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Dr. Mario World Redrawn (Demo 2)


So its finally time to show some of my progress on my hack re-release:

Big thanks goes to icegoom for making the Dr. Mario sprite and helping me out with glitches, other GFX and things. Some pics are old, some are new. Theres a lot of work to be done, especially the Toad in bed.

Since people we're PMing me like crazy about it, I made a small world 1 demo. Check it out:

Dr. Mario Redrawn Demo

Heres a video of a level i'm currently working on. Check my YouTube profile to see the other video I made:

<object width="425" height="373"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="373"></embed></object>

Next week I'm going to start on remodeling my Mario is Missing 2 hack and just alternate working on both each week that I have the time to do so. I'll be done with both no later than Christmas.

So, questions, comments, concerns?
first comment woooooo!!!.

looks good BB Link, how far are you done with it?

saw the vid, what is the contant sound in the BG? it sounded like a ? box with a mushroom being opened.
Does this BG has the correct palette?

Also, the TVs and furniture in the houses clash with some other stuff... Try to add more shading and detail to them. But it's looking pretty awesome!
Pure awesomeness!

Awesome job B.B.Link!
The music reminds me of the unreleased game Sonic X-tream for some reason.
In the Beta release, but I don't played on my own computer, because it doesn't handle Saturn emulators.

And the screens, only the $ (something here) block graphics sucks, the rest of them are great.
David B.'s site:
Join our forums:
Hacks in process:
Super Mario 64 DS: Other ways to mix Test Map with another map and enemy swapping.
Mario Kart DS: Making own textures.

And for fuck sake, I am not gay.
Moderators/Administrators make fun of me.
That pic is old. In the demo I tried to change the color a bit. It's very hard working with.

The things in the rooms are slight mock-ups. I'll add more detail to them, or completely change them later on. I was just happy I actually drew something that came out somewhat right.

Delmaru: I'm at world 3 right now. I'll show some pics of that later.

Originally posted by David B.
And the screens, only the $ (something here) block graphics sucks, the rest of them are great.

I may have stated before that I'm not a graphics artist. Again, I'm just happy it actually looked OK in-game. Theres not much space for good design on a 16X16 Block.....
k, but what is with that strange sound in the bg?
Originally posted by Delmaru
k, but what is with that strange sound in the bg?

Strange sound?
yea, i keep hearing this sound. its like a ? box with a mushroom being hit.
It's the sound it makes when you throw a megavitamin...
BB Link, I just finished playing and it's awesome! You gotta fix some palettes, though...

I guess you mean the sound I changed when you shoot a vitamin(fire). Since Dr. Mario doesn't shoot fire, and the original sound sounded like a flame-like sound, I changed it to make it sound somewhat like SSBM. I'll work on it, like everything else ^_^ .

darklink898, please tell me what pallets to work on.
oh, the fire one sounds good till you get the real sound
Only thing I noticed what how the background tiles would appear in front of the water, then behind.

And by the way, I'm liking the Aquatic Ruins music.
That is definitely the way the video came out. I would never post something glitchy like that......
Originally posted by ibz10g

And by the way, I'm liking the Aquatic Ruins music.

thats what it is, i knew the song, just didnt know what it was.
Originally posted by B.B.Link

darklink898, please tell me what pallets to work on.

(Thanks for typing my full name instead of just darklink <_<)

Well... first of all, some of the ground doesn't looks natural. Try using more brown-ish colors for the dirt itself rather than green. :P

Here in this pic, you can see the screwed up block that comes up when you hit the blocks that gives you a mushroom, incorrect background palette and the green dirt. (Which is fine but looks unnatural)

Also, most of icegoom's GFX work better if they don't have a black outline. For example, if the coins are yellow, their outline must be a very dark brown, but not totally black... That helps a lot if you're using dark backgrounds or something...

I noticed some of the viruses' palettes were screwed up. (Most notable in the Title Screen (which is great!))

Finally, on the Drug Store (I forgot how's it called...), some stuf looks like cut-off, which looks pretty awful... Also, be sure to add a BG to that level! (At least some clouds) :P

Other than that, it's an awesome hack and I hope you get to finish it. :)
here other little awful image

that brush is.....
but is a great hack :)
I do pixels sometimes
That bush happens when you beat the Lakitu-like boss. Since the screen adjusts abruptly after you beat him, Screen glitches happen like that. If you go back a little, then come back to that area, that glitch will dissappear.

About the virus boss. Since the big boo recycles his right side of his head for his left side, he looks like that. I really don't know how to fix that right now, since I don't really understand how to remap tiles.

Also, most of my level design from the original hack will probably be present here with a new coat of paint, meaning if the level sucked then, it's going to suck now. I tried to add bonus content in the old levels simply for exploration. I only re-done the levels that was flatout horrible. I'm not going to re-do every level. I personally think I hid the Yoshi's cookies well enough without making the player scratch their heads too much.

The demo isn't like the official demo of this hack. There was never going to be a demo. Someone asked for one, so I did it. I was originally just going to start a thread with pics and a video. So most of problems everyone pointed out, I already knew about.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I'll address the issues when I get back to work on this later next month.
See, I really like this, despite it's flaws. I won't post a whole review here, since I already did that in your hack description page. However, what I can tell everyone is to play this hack - you will NOT be disappointed. So far, everything is executed well, including the overworld, which I was worried wouldn't work for a bit.

Great job on this - I really look forward to seeing how far you take it.

Also, feature plzkthx.

I was very surprised when I played this. It did have a few minor mistakes, however it felt really well done.

The overworld was indeed a surprise...

It's nice to see the bar being set a little higher.
