Well Everyone, it's been some time since I've lasted posted. Since the last post, I tried inserting a custom block that Boing Boing slpat made for me, and I accidently inserted level.asm incorrectly, and lost my backup. I'm working on getting back up to speed with where I left off.
Now, My big question, is if someone wants to playtest the hack. Anyone up to it?
Notte Luminosa Progress:
Click here to download It! :D
I could, I could even lets play it if you want. I am in the playtesters for hire section after all.
(Might need a walkthrough for some of the secret exits though.)
I can playtest too if you want.
I played some of demo 2, and while it's nothing phenomenal, it's not really trying to be the most impressive hack in the history of ever, and it's great for what it is.
Yes, I'd be up to it. I did sign up in the Testers for Hire thread quite, and I'm still waiting to actually test something. This would be a good start. =PGood fucking bye.
Originally posted by Midna
I can playtest too if you want.
I played some of demo 2, and while it's nothing phenomenal, it's not really trying to be the most impressive hack in the history of ever, and it's great for what it is.
Wait, What? So It's great but not trying to be good, because it's not phenomenal?.. ;-;
Alrighty Though. Here is the list of current playtesters.
Errp. Well, that's about all I can hold in terms of accounting for play testers and all.
Originally posted by Directions
Please play the demo version uploaded to the site, and go all out in terms of criticism.
I will have the people who send me the absolute most cut-throat criticism test my final version of the hack before it comes out aswell. Of course, trolling or just simple "BLAH BLAH BLAH FUUUUU-" isn't advised.
Thanks to everyone who signed up. Either leave me the ciritcism here or PM me it. PLease provide pictures for glitches, graphical problems, or anything of the like. Spelling errors don't require screenies.
This video is just an update to show that I HAVE been working to the skeptics out there. Under no reason, by the way, should you bother the colorblind person about the palettes. I don't care if you point out the cutoff in the level, because it's not finished. In other words, Filler video time!
If anyone has some palette suggestions, I'd be more than happy to take them. Keep in mind though that certain things are subject to change, as this IS just the first 1/4th of the level anyways.
Notte Luminosa Progress:
Click here to download It! :D
Well, It's been quite awhile since any updates have happened, hasn't it?
Jumpluff_999 was the first to get back to me in terms of the playtesters. He had a huge wealth of problems that needed to be fixed, and I got them done. For you're sakes, I'll highlight the minor changes, and Really give you details into the major changes.
1) I added new forms of Text. For the Message box text, I used red_Chameleon's custom font found in the ExGFX section. The Layer 3 font was custom made by me though.
2) @ coins were scattered around certain levels, and didn't always equal a total of 5 in a level. After adding them into levels that didn't already have a total of 5, I also corrected their graphics. (If you've noticed, during the space levels, the graphics for certain areas got very... wonky.)
3) I did a hex edit to let the music on the Overworld continue to play after beating the boss of a level. For example, the level Temple Plunder.
4) Serious Proofreading went on in the Cutscene departments. I'm not one for good grammar, I know, but you all must realize that when I work on these projects, It's either really early in the morning, or really late at night. :>
BAM. 2 errors fixed already. Can you spot the differences?
5) The Level "Pond of Beginings" was finished. However, Firefox insists that begining is spelled "beginning", instead of the way everyone on the IRC told me to spell it.
6) I added more actual Paths to the Overworld. This way, you don't need to press a directional arrow every 2 seconds to go somewhere.
1) I took out the Left-only and Right-only custom blocks in ALL levels until I can find a way to fix them.
2) The only instance of Cutoff in this game was fixed.
3) I took out the ability for glitching through the diagonal pipe in Charlie Halls.
If I can get the new chargin' chuck graphics done (He's gonna be a spaceman if I can help it yet), I'll make sure to upload them.
Notte Luminosa Progress:
Click here to download It! :D
I'd say this looks pretty cool.
"Myth because whispers" and "fadding"
Should be "Myth became whispers" and "fading"
No, it's definitely spelled beginning. Firefox was right.
Well, the spelling errors have been corrected (Thank you Legoman77 and Jayfeather).
On top of that, I'm in the finalizing phase of the final World. Yep, We're already getting there. Here's your Promo screenshot.
(The Red tile up there is where my cursor was when I took the screenshots. Oopsies.)
To expand upon the photo, this is the Final world, Valios's Castle. After collecting at least 25 exits/stars, the player gets transported here. Similar to Megaman, you explore the castle in search of Valios. At the highest peak, you will fight him. Areas include a front gate, an elevator complex, ramparts to explore, dungeons, and more classified areas.
My second part of this post details the final boss. You see, I've demoted old final boss to being the boss of another world. This new one will be custom hopefully. Now, if you've ever made a sprite, you'd know that making a boss is tough work, especially for a newbie like me. So, this will probably take awhile. Oh well. :3 Wish me luck.
Notte Luminosa Progress:
Click here to download It! :D
That is a big ol' castle.
And if the final boss got demoted to another world, and it was already pretty tough, then this new one has gotta be... oh boy.
Well, It's that time of the year again. C3. In recent times, I've been working almost exclusively on making my hack, Notte Luminosa, the best it can be. I've gone through the thing, weeding out bugs, slicing out cutoff, spell checking it, and alltogether making it quite a feat. So, here is the newest demo update of Notte Luminosa. It has all of the levels that the hack will have outside of the final world in this copy.
Currently, this demo extends the hack to have 25 levels, and 31 exits. This hack contains custom sprites, blocks, music, graphics, and relatively good plot structure.
For those of you who have not seen it, here are some screenshots to pique your interest a teeny bit.
Comments, Reviews, feedback, or questions are perfectly fine, and help me to get adequate feedback about how the hack is coming along. Thanks for supporting this as long as you have guys: It really makes my job feel worth it.
Notte Luminosa Progress:
Click here to download It! :D
Well, as per is usual with my life, the second I make headway in my hack, my jump drive dissapears. I haven't had any time to make a backup lately though. In other words, the hack is put on hold until I find it. The weird thing is though, I think it was stolen. You see, I checked EVERYWHERE it could have been. If I can't find this thing, The hack will probably be put on hold for awhile. Sorry to keep you guys waiting for an update for so long.
Notte Luminosa Progress:
Click here to download It! :D
DAMNIT! I hope you find your flash drive or something. Try to make backups more often in the future.Good fucking bye.
Ahh... At least you releassed a up-to date demo, so if you lose the jumpdrive you can work off of the demo.
Lumos looks like a mixture of Boon and Cleru. Great job on that sprite sheet.
Well, it took awhile, but I finnaly managed to get the hack back on it's feet. As I have finished all but the last world, I started working on that.
Here are some sneak peaks of the dungeon level I'm designing. This is only the first of 3 puzzles mind you! Get ready for some brain-bending lexicological quandaries.
In other news, I lost the title screen I worked so hard to make. That's okay though... I can always make it again in 5 seconds. The final boss's programming went down the drain aswell, so I'm going to have to just start a new boss altogether. :| If anyone wants to volunteer time to code me one, or help me code it, that would be great.
Notte Luminosa Progress:
Click here to download It! :D
That level is making my head hurt looking at it.
Nice to know the hack is back now!
And im extreamly bad at codeing. I can hardly code the simpelest of bosses. (Whats the boss going to be like I wonder...)
Taking a page out of the VIPs book, eh? Switch levels are always a fun time. Looks pretty cool.IRC Quotes (March 20th update!)
(Sorry about that. This is now the 8th FUCKING TIME I've tried to post this. 3 times my computer has crashed due to photobucket, and the other 5 times my internet has gone out. There was a nice introduction about how this is a preview to what's going on in the hack at one point, but after the 6th time of writing this, I said "ASDGHGHSSSSSS" and just decided to copy/paste this lil' message in instead.) :3
Anyways, 11-23-09 Updates.
Since I don't want to spoil the ENTIRE world, I'll only be posting tiny tidbits of levels here and there; most updates you guys will see from now on will pertain to updating old levels. Keep checking back though, as I will periodically post little teasers (unlike this update, which is a HUGE teaser) for you all.
Updated title Screen. I experimented with various gradients and colors, but I found this one to my favorite liking.
What's this?... I'm... I'm at the final castle? Oh dear. The Front gates. I better go in then...
Damn. It's the "kill-lumos" brigade. My worst nemesis-es!
After much perseverence, I come to what looks like a wall...
A bit of investigation reveals the Main Gate into the Bastion.
That's a fancy door!
Oh... So that's why it refuses to work.
Well, I'd better investigate...
Later on, I've encountered the dungeon!
These Switch activated blocks are going to give me quite the headache.
...They make brain hurt.
After MUCH tenacity and perseverence, I've found that damn gear. =.=
The rain is animated, of course. Anyways, Comments? Questions?