Whew, I've been busy the past week or so, and the original pics I took for this hack didn't save for some reason DX
Hack Name: NEW MARIO
Author: Ray321lolz
Description: Ok last time I thought I fixed the problems but I fixed them on a back-up.... heh sorry, also I would like to thank the users/moderators of smw central for doing this....AGAIN
Your welcome, and once again this is being rémoved. It seems you didn't fix some of the previous stuff. Anyways...
Title screen maladies. I'm sure you can tel what's wrong in each of the pics.
You are able to go into these pipes.
Initial FG setting is too low.
lolwut I can't pass through the pillar, but I can up here.
Bad "Mario" palette on status bar
The level is laggy + bad status bar palette + cheap attempt at bypassing "NO STACKED MUNCHERS" rule = this. Fix it all. I'm sure you can do with only one row of munchers.
Cannonball gets stuck in the pillar.
This is passthroughable. Étrange. Also, the level doesn't stop scrolling, so I get crushed between the wall and the left side.
Slight bad pipe palettes.
Horrible block palettes. My eyes died thrice.
Ledge to the left of me is cutoff
The normal and silver P-switches have
HORRIBLE palettes. Do something about it.
Yoshi spits out glitched fireballs. Since you don't seem to be using any castle sprites in the level, I don't see why you have the level set to the castle sprite GFX
Yeah... I'm not a big fan of "breakable walls", because then it creates cutoff like this. Maybe have blocks instead of actual ledge tiles.
I fail to see how these blocks can act like quicksand.
Also, these blocks act like coins before the P-switch, and are solid afterwards. At least make the GFX change when a switch is pressed. Use LM's ExAnimation feature
These two parts were humanly
impossible, and I had to put slo-mo to pass. It's only the 3rd or so level. Come on. Save this for kaizo hacks and/or final levels.
Big walls of bullet bill cannons looks nooby and unproffesional.
And so does screens full of cement blocks. Differentiate between solid and passable cement blocks. Also, the Goal Sphere has glitched graphics. You don't seem to be using any of the Forest sprites, so it should be an easy change.
Me being able to stand here + cutoff ledge below me + weird pointless orange thing = no explanation. Fix and/or remove it all.
Why do you still have the invisible coin blocks there. :<
And why does this still have a bad palette
And why are there urchins in the sky (btw, the land formations have slight cutoff)
And why do I randomly fall here, even though I was clearly standing on the platform.
And why can I walk on these
And why does that block give me a glitched 5up
And *shot* (why does Mario have a glitched palette here, and why does he shoot glitched objects?)
From below, this block acts like a normal glitched 5-up block
But from above, the block disappears, and gives me the glitched 5-up
And I decided to stop there. You have barely changed anything. Please, PLEASE,
have someone
WHO IS FAMILIAR WITH THE SITE'S EXPECTATIONS to play through your hack and critique it. It needs lots and lots of work. Also, you yourself should play through the hack. If something looks like it'll be a removal reason, even the slightest, then