Bowser's Grudge
Author: A-l-e-x-99
Hack ID 3402
Okay, so this hack seems okay, but there are some clear flaws with it that I think you could (and should) do better on. My reasons for removing the hack are below:

Major slowdown here

...and here

...and here

...and here

...and here

...and here get the point. Slowdown is a MAJOR issue in this hack. It plagues it and acts to make it frustrating and unfun. Please fix this.

Palette problems are another recurring problem this hack faces.

Here, either the key or the keyhole would appear, but almost never both at once. This is due to sprite header problems. Please fix these, as they make sprites not show up onscreen - and that is especially bad when we are talking about secret exit keys/holes...

"Moving Pipe" sprite not appearing due to sprite header problems as well.

These 2 areas are ridiculous on the difficulty. The top shot shows a (badly colored) ceiling that slams down and kills you the instant you walk under it, with no time to react otherwise, even if you are running at max speed. There is no warning, and the only way to avoid death is if you stopped *directly* in front of it- and no indication of that is given to hint that you should. The second shot shows a cheap Thwomp trap with shifting pipes that's almost impossible to do without either getting smashed by the land or smashed by the Thwomp.

These rising pipes...crush me if they rise up under me? o_O

I am standing at the bottom of the screen. Please try to avoid using the invisible bottom row of LM.

It might just be me, but...floating Bonefish in a non-water level seems a bit...odd.

I'm sorry, but this strikes me as, I dunno, it might be potentially offensive to some people. I'd probably consider changing the message. *shrugs*

This is a large reason for removal. This level tile's paths don't line up quite right, making it possible to end up in an endless bonus game...
Also, Another thing I might add is that 90% of all the secret levels in here were pointless...dead ends, and not shortcuts or prizes or anything to be gotten from them.
There is still much work to be done before this hack is in shape to be accepted.
Bowser's Grudge
Author: A-l-e-x-99
Hack ID 3402
Okay, so this hack seems okay, but there are some clear flaws with it that I think you could (and should) do better on. My reasons for removing the hack are below:

Major slowdown here

...and here

...and here

...and here

...and here

...and here get the point. Slowdown is a MAJOR issue in this hack. It plagues it and acts to make it frustrating and unfun. Please fix this.

Palette problems are another recurring problem this hack faces.

Here, either the key or the keyhole would appear, but almost never both at once. This is due to sprite header problems. Please fix these, as they make sprites not show up onscreen - and that is especially bad when we are talking about secret exit keys/holes...

"Moving Pipe" sprite not appearing due to sprite header problems as well.

These 2 areas are ridiculous on the difficulty. The top shot shows a (badly colored) ceiling that slams down and kills you the instant you walk under it, with no time to react otherwise, even if you are running at max speed. There is no warning, and the only way to avoid death is if you stopped *directly* in front of it- and no indication of that is given to hint that you should. The second shot shows a cheap Thwomp trap with shifting pipes that's almost impossible to do without either getting smashed by the land or smashed by the Thwomp.

These rising pipes...crush me if they rise up under me? o_O

I am standing at the bottom of the screen. Please try to avoid using the invisible bottom row of LM.

It might just be me, but...floating Bonefish in a non-water level seems a bit...odd.

I'm sorry, but this strikes me as, I dunno, it might be potentially offensive to some people. I'd probably consider changing the message. *shrugs*

This is a large reason for removal. This level tile's paths don't line up quite right, making it possible to end up in an endless bonus game...
Also, Another thing I might add is that 90% of all the secret levels in here were pointless...dead ends, and not shortcuts or prizes or anything to be gotten from them.
There is still much work to be done before this hack is in shape to be accepted.