I have to say this hack is one of the highest quality hacks I've seen =)
I would like to ask something though... I'm a Let's Player (if you dont know what one of those is, I play games and add a (hopefully) funny commentary) and I am wondering If you would allow me to do a lets play of your hack when you fully release it?
I would love to do it, It would bring attention to your hack from youtube, It would bring attention to me from here (maybe =D) and I would try not to pick flaws in the nearly perfect translation =P
Loving the translation btw! Very well done from scratch =)
So whaddaya say? =)
That video posted for the Antigravity level is SWEET.
The background is epic. Is that layer 3 with the stars on it? Good work with it because that little gimmick really brings out the mood in this level (as does the music).
I HATE Pokemon... but killing them in this hack is utterly fun!
@stoneman: thank you for you comments and I allows you to do a lets play of my hack when I fully release it ^^
@PumpkinPancakes: BG (layer 2) is made myself and yes, stars are layer 3
So far this is looking awesome. I loved the first two demos, and it looks like this whole hack is coming together nicely. Keep it up! ^_^<TLMB> I use YY-CHR to edit DNA
I cannot wait to Final Version This game looks great
I like the magnet train a lot. But if it's a reference to something, I don't get it.
I do like the idea that the levels in world five are designed after elements, but because of this, I don't think your anti-gravity level fits in well. Unless that's a passageway to get to the elemental levels.
Originally posted by ChaoticFox
I like the magnet train a lot. But if it's a reference to something, I don't get it.
In Pokemon G/S/C, the Magnet Train is used to travel from Goldenrod City to Saffron City. Correct me if I'm wrong.
EDIT : Hmm, an informative LEVEL UP!!! post...
No this train will be use for an "extra bonus" level ^^