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Single Player ASM

Ok, So I apply the Single Player ASM hack that I got from this site to my hack, I open the game, and it seems to run fine at first, when I start a game, the intro plays without giving me a chance to choose how many players I want. That's good, but after that, the whole game just goes blank, the OW doesn't even load. I have ruined 4 hacks trying to install this ASM (And I keep forgetting to backup my work so that means I've restarted my hack 4 times >.<). So my question is

a. Why is this happening and how do I fix it

or, if you don't have an answer for that

b. is there any way to get rid of an ASM hack that you apply to your ROM, I've tried using HEX to undo all the changes that the ASM file says it made but that just destroyed the rom entirely.
Originally posted by HuFlungDu
a. Why is this happening and how do I fix it

Probably you forgot to set the Freespace in the ASM patch? Open it up and go to where it says "!Freespace = $XXXXXX". After that download smkdan's freespace logger and load your ROM into it. You'll get a txt-file that shows you all the freespace in your ROM. Look for an adress that says 0x8000 bytes of free space and copy that adress. Then use Lunar Adress to convert that Adress to an SNES Adress (you should get something like $288000 for example). That is the adress you have to enter in the ASM file.

Another reason could be that you installed multiple ASM patches to your ROM that overwrite each other.

Originally posted by HuFlungDu
b. is there any way to get rid of an ASM hack that you apply to your ROM, I've tried using HEX to undo all the changes that the ASM file says it made but that just destroyed the rom entirely.

Nope, that's not possible. Your best option really is to always make a backup.

This doesn't mean that you lost all your progress, though. Remember that you can extract levels, palettes etc. with Lunar Magic and just insert to another ROM.
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Well, if some of the ASM works, your freespace is fine. Chances are this is just life and you'll need to start a entirely new rom. But the FIRST THING you should do is insert this patch, to somewhere far far away from all other code.

b. No.
a. The patch just works fine for me.
b. Yes, it is possible but it is very time consuming and you basically need to replace data with the old data using a hex editor. So you are better off to backups.
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A few notes HOLZ Hacker forgot to mention:

  • Not all free space is !FreeSpace. Sometimes you'll see org $xxxxxx ; POINT TO FREE SPACE

  • Dragging your rom onto the Free Space Logger is the easiest way, as double clicking it doesn't do anything

  • It's spelled "address"

  • You don't need an address that has 8000 free bytes. Just choose one that isn't very small, like 89 bytes

  • Remember, the address is the 0x######, but when you enter it in Lunar Address, take out the 0x

  • Remove the colon from the converted SNES address

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    Oh I see what my problem is, I didn't convert the address (for some reason I thought that the program that found free space for you would convert it automagically, not sure why though...) so I pointed it to some free space that wasn't free and accidentally erased some important stuff (OW loading and whatnot). Thanks

    Edit: Out of Curiosity, Would I be able to grab the HEX from a clean rom (or at least a working one) and paste that over everything in my screwed up ROM I've gotten as far as vreating a HEX dump but can't seem to figure out how I would move that HEX dump into my other ROM,

    I think not. At least I don't know a way. Your best option would probably be to copy byte by byte. But then again finding the corrupted data in you ROM can be really. It would be much easier and faster to just export all the levels from your hack and insert into another hack.
    Feel free to visit my website/blog - it's updated rarely, but it looks pretty cool!
    Well the problem with that is that Lunar Magic can no longer open my Hacked ROM (200 byte header issue, result of me attempting to fix the HEX by myself) so i can't export my levels.
    I think there is a tool in the tools section that can repair headers of ROMs. I'm not sure what the name was, but just look around and you'll find it. After that you should be able to open the ROM in Lunar Magic again.
    Feel free to visit my website/blog - it's updated rarely, but it looks pretty cool!
    Originally posted by HOLZ Hacker
    I think there is a tool in the tools section that can repair headers of ROMs. I'm not sure what the name was, but just look around and you'll find it. After that you should be able to open the ROM in Lunar Magic again.


    The tool you are talking about is SNESTool.

    However, I really don't think that would work, as Lunar Magic apparently uses some screwy method of determining whether or not a header exists. I think that your ROM really does have a header, but LM thinks otherwise.

    Sorry, but in my eyes, you're screwed.

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