Hack Name: Kinco Islands - 174.5 KB - 9 downloads
Length: 4 levels
Author: Weegee100 - Submitted by: Weegee100
Description: This is my first hack enjoy <3
Before I start out this moderation, there's something I want to point out in your readme file.
"Credit goes to all the people who posted blocks and sprites I used in this hack."
No no, you have to name the people who made the blocks and sprites you used.
Title Screen
Not a removal reason, but why did you make the title screen end a second after it started?
Intro Screen
* Island (island)
* there (their)
You've got a run-on sentence, and a few spelling errors here. Try:
Welcome, this is
the Demo Version
of Kinco Island!
Please enjoy-
there are four
First Overworld
There are a few problems with your overworld.
1: I can see you have some decorations, but try to add a bit more.
2: There's a bit of a perspective error with the waterfall; adding the top to the waterfall would make it look better.
3: ..There's a pipe floating in the water. Attach it to some ground, please.
Tip House
Minor "cut-off" on the chimney.
Green Caves
Hm.. first off, the camera has a bad initial starting position. Please move it up to where Mario starts. Second, the foreground palette is bad. Lastly, there's a bit of "cut-off" on the ground to the right.
As the Bob-omb Bros. continue to throw more bombs, the sprite lag builds and causes some slowdown.
The vine om-nomed the rope, and caused "cut-off". There's also a "cut-off" rope to the right.
When you're Small Mario and you bounce on a note block next to a wall, Mario can get stuck and die.
The top of the dirt hole is "cut-off".
Adding Hammer Bros. will majorly increase the difficulty. This is only the first level.
Stacking bullet bill launchers on top of another causes a bit of "cut-off" in between the stack.
...Why is there flying fish?
Construction Bridge
Bad initial FG camera position.
Invisible platforms are unfair; the player doesn't know where they are. Also, bad background palette.
Entering the pipe to the right...
...Forces me to exit into a death pit. Again, unfair to the player since he doesn't know which way to take. Also, the pipes to the right cut into the ground.
The ground doesn't have a bottom. Also, there are SEVERAL problems with this puzzle.
1: If you screw up and waste the P-Switch, you will be trapped, as the shell cannot move on without the switch, and you don't have a reset pipe.
2: Even if you do get the most time out of the P-Switch, the shell doesn't go through the multiple coin blocks fast enough to get to the vine, forcing me to do this manually.
3: Don't place blocks on the bottom of the level; the player cannot see them.
4: AND EVEN if you do it manually, there is still a chance of the vine not spawning.
5: If the vine does spawn, it causes "cut-off" into the ground.
6: The Yoshi that you gave about two screens back cannot be taken up the vine.
PLEASE rethink this puzzle.
Getting to this area is a blind jump. I was lucky to cross it without falling and dying. Now, here's the thing.. once I get here, there is a way to get back which is an elevator, but I had no idea where it was and what it was.
It would've been nice if you told us that these bricks were smashable by shells. Also, if I kill all of the koopas, I can't progress further in the level.
And even if I get past that, I can't find a way to get past these black piranha plants, until I looked into Lunar Magic.
For help, I looked into Lunar Magic to find a solution to progress. I did, and I got the hidden Mushroom. I then came back to the munchers to find...
a cape feather that did not spawn when I was first there.
I did find that to cross this gap, I had to abuse the invincibilty time I get when I fly into something harmful. Please don't abuse... that bug (I guess). Also pictured are floating munchers, which are an instant removal.
..And more floating munchers.
First Overworld (halfway through)
Hm, there are glitched events appearing. Please fix these.
Jungle Park
Please DO NOT stack munchers.
...Lolwut? Mario's head got stuck in the pipe. I am now stuck.
..Again, this is ALSO unfair since the player doesn't know that he can stand on this.
If you lose the throw block, you can get stuck. A reset pipe can solve this.
The cement blocks cut into the ground.
The water rises a bit higher than the ground corner. There is also a bad background palette.
..I somehow got stuck into the ground. Extend the corner to the left by one tile, make it solid, and add the pink triangle's land tile below it.
..This was probably a mistake on my part for delaying, but please make it so the koopa does not fall onto me.
*You (you)
*There (their)
*are (is)
There are some spelling errors and run-on sentences here. Try:
You can use the
Fire Flower you
have to gain more
coins. There are
also more coins if
you don't have
Also, the bones have a bad palette.
More floating plants.
I know you said to collect all of the coins in the level, but if you still do not have enough, you are forced to die. At least add a reset pipe.
Iggy Castle
Bad sprite memory setting; the top half of the coin is missing.
Your rock wall creates "cut-off" on all of the castle floor corners.
More spelling errors and a run-on sentence.
*Island (island)
*. Wait (island wait)
Overall, the hack needs more work before it can be accepted. Fix the messages, get rid of the munchers, fix the palettes, add reset pipes, fix the bugs and glitches, add some reset pipes, and rethink your puzzles and level design before we try again.