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ROM/RAM map thread (all ROMs but SMW)

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I thought about this, and it would be handy if we had a thread in which there are ROM/RAM maps for several games. So in this thread you should be able to post a ROM or RAM map (or both) in the thread. I'll edit the first post and include it with a link.
I will try to keep this post as much up to date as possible.

1. DON'T POST ROM/RAM MAP CONTENT, POST THE LINK TO THE MAPS! You could, for example, load the ROM/RAM map on the File Bin, and then link to the file here.
3. DO NOT POST THE ROM/RAM MAPS OF SMW. (That should be common sense.)


Sonic Adventure DX

Sega Master System:
Sonic 1

Super Nintendo Entertainment System:
Mario Paint.
Super Mario Kart.
Super Metroid.
Tetris Attack.


Pokémon Blue.

High Seas Havoc.
Psycho Pinball.

Super Adventure DX.

Sega Master System:
Sonic 1

Super Nintendo Entertainment System:
Mario Paint.
Super James Pond.
Super Mario Kart. (Downloadable)
Yoshi's Island.
--------> Don't follow "Find Roy's Dignity", my hack. Because it's pretty outdated. <--------
This is definately a good idea. I think this thread should be stickied. I could even add some Genesis games to the maps. I don't know RAM in Genesis however.
Super Metroid RAM Map (Thanks Kejardon!)

Pretty sure it's entirely documented.
Originally posted by S.N.N.
You can throw my Yoshi's Island ROM Map up there if you wish, even though it is already in the YI hacking forum.

Applying tape to this as well.

can you also post up the link to the Yoshi's Island RAM Map, S.N.N.?
I was pretty sure the one on Romi's site was broken. (At least it was to me.)
If you, SNN, do have a copy elsewhere though, that would be gold though.

Also for anyone who's interested in Pilotwings (read: no-one) expect a ROM map up soon. This is advancing pretty quickly.
--------> Don't follow "Find Roy's Dignity", my hack. Because it's pretty outdated. <--------
I will be working mostly on Puggsy and Micro Machines, both for Genesis. I will put up the data in a few days.
Originally posted by Roy
Also for anyone who's interested in Pilotwings (read: no-one) expect a ROM map up soon.

I think that Pilotwings (SNES) has more who are interested than Mario Paint (SNES) has.

I started a map for Mario Paint (JU), the Japanese and American version, at 16 August 2009. The map is now online at the address map for Mario Paint. The map is a wiki page, so anyone can add more addresses.

I also have a commented disassembly of parts of Mario Paint, but that is not online.

Hacking Super Mario World since 28 February 2009
I have the Puggsy ROM map (Genesis) for you to put up.

Only started this on monday, and I have found 10%!

I'm putting together a SMK RAM map. I used a few RAM addresses Datacrystal listed, about 14 or so I researched myself.
If someone can link me to a more complete RAM map, feel free to. (Besides Datacrystal.)
--------> Don't follow "Find Roy's Dignity", my hack. Because it's pretty outdated. <--------
I have another ROM map for you guys to put up: Super James Pond (SNES).

I have found more than 25% of the ROM.

EDIT: If we update the RAM/ROM maps of the games we do, would it have to be taken down, then put back up again?
Originally posted by Roy
I'm putting together a SMK RAM map. I used a few RAM addresses Datacrystal listed, about 14 or so I researched myself.
If someone can link me to a more complete RAM map, feel free to. (Besides Datacrystal.)

add the teal addresses here. Ignore the rom addresses or offsets a bunch of wrong, from notes a couple years back.

Couple others

7e0124: track number
7e0126: theme number
7e1d00: cursor position for track select (in battle courses atleast)

from reverse engineering AI for upcoming SMK editor:

7e014a: The yposition your kart must pass through in order to count a lap, thin red horizontal line in MAKE.
7e0900-7e09ff: AI related, did not need to look into it. I do know that two bytes are used per AI zone number.
7e0a00-7e0aff: AI related, did not need to look into it. as above...
7e10c0: checkpoint number for your kart
7f5000-7f5fff: 64x64 array of AI zone numbers (colored blocks in MAKE) used at load time to prepare AI behaviour. 7F marks an 'unused' zone.
7f4000-7f4fff: another array used for AI, did not need to look into it
7fc000-7fffff: decompression buffer, 16kb wide as to fit a whole decompressed track
Originally posted by Airbourne Bubblun
EDIT: If we update the RAM/ROM maps of the games we do, would it have to be taken down, then put back up again?

That's what I do. If you feel like updating your ROM/RAM map, but don't feel like making postcount++, PM me and I'll simply add the new version in. No problem at all.

Also, thanks a bunch, smkdan. I'll double-check those addresses and put them up as well.
--------> Don't follow "Find Roy's Dignity", my hack. Because it's pretty outdated. <--------
I have the updated ROM map of Super James Pond Here.

I will have some more waiting eventually. ;)
I finally had time to upload my High Seas Havoc ROM map (Genesis).

I found almost 50% of the data, which is impressive for over a year's work.

EDIT: I have another to put up, Pokemon Blue (GB).
ROM map is here.

66% is fantastic. :) :)
Sonic Adventure DX PC RAM Map and ROM Map
Written entirely by me (MainMemory). These are far from complete, because SADX is really big.
I have the Psycho Pinball (Genesis) ROM map for you to put up.

I can't believe how much I found in there, but hopefully I can find more.

I forgot, there is a RAM map For Sonic 1 (SMS), which is done by zKiP, and I have his permission to post it here. Here it is.

EDIT: For anything related to SNES, the maps are done for a HEADERED ROM, just to remind you.
I have another map to put up, this time it is Sonic 1 (SMS).

This is the first SMS game I have attempted.
I have an update to the Puggsy (Genesis) map Here.

This one includes every single level in the game. It will be hard finding the music. :(
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