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Pokemon Darkness

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Waouh, moderated and Featured !

Thank you smwcentral, thank you :)

Remember again, if you have any problem with the french language or secret exits, etc... send me PM or email :D

My SMW Romhacks:

Work in progress:

Super Mario Land 2.5: 100% (testing in progress)
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Hello! It's me, Raibys. I picked up this hack almost right after it was submitted, and spent all my morning playing through it all the way to the end, including the secret world. I am the one who moderated it - and I rated it a 9 right afterward ;)

Waouh Thank you so much :)

Have you found the 50 exits and Playing the "Boss rush" in the Gym? :)

Edit: Mods, can you delete Pokemon darkness demo 3.1 in "hacks" section? ^^

My SMW Romhacks:

Work in progress:

Super Mario Land 2.5: 100% (testing in progress)
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Originally posted by Lexator
Waouh Thank you so much :)

Have you found the 50 exits and Playing the "Boss rush" in the Gym? :)

Edit: Mods, can you delete Pokemon darkness demo 3.1 in "hacks" section? ^^

It's on the highest rated hacks list right now.
Wow. I've played up to the end of the Dragon Canyon or whatever that world is. And that's the problem- I talked to the professor, he finished telling me about something, and then I exited- and I can't go back, or anything. I checked all the other world exits- I can't go anywhere. :S What's up?
Get enough coins for the flight upgrade in the shop, then buy it and go back to the very first level.

In the goal room, there is an area you can fly up through a gap in the ceiling to a big bonus area and a second goal...but that one just does the same as the first one and unlocks nothing. Pass that goal up even further for a yellow path that is there and it takes you to a THIRD goal in that level that opens the Celebi battle. The reason for the yellow path being there is to ensure you cannot access this place until after you have already beaten Zapdos and made yellow paths usable - for Celebi is the next boss.
Hehey it's perfect ^^

Look at theses videos if you gave any problems with secrets exits ^^

<object width="445" height="364"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>

<object width="445" height="364"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>

My SMW Romhacks:

Work in progress:

Super Mario Land 2.5: 100% (testing in progress)
Download Demo

So where do you actually go after passing Point de controle 2?
Here comes slippy!

To the right there's a ship which you go on after that level to the next world.
Good fucking bye.
But for some reason I can't enter the ship.
Here comes slippy!

Well then. I, um, have no idea, because that's what you're supposed to do.
Good fucking bye.
Originally posted by Machoman
But for some reason I can't enter the ship.

Are you sure that you are hitting the pokeball thingy, and not just exiting the side of the screen at the end of the path? If you exit out the side of the screen then the level does not count as being beaten and thus you do not get to move on.
I don't really think this is THAT good so far. I mean, it's okay, but I fail to see what's so amazing about it.

Also, I suggest someone to help you translate it into english.
Probably because he pratically turned Super Mario World into a Pokemon game?

Yeah, I was kinda disappointed that he decided not to get somebody to help him translate it.
Good fucking bye.
Heeey, yours hack are not translated into french and I do not complain ^^

My english is very limited and made a translation (with or without help) will take me a lot a time.

The story is simple and not difficult to understand.

Mewtwo has taken in revange to the world, wild pokemon becames agressives.
Mew must get all of 4 elementals stones (thunderstone, leafstone, water stone and fire stone) to defeat Mewtwo and saving the world ^^

Please do not rating this 0/10 just because, it's in french language, you can't imagine lot of hours who I have been worked to this project ^^

I was translater places and pokemon name to help you in the "read me" ^^

My SMW Romhacks:

Work in progress:

Super Mario Land 2.5: 100% (testing in progress)
Download Demo

Earlier, you said that Pokemon Darkness would be released on Christmas, yet you released it five days later. Does that mean that the English translation will have a delay, or will I expect it in the next couple of days?

EDIT: I didn't read the above post:(
There's not gonna be an English translation.
Good fucking bye.
I could translate the script for you guys, if you like. It wouldn't be in the form of hack, it'd be a .txt file, sort of like the translation guides over at GameFAQs. (I was working on the now-canned English translation, after all.)
Yes!Could'll be a help! :)
If anyone needs help with custom Character GFX,PM me.
<Note> You will have to have a progress thread in order for me to work on GFX for you.No random requests.
Yeah, it'd be pretty nice to have at least a .txt file of what they're saying. (It took me a while to find out how to hurt the final boss, and I bet Celibe, or however that's spelled, told you how to in the cutscene before!)
Good fucking bye.


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