What is IT?Play and find out!
(thanks a lot for testing this, Foursword4)
I am afraid and intrigued
will IT eat me?
So this explains why you mentioned that you got ahold of that SRB2 Forest MIDI the other day - to use in this level. I managed to find both exits .. very cleverly done.
Judging from both endings, this leads me to believe that this may be the reason you cancelled Elementia .. though I can't be too sure just yet ...
I'll try this out.
I hope it's not a Killer clown.
REALLY I will be scarred forever if it has any form of clowns.
i have to say
IT was fun
except for the fact that nothing happens when you win
i found both exits BTW.
I was ecstatic in testing this out. You were dropping clues here and there, and it only enlarged my excitement for this. And I was glad to see that you didn't disappoint with It.
Even though I am as lost in the dark as ever, I can confidently say that this level was excellent. Your graphical skills never cease to amaze me, and I honestly think that this is your best work. (In my book anyway.) The prehistoric type setting here was successfully pulled off, even though I wish I could clarify my assumption on that ;P.
The port of Verdant Forest Zone from SRB2 fits this level perfectly. Very mysterious and primitive...just like the atmosphere of the level.
Great work Supertails!
So I found both exits.
Care to explain what IT is now?
Originally posted by InS.aN.N.e
So this explains why you mentioned that you got ahold of that SRB2 Forest MIDI the other day - to use in this level. I managed to find both exits .. very cleverly done.
Judging from both endings, this leads me to believe that this may be the reason you cancelled Elementia .. though I can't be too sure just yet ...
Woah. To be honest I expected a cruel joke of some kind, and must say that I'm really glad I was wrong. This level is amazing. It might be slightly easy, but that would be just perfect for a level on the first world or so. The only disappointment was how the music constantly looped very quickly, I guess. But the rest of the hack was simply splendid, especially those wonderful gaphics! =D
I'm hoping we get to see more of this, I really do. Cause this is definitively something nobody should miss out on ^.^
IT is amazing. That is all I must say. Bravo.Just back here to browse a bit.
and it seems that supertails has won C3. bravo.
IT is awesome! I got both exits.
IT blew me away. I also got 2 exits!
IT is incredible! Although IT was easy to complete both exits, I thoroughly enjoyed IT! [/ITpun]
/me joins this incredibly stupid IT fad
I liked IT. IT had some nice graphics, and was overall very well designed.
Supertails, you did IT!
I REALLY like this level, especially the idea that you need 4 dragon coins to get the secret exit.Now with extra girl and extra hacker
I don't get IT...
Being serious, this level is cool: i don't like the BG graphics, though, no offense.
IT had very nice graphics, and IT had some good music. IT didn't make much sense though. IT had a moderate length and IT had the right difficulty. IT had two exits. IT seemed to have a good concept. IT had an area with strange scrolling. Overall, IT was nice.
Well, looks like quite a people liked IT. It's good to hear. I will not be answering any questions regarding IT. However, I will say IT is just a small taste of what's to come.
I also have another music port to share. It just might be related to IT, but who knows?