in levels here? Or shuld I PM the author?


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