Hack Name: Explore!
Author: hackfan - Submitted by: mariofan1000
Description: You wake up in a strange and seemingly peaceful world. Fitting, as you are a strange and seemingly peaceful girl... but you can't remember exactly who you are. As you explore this world you will discover challenging foes, intricate puzzles, your memories, and a dark truth that will shake you to your core. When you reach your destination, what you find there will depend on how much Love, Laughter, and Sin you collected on your Journey. An Ominous thought lingers in your mind, reminding you that someone's life is slowly dwindling away and you should make haste. Can you save this poor forgotten soul?
Explore is an experiment in non-linearity. There is only one level in the main game, but about 50 rooms, and most of the rooms have 2 exits creating a convoluted maze. I have implemented some nifty ASM that makes it so when you die you are sent to the beginning of the current room.
As another experiment, Explore has a second game mode called the Gauntlet. In this game mode you progress through about 25 of my favorite rooms in linear order in case you are not interested in exploring the maze. However, you wont get any story in this mode, and you must acquire the 5 coins in each room to proceed.
Hack thread, with hall of fame:
-----Removal Reasons :o-----------------
Alright, I have to say right now, this hack was pretty kinda tough. I couldn't find some places, but maybe its because I am horrible at very unlinear levels.
It was a good hack nevertheless, but there's a few stuff that should be fixed to improve overall quality.
It's weird how the skull raft can go throught the cement blocks.
...why am I going over nothingness? Don't put solid/walkable blocks on the lowest row in LM.
I can go in the ground here. Maybe put the whole diamond structure a bit higher.
Although I do get hurt, I am indeed able to walk on the pit :/
(Also I think I should mention the cutoff caused by the steep ledge corners, but that was in the original SMW, so no biggie)
Yeah, the raft keeps on going. I know you use it to get a secret, but you shouldn't let it go through ground, because that looks unprofessional.
Thought I'd mention the little cloud that appears on the title screen. You can try covering it, use ExGFX (it's part of the cloud tile/Lakitu's cloud in GFX 00), or refer to
this post by Ersanomnomnom.
Fire Peach has a bad palette :/
This moon is kinda simple to get once you get a mushroom, which you provide a few screen after this.
The dark gray shadow on the left of the pillar doesn't extend all the way down. I think this occured alot in the level.
The graphics on these blue coins change when you hit a P-switch, like usual, but since you have them acting like tile 25, I can pass through them when they look perfectly solid...
Not too big, but the bottom of the cloud I'm on is slightly cutoff.
I honestly had no idea what to do here. It seems like a dead-end, or you maybe didn't finish. Or mabye I needed something? I died shortly after, anyways, due to there being a pit.
Try not to use the uber fast auto-scroll, because then the player can't jump.
...I had no idea what to do here either. (The dotted blue box on the right creates slight cutoff with the rope.)
I'm not sure if this is all of them, as you have a very unlinear hack and I could have missed anything. It was fun, nevertheless
Just improve on these, and look for other ones I might have missed, maybe have beta-testers that are up-to-date with the present hack moderator's pickiness, and good luck!
(Also, you seemed to have used my Peach graphics. Just make sure you give credit ;) )