Lexator, nice hack you have here. I do have a couple of problems though...
1: I had a difficult time controlling Mew; he felt really slippery.
2: I believe I found a stuck area in your second Jade forest level. When I get the last Pokeball, I get stuck, and I had to swim under the level to get back.
Anyway, that's it; oh, one more thing. Did you use my ExGFX is my status bar?
Originally posted by uNkNowNeRRoR5642
Lexator, nice hack you have here. I do have a couple of problems though...
1: I had a difficult time controlling Mew; he felt really slippery.
2: I believe I found a stuck area in your second Jade forest level. When I get the last Pokeball, I get stuck, and I had to swim under the level to get back.
Anyway, that's it; oh, one more thing. Did you use my ExGFX is my status bar?
1/ I had modified his physics.
2/ It is specially made ^^
and No I didn't, I have rip letters from addams family 1
This is a bonus level with Clefairy (Melofee in french)
You can help Clefairy to found a moon stone, you will travel in the space between earth and moon.
Excuse me for the low quality of the sound and for the gap between picture and sound... snes9x doesn't want to record movies... I used an other program.
I really like this hack! It's coming along nicely. I wish I could help translate, but I don't speak french. D: The cutscenes and that bonus level is really cool! I think I have a review for it on the hack page. Keep up the good work! Untitled Hack Progress:
YouTube: www.youtube.com/shodanwii
I could translate for you, as I do know a good amount of French. Some I still don't know however...
This hack looks really amazing. I really love the pokemon OW, nicely done Lexator.
Nice hack. Pokemon was my first nintendo game, and mew is... unique. I don't know a word of french, other than fetchez la vasche XD.
This the new introduction screen...
This is prof Oak (prof Chen in French)
The begin looks like pokemon red/blue/yellow... but you wil see in the next release
Prof. Chen? I didn't know Spade was a doctor. /badjoke
Anyway, I already checked out your use of the cutscene tool before, but the bonus level looks very nice. I'm especially fond of how it gets very fast toward the end to keep things challenging. Keep up the good work!
That is a very interesting hack you got there Lexator. I like that you use the known places from the first series in your game. Very clever.
A new video.
This one of the last level of world 3.
Cratère dracometeor (dracometeor crater)
We can see some little changes in the statut bar.
We can see Geodude, shiny geodude (realy ^^) and Graveler and a ne power up based on the boomerang power from ICB, I called it "rayon teleport" (teleport beam).