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Guess who's back?

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I know I was really inactive the past few months, if not dead, lol. I'm now trying to become more active again and post every day. Though, I have to say, I was checking every day, just not posting. :P So yea, I guess, this will be a new start for me, haha. :)
Well, what should I say? Welcome back!

Wilkommen zuruck! (I can say stuff in German a bit) :P

I wonder if you really will be active, because I never saw you online >_>
My blog. I could post stuff now and then

My Assembly for the SNES tutorial (it's actually finished now!)
not much, been playing and still playing Gunbound. :P

Ersanio, I will, maybe not as active as other but I will post and do my things as an admin. ;)

Also, I'm thinking if I start SMW hacking again or not, though some work is lost due to the hard drive crash. :( Toad's World is on ice for now.
Hey iceman, Nice to see you return :D

(Dutch) Hey iceman. Leuk je weer terug te zien

(German) Wilkommen Zuruck..

Yah im learning german a bit.
Dutch: Het is goed terug te zijn :P

German: Es ist gut zurück zu sein. :P

I still can speak dutch. :D
Nice to see you back on track, ice man :)
Willkommen (with double l!) zurück, yaaay

Edit: Ich wusste gar nicht dass du holländisch sprechen kannst^^
Didn't know you could speak dutch^^
Check out my twitch (currently only hosting Pokemon runs, inactive)

Exits done: >50, Overworld: 99.8%
Play through Taomb Demo 3
Taomb is almost finished. It will definitely be relased in 2025 after 17 years of work!

Ice Man, a awesome hacker and ripper. Welcome back and enjoy your stay on smwcentral.
Dude! So long I don't talk with you! I hope you get back to hacking, you don't have to give up because of that :(.
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shffler1337 ?!, Ive learnt dutch myself. ;)
andres, I never said I give up. The hack is just on ice for now. :P
ummm... which hack ya talking about Ice Man?
Toad's World, what else? lol
oh, doh. im an idiot. oh well.
Originally posted by Delmaru
oh, doh. im an idiot.


Anyways, its good that you are trying to be more active, and even better that you haven't canceled Toad's World! ^_^

Welcome Iceman! Nice to see you around again. ;)
Layout by LDA during C3.
Welcome back Iceman!
Well you told me that you were gonna left SMW hacking in MSN some months ago :(. Edit: Proof

But I'm glad to see you changed your mind, you are one of my favourite hackers (really!).
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I dont think I ever knew you but i did play your hack which was awesome :D Welcome back I guess :P
Check out my profile for awesomeness!
Oh shiaza he is back!
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Sweet, welcome back Ice Man! Hope life has been treating you well. Stick around and chat for a while :D
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