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* Yoshi's Island: Forlorn Lands (Demo/Final Release)

I've never put much care into this hack, to be honest. I've made five and a half level in 13 months. I don't have any interest in YI hacking anymore, especially after creating Kamek's Revenge (which I'm sure as many of you know, was the second "completed" YI hack. It was also Kaizo-ish difficulty towards the end).

I'm just going to release what I have here and be done with it. I never had any intention of finishing this, to be honest. The ROM was more or less a "test ROM" for the disassembly project (which I do still plan to continue and keep updated, by the way).

There are two issues in this hack that you will notice. I have no intention of correcting them, but for the sake of listing:

1. I did some music hacking, and tried to remix the YI DS World 1 theme into the map. Needless to say, it failed pretty badly. Just ignore it.
2. The top left corner of horizontal wooden platforms will appear glitchy.
3. Balloons are upside down. Lulz it up.

The "demo" includes five fully completed, 100%able levels, as well as half of the 6th which you can play for fun if you wish. Other than that, there isn't much to see except for a few sprite editing tricks.

Here are some screenshots:

And of course, a link to the IPS:


Also, I gave smkdan a super special place in the credits. I'm sure you'll find him.

I don't really have much to say other than that. Enjoy, I guess?
I foound a bug: On the top left side of the brown platofrm, there's a glitched tile. This glitch is in every level.

Originally posted by S.N.N.
2. The top left corner of horizontal wooden platforms will appear glitchy.

I'd suggest actually reading the thread. I am already aware of this bug, I just had no intention of correcting since I never plan to work on this again.

(though other than the three I listed, the five playable levels should be pretty much bug free)
SNN, you seem to be the guy to ask this. What do you think of the differences in the variety of level design you can create in Yoshi's Island as opposed to Mario World? I've always wondered what the people who hack it think of their own level design, as well as what the capabilities of level design theoretically are in Yoshi's Island.

I'll try out the hack while I wait for a reply to this post... if I have some headphones on me. It would be unfortunate if I didn't, since I'm not in a place right now where I can play with sound.
I think the capabilities are much higher in Yoshi's Island than in SMW, for slightly obvious reasons, assuming both games were hacked in the "vanilla" style (i.e. pretend addmusic/spritetool/blocktool all do not exist for SMW). The things YI had over SMW, in my eyes, were:

-Far more tilesets to work with.
-The whole idea of getting 100 points in a level allows the creator to design much more convoluted levels with more puzzles.
-Adding to the previous point, the vast number of clever sprites in this game compared to SMW allows for some really crafty puzzles (i.e. ricocheting a Shy Guy so that it rolls down a set path to hit a dirt block which drops a key to open a locked door .. etc.)
-Multiple midrings allow for longer levels in general.

There are two things in SMW that I will admit bested this game, and those are the overworld and the dialogue. SMW allowed for a unique overworld, while YI really doesn't have much of that (unless you count changing the level icons). SMW also utilized the message boxes much better than in YI. It allowed two per overworld-accessible level, whereas YI only allows messages in certain levels (most notably, whichever levels used them in the original). This mean that the last half of the game has very few workable message boxes.

In my honest opinion, if there were no tools except an editor for each game (Lunar Magic, EggVine), YI would probably be much more diverse and flexible. The possibilities are pretty much endless in YI, since the interactions between the landscape and sprites are just so seamless. I'm still discovering new things even to this day.
Of course, we shouldn't compare YI and SMW on "vanilla" grounds, we should compare them on realistic grounds. Of course, this is harder to define, because a dedicated programmer could probably put anything in either game in the other. So I guess what it boils down to would be the game engine; still something that could be tweaked to near unrecognizability. See also: Azure Chaotic. I see now that was something of a flawed question.

In other news, I got the following scores on your levels after playing them once: 100, 99 (missed 1 red), 97 (missed 3 red), 100, 100. I got 64 on the 6th level before it... ended (missed 5 stars, 11 reds, and 2 flowers). Nice levels, and I really wish I took some notes on what I liked and disliked. I'll just name off some things I remember.

1. The flashing egg plant. While interesting, I found this a bit counter-intuitive. I was mildly annoyed at the fact that I had to dispose of my red eggs to carry the flashers; and then had to find 6 things to kill without missing one shot, or ruin my score. For reference, the 97 I got in that level was NOT due to me missing shots with flashing eggs.
2. That was a nice trick, putting the last red coin in the boss room in 1-4. I'm sure you'd give plenty of people heart attacks trying to find that last one in the level itself if this hack was finished. Speaking of that level, what was with collecting the "same" red coin in both 1-3 and 1-4, by backtracking from 1-4 back into 1-3 for a bit? That was a bit of a mind-screw.
3. Likewise with putting a red coin and the last FLOWER literally on the goal ground in 1-5. You really can't count yourself out of the 100 until you actually pass through the goal, can you?

Those are all the thoughts I have over this hack. Overall, I liked it. Your level design improved tremendously from Kamek's Revenge. I apologize if my comments are inadequate, I just got off from fooling around on campus for 12 hours from my first day of classes and I'm exhausted.
Originally posted by Tatrion
1. The flashing egg plant. While interesting, I found this a bit counter-intuitive. I was mildly annoyed at the fact that I had to dispose of my red eggs to carry the flashers; and then had to find 6 things to kill without missing one shot, or ruin my score. For reference, the 97 I got in that level was NOT due to me missing shots with flashing eggs.

Haha. This was actually more of an ASM test sprite that I left in the game because I thought it was a cute little gimmick. I can see where you are coming from though.

Originally posted by Tatrion
Speaking of that level, what was with collecting the "same" red coin in both 1-3 and 1-4, by backtracking from 1-4 back into 1-3 for a bit? That was a bit of a mind-screw.

Actually, the level is part of 1-4 - I just altered it to make it "look" like you were going back into 1-3. I wanted the hack to have a sort of diverse feel, and I thought something like this would be a nifty way to do it.

Originally posted by Tatrion
Your level design improved tremendously from Kamek's Revenge.

I would certainly hope it has. Still, had I not went crazy on the last world of Kamek`s Revenge by trying to turn it into .. well .. practically Kaizo, it probably would have been more well received. Ah well.

I appreciate your comments. Thanks.
So far I just played the first three levels but I have to say that the level design indeed is a blast. I had much fun playing through those levels. The only thing that often annoyed me that some sprites, for instance ?-clouds, shyguys or those bouncing arrows kept disappearing when leaving the screen and then re-appeared later or not at all.

Other than that, really good job on this game. If you'd ever think about completing this game or atleast world 1, you should definitely go for it. :D
Thanks for the comments there, Buu. One thing I really tried to eliminate was the "disappearing sprites" problem, and it seemed to work for the most part. I'm aware of a few instances which cause it to happen in the hack, though (one of the red coins in 1-2, near the mid-ring, for instance). Eh.

Thanks again.
I HATE the disappearing sprites-bug!!
NEW! SMW2 Yoshi's Island is done!
Last update: 2012-12-31