Originally posted by Bikerboy913 Hello guys ive been gone for about 6 weeks i know my name has showed up on the member's online list well i wasent on smw at the time it just showed me online well im back i have to deal with school i got my grades up im happy with that so i had nothing else to do so Hi. Im back Ill try to post more.
Welcome back, Bikerboy913. Nice to have you back.
Originally posted by MarisaWell, once again SMW hacking hasn't kept me interested lately. So I'll be leaving every now and again, like now for instance.
Well, see you later, Marisa.
Stay safe until then. Actually, just stay safe.
No need for you to be unsafe if you suddenly returned. XD
Originally posted by OrangeVanguardGuitarHello, my name is OrangeVanguardGuitar. I'm new to SMW Hacking and may need a hand here and there, but if i have to, im willing to help! Hello SMWC!
Welcome to SMWC, OrangeVanguardGuitar. It is nice to see another new user here.
Originally posted by UsetheforceHey guys. Back in 07 or so, I got into SMW hacking, but I never bothered to register on SMWC because I lost interest pretty quickly... I'm picking it up again, though. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish a hack this time!
Welcome to SMWC, Usetheforce. I hope you keep up your interest and have fun posting.
Originally posted by I8StrudelYeah, I'm going to bet that virtually no one remembers me/ knows of my existence here, but I have returned after a long hiatus! I am working on a short hack, and I have some ExGFX that I'm going to submit!
Welcome back, I8Strudel. I kind of remember you but it has been awhile. It is nice to see an old face.
Well, that was sure a lot of work. But I take my job very seriously. After all, I am the 'unofficial greeter'.
Where I am found.