Take 2! Isn't it fun when your browser closes down just when you are about to post something?
NAME: Strange Island
AUTHOR: Garis208
My hack that is now complete. (I fixed the errors)
Custom Foreground
Custom Background
Custom Music
Custom Sprites
Custom Character
Custom Yoshi
Two Worlds
Fixed the errors, you say? There seem to be quite a few left. In order of appearance:
The bright yellow in the ground doesn't look too good, and the flag has an odd palette as well.
Your coastline was a bit odd, so I took the liberty of drawing a red line where it ought to go. The green circle denotes a missing edge tile. And overall, your overworld could use a bit less blandness and a bit more decoration.
The Yoshi egg palette is kind of off, and as mentioned in earlier removal logs, the Goomba looks absolutely horrible. Seriously, how could you not notice that it is completely black?
Since you followed the advice of Kristian and made the level possible to beat without Yoshi, this message doesn't make a whole lot of sense. As for grammar, "a while" is two words and not one, and "Be careful" should probably be its own sentence. (Damn you, SMW, and your lack of semicolons!)
Minor, but not being able to eat the YI Goomba seems unintuitive. Tweaker could easily change this.
This is why you shouldn't use the second half of palettes 0 and 1 for graphics that aren't on layer 3.
Again, "Be careful" should be a sentence of its own. And the music loops extremely oddly, which leads me to believe that you either forgot to insert the N-SPC patch or used a bad version of Addmusic. (Seriously, why are all those outdated versions still hosted on the site?)
the concept of that level as a whole is flawed (warning: big image). Placing Bullet Bills directly makes them not play the sound effect when they are spawned. Combine this with the fact that this level requires you to be running most of the time in order to not run out of time, and you get a lot of cheap hits. And that star run at the end gives way too many lives.
The next level uses the fast auto-scroll sprite. Yes, that's "fast" as in "presses you to the back of the screen". While it doesn't get to the point where you can't even jump anymore, your time to react to obstacles before you are squashed by them is still very close to zero. And needless to say, this section of bouncing on Bullet Bills while not being able to adjust your horizontal movement at all is simply not possible without abusing emulator tools. PROTIP: Don't use this autoscroll setting. Ever. (Unless, of course, you find some way to slow it down a bit.)
Forgot to place some edge tiles, did we?
8-bit pipes and 16-bit pipe tops don't fit together all too well.
Even with the warning message, using the same tiles for background and foreground looks quite strange. Hint: If you wish to be true to the original SMB, get rid of the background entirely and replace it by bushes and clouds on layer 1.
The ground is cutoff, and the background just seems to end abruptly halfway down the screen. I don't think this graphics set was made to accommodate bottomless pits... And again, the music loops way before it is supposed to.
More cutoff ledges. Also,
this level could use being a bit longer (warning: big image).
The wooden blocks looks fairly horrible, the background (as pointed out twice already) is non-existing, and Toad is glowing red for whatever reason.
this level seems strangely empty (warning: big image). Did you forget to finish placing the enemies or something?
Minor oddity: why are the Shine Sprites green in this hack? Aren't those supposed to be yellow? Again, Tweaker is your friend.
Poor Yoshi got decapitated... Fix your layer priority settings.
(No points for guessing what type of enemy Yoshi is exploding in this screenshot.)
I get it. You like this Goomba-to-YI-duck graphics swap. However, it doesn't excuse having a level with only that single type of sprite. In game design, variation is key; just repeating the same thing over and over will do nothing but make the player bored.
*insert above comment with "Goomba-to-YI-duck graphics swap" replaced by "Tick custom sprite" here*
Minor, but why does that Fire Flower have a gray stem?
Again, more coastline oddities. As a general tip: when you have two landmasses connected by a horizontal bridge, those two landmasses should probably be the same height.
If you need a caption that explains what is wrong with this image, you should not be submitting your hacks to this site.
Again, constant repetition of the exact same obstacle is not going to do you any favours.
Alright, Toad. Time to defeat King Thwomp, the final boss!
*insert non-cutoff Yoshi pawprint here*
And after the boss, the hack just returns you to the overworld with a save prompt. This might just be me thinking, but isn't it customary for a game to have some kind of ending sequence and credits?
This is the fourth time your hack is getting removed. Perhaps you should consider actually fixing all the things pointed out (including the other removal logs) before you submit it the next time? Remember, if there's something you don't know how to fix, you can always ask in the forums.