Hack Name: SMW - 4 Lost Islands + HARD VERSION
Length: 23 levels
SAFER_sephiroth - Submitted by: SAFER_sephiroth
Well, this hack is the final version.( I forgot to fix a few bugs, sorry). Also, there's a hard version included. MODERATORS, delete my previous hack.
You've got quite a few problems with this hack before it can be accepted, but it is definitely not the worst thing I've ever played.
Also sorry for the long moderation time. Broken internet/business/lazyness set in on me for a while. :o

Almost all of the text boxes in your hack had bad word wrap like this one. Make sure you break your lines correctly so you can read the messages easier.

While not square-looking, the overworld only takes up the bottom right corner of the screen. Center your land (or make it bigger) so it looks nicer. Also, learn to use events so that the levels reveal as you beat them.

Both of these boxes say the same thing, why have them both there? Also that small door...

...took me into this area that when I beat it, puts me back at 'Yoshi's House'. What's the point?

The smashed Goomba's graphics are glitched. Consult the ROM Map to learn how to fix it.

There is a small cloud tile hidden on the bottom left of the screen here.

This was unfair, because if I keep Yoshi, I get squished by a 1 tile high gap. :

This dragon coin was on a subscreen boundary. Move it 1 tile up or down.

Not a removal reason, but with Blue Yoshi, I can skip part of this level.

Small cutoff water by the pipes.

First I was put in this room, where I had no clue what these blocks did...

... then in the next level, you explained them to me. Thanks alot! (Just move the message box to the first area)

A very square submap where Mario walks on .. nothing..?

Some cutoff and more cutoff at the switch palace.

Bad corner tile on this mushroom. Also, some of the mushroom stems go behind objects, while the mushroom top goes in front for some reason. 0.o

Getting rid of the blocks here reveals cutoff mushroom stems.

Now we are back in Donut Plains? What?

Cement blocks cutoff a bunch of things including ledges like this. I suggest you fill in the corners of the block to prevent things like this.

QuoteNow we are back in Donut Plains? What?

The different rooms in the ghost house had different (more notably unfitting) music. Make sure they are all the ghost house theme.

The goal point has a weird line on it.

Minor, but going over the castle level gave me a nice pit to fall down. Extend the wall to the edge of the screen.

The palette of the land is okay, but the switch palaces have a horrible palette.

If I don't move in this level, Mario falls down the slope and gets shot. Put Mario on a flat piece of land to prevent this.

This is why you can't attach slopes to vertical land. Mario can walk right through it.

When I go in a pipe, I expect to come out of one, not to just be plopped right back in the level like this.

Some slowdown due to the Chucks, and cutoff to the right.

And more cutoff. Just to let you know, with a cape it is possible to not use the P-balloon. I can just jump over the pit of hurt blocks.

If I hit these blocks, more blocks appear due to the Switch Palace tileset.

If I then hit the P-switch, it becomes cutoff.

A stray tile to the left.

1) This jump was very hard, I found myself running back to the left to try again. 2)The silver coins/enemies get in the way of the message; I suggest you put a door here leading to the switch instead.

Slowdown and a cutoff cement block (if you fill in the corners, this should be fine though).

Moar slowdown here.

How can the lava be held up by something that I can walk through? °¯%_o

There is a sprite you can use to disable horizontal scrolling in vertical levels. I don't know where to find it, though.

Cutoff again at the switch palace. Why does this room not have a BG either?

Why the random GFX swap? You should really stay consistant in your graphics.

If I don't bring the key with me, I am screwed. Allow there to be a way to get back to the main level please.

The logs have a small blue background to them. Also, you are missing some of the cliff-to-land transition tiles.

You know the piranha plants can be placed one tile lower, right? They aren't glitched or anything.

Another instance of this.

BG garbage at the top of the screen. Switching to LM 1.71 wouldn't be a bad idea since your hack is vanilla, and it fixes alot of stuff like this.

The blue Koopa here killed itself, so Mario just finds a bunch of shells laying around.

The translucent block has glitched GFX when it is hit. Make sure you use the correct GFX file for it.

Layer 2 has a line missing from it for some reason.

Oh, you'll want to fill in the land too. You can really tell when the lightning flashes.

Layer 3 has a bad and bright palette here. Darken it a bit to make it more suttle in the background.

Apperently the hole sprite makes anything under it empty, even platforms beneath it. I fell through the platform underneath it even when plainly there is no hole in it too.

This hole goes too far to the left.

The castle crumbled before I actually beat it. Make the destruction event use the next event so the castle falls at the right time.

The palette for the shadows could be a little better.
So yeah, just fix
all this stuff, submit again, and you'll be accepted.
Have a nice day.