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Bonni's Quest


*sees beta tester sign* Yes! m-*sees the closed area* DANG IT! always too late. Oh well, I hope at least 1 of you will make a video of your findings.
k, the beta testers should have demo 2 in their inboxes. So ... get beta testing! :)
Wait, I thought I still was Beta-Tester...
Or not?
Demo 2 is finally out!

Get it here!

Hurry before the mods delete it :o

I'm going to download this right away! I can't wait! :D :D :D :D

(This was the most excited post I've made in a loooooooooooonnnnnng time...)
Demo 2 yay! Now that's something that can make me really excited. Going to try it right now. ;)
Nice. I'll probably be writing a review sooner or later. It was a fun time to beta test.

Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next, though, Ladida.

IRC Quotes (March 20th update!)

/MKICK 4: Flantastic Puns
Playing this hack is now first on my "Hack To-do List". I'm a bit busy now, but I'll get there eventually. Looking forward to playing this!
Sweet Jesus. I wasn't planning on playing this one, but I saw some stuff from the hack, so I was about to download this one... When I clicked on the Hacks Waiting to be Moderated button, and I saw this. I'm only at World 2, but THIS IS STILLTHE MOST AMAZING HACK I'VE EVER PLAYED.
Good fucking bye.
You misspelled "Bonni" in the .ips file name as "Bonne". I'm so close to making a "Tron Bonni" joke, it's not even funny.
And of course, all the good stuff is relased when I'm about to go to bed.

Guess this'll have to wait until tomorrow then.

I noticed errors, the Beta Testers have failed us!

Anyway, the only errors were...

1) For some reason I wasn't able to enter the shrine in world two, as it's collapsed. I really wanted to enter it...:(

2) The 3rd Boss Monkey will go into the ceiling if he touches the pipe. WTF!

Other than that it was very, very, very, very, VERY enjoyable, and the opening was fantastic.

Really, really, really good job. :D
Originally posted by LinksPetBumpty
1) For some reason I wasn't able to enter the shrine in world two, as it's collapsed. I really wanted to enter it...:(

I just now noticed this. I assumed that it was intentional?

Also, I wouldn't say we *failed*. If we didn't beta, there would be a crapload more glitches.

EDIT: 1777, three of my favorite numbers.
IRC Quotes (March 20th update!)

/MKICK 4: Flantastic Puns
1) I don't know why that is, I tested the download myself, and I was able to enter the shrine D:

2) I've fixed that now, so redownload

And yeah, the beta testers proved useful, there were way more glitches before D:
Originally posted by Kristmas
I wouldn't say we *failed*. If we didn't beta, there would be a crapload more glitches.

Yeah, I'm aware of that now, I guess I worded it incorrectly. It'll be reworded.

Originally posted by Holidadida
And yeah, the beta testers proved useful, there were way more glitches before D:

Really? Woah, sorry everybody, I didn't know that. Oh well, at least they're all fixed now. :)

Anyway, let's see some World 3!
OK, I'm stuck in Sabure Tower, in an area with two potted plants and a monkey statue. There's a tall shaft with a one-way platform at the top, but I can't reach it, no matter how hard I try. There are no invisible blocks or anything. I got so confused about it that I kept fooling around in that area, hoping that there was a secret to it, for most of the time limit I was given, to no avail.

Any help?

Edit: OK, never mind, I figured it out.

Excellent hack you have here. The music fits, the graphics are awesome, the level design is clever... if this doesn't get featured, then I've got some chops to bust.
I was just really happy being able to beta test this great hack. I noticed that you fixed the carrying glitch I told you about, nicely done.

Anyway, what are all the glitches you'd fixed after the beta testers were done? It would be nice to know.

Just, all I can say is that this another hack that has succeeded in knocking my socks off. Great work!
Hello there, here is my new blog. I will usually update it every day.
My Pokemon:

Party Image cause I feel lazy.
Almost done with world three and its amazing. First real mario hack i've played that often makes me think im not just playing a mario hack.

Few minor nitpicks:

Its not really explained that you can pick up bonsai trees and drop through floors. Not that big of a deal though as I figured it out pretty quickly. However, its odd that you cant drop through floors when holding another button like Y as well.

In the raft level, I think it'd be more sensical if you moved with the raft when you were standing on it. I think this could be solved by making the raft blocks into a conveyer belt that pushed you forward.

In Daigo Fukuryo Maru if you are on top of gray rock and holding down, as soon as you are clear the boat falls all the way to the bottom of the screen quickly. If possible it'd be amazing if when you died on that level the boat sunk, instead of the regular death animation. But thats just a request, its fine the way it is now.

Another nitpick: Would it be possible to make it so your health is restored after each level? Most non-hack games make it so you heal between levels.

Last negative comment, and probably the most important one: Checkpoints before bosses please?

Ok now that that's over, I love the graphics, I love the storyline so far. The level design is wonderful and the music is also amazing. The ground pound animation is fun, although I haven't actually found a reason to use it yet. Keep up the great work, I've gotta go continue playing the game!

This is a good hack, but the only real "bummer" I ran into was near the end of the raft level in which if a player is not quick to get ahead, the player becomes trapped and is forced to die by running out of the time. Any plans on going around that, by any chance?
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