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(CLOSE) The Official Kaizo Level Design Contest

Link Thread Closed


(Well, I decided to make my own contest, since no Mods would make one like this)
*And yes, I have permission from Sonia (S.N.N.)*

The Official Kaizo Level Design Contest
The Rules
New Things
Additional Things
How to Submit Your Level
Judging Format
Completed Levels
Completed Levels [Judges]

The Official Kaizo Level Design Contest
Let's see how this goes:
Welcome to the official 1st annual SMWC Kaizo Level Design Challenge! I'm your host, Penangbenny! A popular aspect of most hacks among many people is Kaizo Mario World in which the creator is, "Making my friend play through my own Mario(Super Mario World) hack", hence Kaizo(hack) Mario to the USA... I have met some people who enjoy this so much that they create their own kaizo hacks that make other people insane as well. There is nothing wrong with this though, because these people usually have a talent making evil ROMHacks devoted to the original Kaizo Mario World. Anyway, I have decided to make this contest now, and I have achieved to deliver it to you this point. Due to recent popular interest though, it is here! If you're interested in competing for the shiny golden trophy that is "Best Kaizo Level Designer (SMWC:KLDC 2009)" then look below to see the rules of the contest!
(Note: this will not be held in the trophies section, unless any mod wants it to be.)

The Rules:
1. You have 1 month starting today, April 10th and ending on May 10th at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time to make one Kaizo level that you believe is a showcase of your best efforts.

*2. If you are not planning to partake in this contest, I will ask you to stop posting here. That is your first warning. If you continue to post after your first warning, I will PM a mod to ban you from this forum. If you start to whine, get mad, send me hate-mail, I will PM a mod once more and have your account banned until this contest is over. (hence my request in the SMWCentral 2.0 forum, meaning this post)

3. These levels do not have to completely use the original SMW resources.

4. Yes, this is a "Kaizo" level contest once more. This means that the following are allowed in your submission:

  • ExGFX
  • ASM hacks
  • Custom Blocks
  • Custom Sprites
  • Custom Music
  • HDMA effects

    --Inclusion of any of these in your level will result in some extra points in your Overall category of your level.

    --You can also include Patches: These are patches that you could use. You may use more, but make sure that they do not corrupt your ROM!

  • Classic Piranha Plant Fix Patch
  • Fade Fix Patch
  • "Time Up!" Fix Patch
  • Lightning Generator Custom Sprite (version 1 or 2)

    --All custom stuff is welcome - however, please remember that while custom stuff helps enhance your level, it might not help you win if you have a poor design.

    *5. For any team hack, which means you are working with another person with your hack, if someone does less than 25% will not be given a trophy if he/she is in the top 3. But that person will get a badge saying that he/she contributed to a top-placed winner. And you can only work with one other person for a team hack. Any hack with three people working on it will be deducted points. (4 or 5)

    *6. Just to clarify things up, glitches are allowed, but they could lower the points you get in the Difficulty category, not the Difficulty overall. But it also depends on the type of glitch that the person uses. For example, if you are doing the "Best Kaizo Level Contest", someone uses the "Big Mario into Small Gap" glitch (used in Super Skill World - Level 2), then it will probably not lower the points in the Difficulty category. Just make sure that the glitch is easy to pull off and many people know what the glitch is. If you must, put the information in an info box, to make it easier. But if it's an insane glitch like "Walljumping", it will lower the points in the Difficulty category by a lot, since a small margain of people (Dainegai and me) can walljump with some ease. It is best-suited for the "Hardest/Longest Contest" since it is actually possible, but very hard. But if you still are not sure which glitches could lower your score, just post a question here.

    7. Please do not lock it. It will be tested in both an emulator and viewed in Lunar Magic. Locking your hack results in deduction of points. (1 or 2)

    8. Once you have completed your perfect Kaizo level, please create an IPS patch and post it here. If you would rather keep your work private, then you are more than welcome to send it to me in a PM and I will simply note that you completed it. Make sure it works.

    *9. Any levels past 5 exits without a readme telling where the exits are will lose points in the Understanding category. You can have as many exits as you want, as long as it has a readme telling me where every exit is. Any confusion on that statement should be posted here.

    *10. Just remember that you are only allowed to submit one entry only. If you want to edit or change any problems in your level and you already submitted it, please say, "please remove my old entry and replace it with this one instead," or something like that. If you do not include something like that, I will assume that you have submitted a whole different level and you will lose some points in the Understanding category.

    *11. You are also only allowed to submit one level only, with the exception if you are doing both contests. If you are doing both contests, make a path for Mario to travel in two different levels for each contest. That will make it easier to judge. If you give me two levels to judge on the same contest, I will take the first level Mario travels to and judge that level.

    --Also remember that there are still plenty of things that you aren't allowed to do, even with SMW's original resources. I have seen a lot of hacks with a lot of glitched GFX, and any use of glitched GFX whether it's Sprite GFX of Foreground / Background will not disqualify you from the competition, but will result in a really low score in the Graphics category.

    --Basically, anything is fair game for making your levels. That means that you can use things like the 16x16 editor, Super GFX bypass, and ExAnimation to your heart's content. You can also use the 8x8 editor's built-in graphics editor to create new graphics.

    *Added rules


    So now that you know the basics of what you can and can't do with your level here is a breakdown of how the judging of the levels will take place. Your levels will be judged in several categories, each worth up to 5 or 10 points:

    There are two contests that you can compete in.

    The Best Kaizo Contest - For this contest, you are trying to make the best and funnest Kaizo level ever made, and also looks nice, which means No Stacked/Floating Munchers!! For example, Cool or Cruel

  • Imagination (10): Did you use your imagination and make your own custom traps, and not take it from the original Kaizo?
  • Creativity (10): Did you take the original SMW and bend it to form new, creative puzzles, clever areas, and tricky obstacles?
  • Difficulty (10): Is the difficulty just right? Is it just on Kaizo difficulty, but at the same time, not near impossible or a walk in a park?
  • Appeal (10): Does the level look nice? Are there any graphical glitches? Any stacked/floating munchers?
  • Functionality (5): Does the level work properly? Are there any retarded places that are unfair/can kill the player too easily?
  • FUN (5): Is your level FUN OVERALL?
  • Understanding (10): Did you follow all of the rules? Did you understand this contest through your level design? This should be an easy 10.

    The total is 60 points.

    The Hardest/Longest Kaizo Level - For this contest, you have to make the hardest level you can possibly make that is actually possible to beat, but still doesn't have stacked and floating munchers. For example, Item Abuse, Pit of Despair, Pit of Death, etc.

  • Imagination (10): Did you use your imagination and make your own custom traps, and not take it from the original Kaizo?
  • Creativity (10): Did you take the original SMW and bend it to form new, creative puzzles, clever areas, and tricky obstacles?
  • Difficulty (10): Is it possible?
  • Appeal (10): Does the level look nice? Are there any graphical glitches? Any stacked/floating munchers?
  • Functionality (5): Does the level work properly? Are there any retarded places that are unfair/can kill the player too easily?
  • Understanding (10): Did you follow all of the rules? Did you understand this contest through your level design? This should be an easy 10.

    The total is 55 points.

    And you can participate in both events.


    New Things
    A new thing to keep in mind this year is that these levels should follow only one of the hack guidelines. DO NOT SUBMIT ROMS. Failure to follow this guideline won't result in disqualification or rejection of your level, but it will most certainly affect your overall score depending on severity of offense.


    Here are some tips to help get you started or perhaps give you an idea or two for your level:

  • Use Custom palettes: Custom palettes can really make a level look pretty. Having nicely done palettes will definitely gain you a higher score in Appeal. By the same token, they can also hurt you if you have clashing palettes so be careful.
  • Combining ORIGINAL SMW tilesets: Have you ever wanted a cave level with a line guide challenge? Have you ever done one with an ExGFX set? Well you can also do it by combining the original tilesets. You can to use an external graphics program to combine tileset, as well.
  • Map16 manipulation: The 16x16 editor is a really powerful tool in creating tiles to use. Feel free to use it as much as you want to make your level look better or to avoid tiling errors.
  • Unique ideas: Again, feel free to make any type of level that you wish. But know that having a really cool idea or gimmick in a level can definitely raise your creativity score.
  • Multiple exits: Feel free to add as many exits to your levels as you want. Since this is a one level thing, events aren't really something to worry about. If you want to hide a whole bunch of exits carefully and have the player try and find them all, go right ahead!


    Additional Things:
    Finally, there are a few things that you are allowed to do that might help your judging score:

  • Editing the "Nintendo Presents" logo
  • Editing the Overworld
  • Editing the Title Screen
  • Editing the Intro and its message
  • Adding and editing a Credits sequence if applicable


    How to submit your level:
    When you believe that you have the perfect level, make an .ips patch from your level and upload it to the File Bin and then post a link to them in this thread. DO NOT UPLOAD YOUR LEVEL TO THE HACKS SECTION. If you post your level and then find out that you made a small mistake, or want to change something, you have until the deadline for the contest, May 10 at midnight EST, to resubmit your updated version. ANY LEVELS SUBMITTED AFTER Midnight EST on May 10th WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Additionally, you can PM me your submissions. You can also post them somewhere in this thread. If neither are done, your entry will not be accepted.


    After the submission period closes, judging will begin. Judging will last from May 10 to May 20. This date is subject to slight delay depending on how busy the lives of the judges are during this time. If the judging goes past the scheduled time, please bear with us.

  • PenangBenny
  • Dainegai
  • *-•SyStemkraSh•-
  • *Ultimaximus

    *Added new judge


    *Judging Format:

    Judges, please use this format when scoring levels. Everyone else, this is the format by which we will judge your levels.


    Name - Level

    Creativity: /10
    Difficulty: /10
    Appeal: /10
    Functionality: /10
    Fun: /10

    Overall: /50


    Imagination (10): Did you use your imagination and make your own custom traps, and not take it from the original Kaizo?
    Creativity (10): Did you take the original SMW and bend it to form new, creative puzzles, clever areas, and tricky obstacles?
    Difficulty (10): Is the difficulty just right? Is it just on Kaizo difficulty, but at the same time, not near impossible or a walk in a park?
    Appeal (10): Does the level look nice? Are there any graphical glitches? Any stacked/floating munchers?
    Functionality (5): Does the level work properly? Are there any retarded places that are unfair/can kill the player too easily?
    FUN (5): Is your level FUN OVERALL?
    Understanding (10): Did you follow all of the rules? Did you understand this contest through your level design? This should be an easy 10.


    And I will take a request on anyone who wants to make a userbar and to link it to this page.

    EDIT: Userbar!!


    One last piece of business. You may discuss the contest here, ask questions, but you can't post your works or discuss anyone else's. And you must NOT discuss ANY of the other submitted levels besides your own. Doing this will result in disqualification from the contest. Please also stop talking about levels that aren't even going to be in this competition. If you want, you can go to this forum and discuss your Kaizo hacks there. If you wish to have your work opinionized, you may PM a judge and post your works there. We are always free and willing to give out opinions. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please post them here. Discussion is free and open.
    I hope that you have fun with this contest, and I hope to see lots of awesome submissions from you guys! If you have any more questions about the contest, feel free to ask here. That's all. Looking forward to everyone's entries!

    (note: it is your responsibility to make sure that these links work on May 10th. I will not be chasing you down for working links. Also, partly copied from Sonia or Samus Aran, or S.N.N.'s and FirePhoenix's posts)



    Extreme Expedition - Kristian
    Total Tourcher - Knave the Hedgehog
    Mine Dump Extreme v1.2 - cute kaizo muncher
    The house of 'Fun'/The not so difficult challenge - Zildjian
    Deathship - lolcats439
    Heaven or H*** - Ploxerdon
    Vanilla-Flavored Suicide - That One Guy
    Crashdown Castle - x1372
    Super Seizure World - kyurel + Hoperoad1127
    Mario's Evil Level - mapsking
    Failmaster - Im_Da_HiTmAn
    Halls of Pain - Cousinoer5
    Dread Machine - Praetor Caracc
    Hi Mario World - mathelete
    Luigi's Life Story - fireyblaze42
    469 Munchers - Kaizo
    Kaizo Factory - MicidoEpocha


    COMPLETED LEVELS [Judges] (1):

    Fairly Unfair - -•SyStemkraSh•-

    *Contestants are free to play completed levels. Just do not discuss their hack here, or expect deduction in the Understanding category.*

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    Why no ExGFX?
    "Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." -RD
    Originally posted by NekohDot
    Why no ExGFX?

    What? I never said that.

    Originally posted by PenangBenny

    3. Yes, this is a "Kaizo" level contest once more. This means that the following are allowed in your submission:

    -ASM hacks
    -Custom Blocks
    -Custom Sprites
    -Custom Music
    -HDMA effects

    Originally posted by PenangBenny
    -Combining ORIGINAL SMW tilesets: Have you ever wanted a cave level with a line guide challenge? Have you ever done one with an ExGFX set? Well since you can't use external ExGFX this contest, you'll have to make do by combining the original tilesets.

    "Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." -RD
    Great! I'll submit mine when I finish it. Which will proably be next week.
    I guess i'll join. Go floating munchers lol
    Will you combine the applicants together in one big hack at the end?

    Originally posted by raocow
    Will you combine the applicants together in one big hack at the end?


    Hahaha. Yeah...

    Anyway, I'm in.


    Ok, I`m done now.

    It`s titled Kaizo Mario Level By Kristian.

    Hoping for a solid top 10 placing!
    Oh, and It`s for the Best Kaizo Contest.
    IRC Quotes (March 20th update!)

    /MKICK 4: Flantastic Puns
    When you copy posts, you get inconsistencies.

  • The level will be tested with Start to scroll?
  • Using Lunar Magic with only original graphics, and not using the 8x8 editor?
  • A list of allowing for things like editting "Nintendo Presents"?
  • We have until 2/25 to submit fixes?

    And some more things. Why have a list of patches if all are allowed? Plus, check your addition in the judging section. 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 10 = 60, not 50. 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 10 = 55, not 40.

    And may I use my Unknown Island as part of my level? Will you TAS these?

  • Tag (li) was not closed.
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    World Community Grid: Thread | Team
    The inconsistancy is because dude used the smwcentral official contest op and forgot to modifiy some important details.
    Oh hey, I'm a judge...

    Also, I've edited the op and sent him a new version, which I believe got rid of most of the inconsistencies. Of course, we won't see it until he edits his post. =-P

    Originally posted by raocow
    Will you combine the applicants together in one big hack at the end?


    SOUNDS LIKE FUN. =-D (/sarcasm for people who need it >.>)

    (I hope that Penangbenny has asked a mod if it's OK to make this contest prior to making this thread, or else sadness will occur.)
    holy dear mother of christ this thing has been released
    Hey jesus, Samus, dots, and daboys get in here! I guarentee you will all lol.

    Yeah, um, we held an unofficial hard level contest some time last year (June I think), took forever for the voting to get done and we're still working on the collab to work out.

    So a big "Do your research next time" to you, but if this thread does stick around... expect a level from me.
    I made a standalone game once, look for Seabug Stampede on Google Play.
    Couple of questions...

    1-Are glitches (Doubling ?-Block items, Using keys to enter aerial horizontal pipes, etc.) allowed to be nessesary in completing levels?

    2-For the hardest level side of the contest, is it as hard as possible without being impossible what we're going for? Like, so hard it requires tool-assistance to beat?

    ...And 3-Are multiple entries allowed? Because I have TONS of devilish levels strewn about. A couple o' tweaks here and there, heheheh...

    Looking forward to this! My first contest! Mwehehehehe!!! XD

    P.S. One more question... Can I use the "Invincible Chucks" patch in my entry?
    Visit me at for LP's and videos of my hacks!
    Time to make some overworlds, make some boss graphics, do the intro level, and do the title screen-*shot*

    And yes, I did all of this for the Hard Level Compilation.
    Oh yea....definitly joining this!!!
    im wondering though, can i have bosses in it? cause i want to have 3 bosses throughout the level. Also, can the level go from level to level. example 105 get to the end there is a pipe that goes to 106, that kinda thing, are bosses and exit enabled pipes allowed

    Layout by WhiteYoshiEgg.
    I do OverWorlds,PM me for details!

    Originally posted by bond84
    Oh yea....definitly joining this!!!
    im wondering though, can i have bosses in it? cause i want to have 3 bosses throughout the level. Also, can the level go from level to level. example 105 get to the end there is a pipe that goes to 106, that kinda thing, are bosses and exit enabled pipes allowed

    While I'm not penangbenny, I think I can answer on his behalf in this case. He can correct me if I'm wrong.

    For the exit-enabled pipes, I'm sure that's fine. But you don't want it to go for TOO long, or it might start to bore us. Like, a 10-minute-long level is just overkill (*coughcough*Item Abuse*coughcough*)

    Bosses are allowed, considering just about any custom stuff is.
    holy dear mother of christ this thing has been released
    Oh, yay! A contest to go with my name, avatar, and layout!

    I'm SO joining!

    Just a question-will we be docked points for floating/stacked munchers? After all, Kaizo did it!
    Now with extra girl and extra hacker
    i wont make it TOO long but im making a 1 level hack for my friend that will have alot of custom stuff and is BEYOND kaizo like......then i saw this thread so i might as well put it here too :D

    Layout by WhiteYoshiEgg.
    I do OverWorlds,PM me for details!

    I think I'll go in, even though I won't be able to beat my own level because I can't beat Morton's Castle without savestates.
    Originally posted by Kaizo
    Oh, yay! A contest to go with my name, avatar, and layout!

    I'm SO joining!

    Just a question-will we be docked points for floating/stacked munchers? After all, Kaizo did it!

    To answer your question, here's a quote.

    Originally posted by penangbenny's copypasta under judging
    Appeal (10): Does the level look nice? Are there any graphical glitches?

    While I personally don't have anything against stacked munchers, you have all the resources in the world to make stacked munchers look...well...more appealing, since you can do pretty much anything to the graphics.
    holy dear mother of christ this thing has been released


    Link Thread Closed