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Umm yes it is GoldenSonic...
Anyways Hello Angel15.
Also i'm gonna be taking a break from here since smw hacking is becoming boring to me. I will be on irc sometimes but i'm just gonna take a break from here for probably 2 weeks or a month. Cya til then.
Originally posted by SolidSnake141.35
Umm yes it is GoldenSonic...
Anyways Hello Angel15.
Also i'm gonna be taking a break from here since smw hacking is becoming boring to me. I will be on irc sometimes but i'm just gonna take a break from here for probably 2 weeks or a month. Cya til then.

No, it isn't. It is no longer a returning/leaving thread anymore because there is too much drama involved which the staff is sick of.

Honestly, this thread needs to be buried and remade with a new one. It should have been done when the new rules were made not even a week ago. I will make the new thread shortly. In the mean time, this old thread will be destickied and closed.
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