This is my second attempt at trying to leave, I hope it more successful than my first one (only three/four months). I grow evermore tired of this hell hole of a website, I'm sick of wasting my entire life here for a set of people whom I don't care about (and I hope they don't care about me either), and placing my life into something that is spiralling me deeper and deeper into depression. I'm tired of looking on in envy of all those 'successful' hackers, I'm tired of trying to sit here and pretend I fit in, and I'm sosick of certain members here who just appear to be stuck up their own arse until the point were it's not even funny anymore.
Regardless, I'm not going to try and sit here ranting to an audience whom clearly is not interested anymore, and I'll just try forget about my experiences as quickly as possible. I certainly hope this becomes old news within a few minutes, and I certainly hope all you arse-lick members out their are glad of my riddance (oh, how I'd love to read your comments underneath).
I'm just going to stop wasting my time (as I have been doing just actually looking at this website) writing this message, and finally log out of this detestable place of a forum. Fuck you all, and I hope you have a wonderful life dwindling your hours away on here.
See you later.
snn edit: fixed some spelling and grammar so that this post can hopefully be taken more seriously, even though it is simply a cry for help to begin with.
Originally posted by Jirachi
Whiny bitching
Adios fucktard."Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." -RD
Hey, don't be mean to him, if he wants to leave that's fine.
See ya Jirachi.
Originally posted by Jirachi
(Bratty whining)
... Good riddance. I don't know you, but reading that makes me happy I don't.Good fucking bye.
Eh, I don't hate you for it. Never knew you much, but it's still a disappointment to see you go.
Come on, guys. Don't let this get out of hand because of a simple line he said, you all can do better than that.
Well, goodbye then, Jirachi. I do not understand your hate against this forum and the site as a whole, and I certainly do not approve of your last comment, but whatever. Since you're leaving, you probably won't give two shits about that anyway.--------> Don't follow "Find Roy's Dignity", my hack. Because it's pretty outdated. <--------
Insulting Jirachi, while understandable, isn't going to get you anywhere. He most likely won't be reading this anymore anyway. If you feel offended, just silently be happy he's gone.
Anyway, goodbye Jirachi. You seemed like a nice user from what I know, and I hope you'll eventually overcome your depression (or whatever you say you have).
Talk about a's worse than Giga's...
Bye Jirachi. See you...
i just lurk sometimes
S.N.N should just not worry about turning Jirachi's username color to brown.
Your layout has been removed...NOT! :D
I can't see why he should give Jirachi a brown name. It's not like he spammed up the whole board.
Anyway, goodbye Jirachi although you probably won't read this.My blog. I could post stuff now and then
I can't see why he should give Jirachi a brown name. It's not like he spammed up the whole board.
Anyway, goodbye Jirachi although you probably won't read this.
Neither do I, Ersan. Neither do I.
Your layout has been removed...NOT! :D
Why do I even bother trying to comfort people who bitch to me in PMs if they just turn around and pull this shit? Quit taking such self pity and get a life. Nobody here has done anything to you - nobody has been an asshole to you. If anything, half of the site felt sorry for you. If anyone has a stick up their ass, it is you Jirachi.
Good riddance.
Go create something wonderful.
Jirachi, you know, no one forced you to be here. If you absolutely dont feel like you fit in with the other hackers, and feel inferior, you could always practice at it,(practice makes perfect). I dont remember anyone giving you a hard time at all. Oh well, your choice, see ya.
Originally posted by Jirachi
(Leaving message.)
Well, it is sad to see you go. I just hope you realize that there are those here who DO care but seeing how you won't read this message...
Bye.Where I am found.
Because the staff and I are sick of the "leaving" portion of this thread consisting of:
a) people who use it as a chance to spam your hatred towards everyone (the most recent case will be sparking this change).
b) people who post they are leaving and then return two months later like nothing ever happened
c) etc cases.
...this is now just an Introduction thread. If you want to leave so badly, then do it quietly and don't make a scene. If you are going on a vacation or something, put it in your sig.
Seriously. What happened to a little thing called "maturity"? Sure, it's the Internet, but come on.