Hack Name: Extreme Mario (demo)
Author: Ray321lolz
Description: (insert extreme description here)
-----Removal Reasons :o-----------------
(this is probably my longest removal log ever)
This hack makes me:
This hack was definately one of the worst I've moderated. I didn't even play through the second world, knowing it will probably be the same quality as the first. You have cutoff and bad palettes, cheap tricks, etc. 'round the hack. I had ~80 screenshots for the first world alone, though I shortened it (as some were duplicates of others... silly fingers of mine)
First of all, the border goes behind the scenery. Give it priority so it doesn't look weird. Second, don't put piranha plants behind dirt, because you can still interact with them.
The cement blocks are discolored. Move their colors to a seperate palette or something.
The border looks messed up at the corners. No biggie.
You can die in the intro level, meaning my lives can mess up. :<
First of all: why are the levels already unlocked? Second: I'm not much of an overworld nazi, but that cliff you have where the doors are at has a slight perspective error. Third: Why is Yoshi on the overworld when I'm clearly playing as Mario o_O
You have an easy-access 3up moon. Also, the coin sparkles and stuff are glitched. You probably replaced some tiles in GFX 00 and/or 01 that you shouldn't have.
Don't put ledges and stuff on the lowest layer in Lunar Magic, because it won't show up ingame.
Another easy-access 3up moon. These are supposed to be hard to find >:
This fire powerup uses some odd palette. Also, I'm not too fond of the cement block color.
It also gives Mario an odd palette.
The bush tiles in the doorway look out-of-place. Second, the bounce tiles for the glass block are glitched. Use ExGFX to correct this.
The bounce tiles for these blocks are messed up too. Since you don't seem to use any of the sprites from the set, you don't need ExGFX.
Why can I collect these seemingly-solid blocks? Make them change GFX when one hits the switch.
I have no idea what these tiles are but they look glitchy.
When I hit the switch, and fly over here, these coins act solid. They also have a bad palette.
You said green turn blocks kill you, but these are brown! The status bar also has a messed-up palette.
Flat boring terrain. Spice it up, even a few enemies should do the trick.
(I'm at the top-left, if you can't find me) This tile acts like tile 25. Make sure you didn't mess anything up in the Map16.
ZOMG I CNA SEES A YELLOW KOOPAH The screen doesn't stop scrolling at the pipe
I exit out of the pipe too low. You can either move Mario's position higher or make the pipe longer. Also, the goal spheres are using glitchy graphics. Fix them pl0x.
There's some piece of a pipe at the bottom of the screen, below where I'm standing.
... this is kinda pointless. Also, the slope's interaction is glitched, like, I can go through it when I'm on it.
As mentioned, don't put stuff on the lowest level in LM.
Tiny cutoff where the slope meet the cement block.
WHy does Chuck have an odd-colored fayce?
Bad FG and BG palette. Also, this place looks alot like that one bonus room in SMW.
When the music ends, I am stuck here. You should probably remove the glass blocks and make the pipe an exit <_<
You can go inside the pipe. This is the reason Nintendo never let you go underneath the slanted pipes, they always covered it somehow.
When the switch is not pressed these act like coins. I recommend you don't have the player require a P-switch at the level end, because it is a slight Kaizo trap, and if the player messes up the fading at the end messes up too. Also, you are able to go through the rest of the level as if you are underwater.
My cape in the item box turned into Rip Van Fish! You probably accidentally all of SP1 <_<
It looks like you did. Also, the background has some glitched tiles.
(lol69) This time-giving block uses glitched bounce graphics, probably due to you replacing SP1.
There's a cutoff corner directly below me. Also, the thing I'm facing has an odd palette, fix it up.
... no (also, all those blocks have a bad palette)
When I hit the switch, these all still act solid. Make them not use the "Used block" GFX.
Piranha plants are visible behind the blocks. Place them elsewhere.
The top of the BG has glitched GFX. Very unpleasant.
The midway pole's palette is sdgfsdf.
... why the unecessary invisible blocks?
These blocks also seem to serve for nothing other than annoyance.
(damn status bar blocking) this 5up block sends out a glitched 5up sign.
...why are there invisible blocks here? At least use some sort of guidance as to tell where they are.
SHINY Another glitched 5up
Also, in this level alone, my cape seems to disappear (can be seen in the previous pic as well). It's probably because of all the damn Ludwig Fireballs you put ;A;
(revisiting that other level) The midway pole can be seen up here. Make it shorter so it doesn't do this.
... this level must be glitched or something, because all the graphics are messed up.
This part was kinda annoying, and abit hard to do.
Even the goal is messed up. Check that you didn't insert the wrong GFX file.
Make the FG starting position higher so the camera doesn't scroll up to Mario.
There is a visible glitched tile in the background. Also, these
wierd Blumieres weird tiles have a bad palette.
Fish just passes through the blocks like a ghost. So gangsta
If I take one of these throw blocks, it creates cutoff. Also, the logs create tiny cutoff at the ends.
When I touched that middle bad-palette cloud thingy, it threw me down and killed me. Not sure why that happened... (also, jumping from cloud-thingy to cloud-thingy was kinda annoying)
I cannot go under here! MOMMY!
I float over the water o_O. It still seems to act like normal water for enemies. Also, the level seemed to loop forever. I don't know why, maybe you forgot to put an exit, or you just felt like annoying me D:
If the level is incomplete then why include it? ¯\(°_o)/¯
... trippiest level I've seen. There's invisible tiles everywhere.
There's also cutoff everywhere. The level seemed unbeatable. I'm assuming it's incomplete, so I'll move on.
The hole only looks like a hole when the background's color is black. Else it looks weird.
The block boo has a bad palette (under my lives)
the 5-eerie group became a 2-eerie pair. You probably have too many sprites on-screen, or the sprite memory setting is wrong.
Fix the capitalization. You capitalize like every other word, lulz. Also, unecessary Layer 3 water tiles in message.
the boss fight was a fsck. This happened to me (I am unable to kill the koopa); plus, the time limit is way too short.
And that's it. As I said, I didn't play through the whole thing, and I hope you apply what I told you here to the rest of your levels. Make sure you acquire
BETA TESTERS, play through some
FEATURED HACKS, and, overall,
PLAY THROUGH YOUR OWN HACK. You should also read the FAQ. I hope my excessive screaming got through your head, and I hope to see this hack corrected